Tuesday, June 7, 2016


By Juan Montoya
With that no-good, no-account wannabe prosecutor in Hamilton County, Ohio, deciding that the state would not seek charges against the mother of the 3-year-old boy who fell into a gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo, City of Brownsville Commissioner Jessica Tetreau has been denied her great opportunity for public catharsis.
Even after she had promised her Facebook fans a few days ago that charges would be press (sic) at any moment and had her sidekick Evelyn Cantu ready and champing at the bit to accompany her in her public display on unabated grief, alas, it all came to naught.
"It's going to be big," Jess promised her fans. 
"I can hardly wait," one responded.
The prosecutor in Cincinnati justified not filing charges against the parents after he viewed all available evidence and reasoned that the boy’s mother was temporarily distracted by other children when the boy fell into the exhibit.
"If you ever had a three-year old child, you know that can happen," he told reporters at the news conference.
Little did he know that he was raining on the commish's parade and the possibility that she could get good publicity to push for her friend Cantu's candidacy against Dr. Tony Zavaleta in the Texas Southmost College runoff race.
On May 28, the three-year old had a 10-minute encounter with Harambe, a 450-pound gorilla who was born in the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville 17 years and a day before. Harambe pulled the boy across a moat and was fatally shot by zoo personnel.
We guess that Jessica's pal Cantu is going to have to run on her own merits instead of courting the sympathies of the thousands of TSC voters in mourning over the fallen ape.
RIP Harambe.


Anonymous said...

Helen Chavez, activist and the widow of the late Cesar Chavez, died Monday at age 88.

Chavez died from natural causes and was surrounded by family at the time of her death, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Born Helen Fabela in Brawley, California, on Jan. 21, 1928, Chavez began working in the fields when she was a teen to help support her family. She met her husband, labor leader Cesar Chavez, in Delano, California, in the mid-1940s. They were married in 1948 and had eight children.

Described by those who knew her as a “fiercely determined and strong-willed” woman, Chavez played a vital role in helping her husband launch and sustain the United Farm Workers of America, the first enduring farm worker’s union in U.S. history.

“Enduring [great] hardship, Helen often had to raise the children by herself while Cesar was on the road. She returned to fieldwork while Cesar organized up and down California’s vast Central Valley; on weekends Cesar and some of the older children joined her,” noted the United Farm Workers in a statement released Monday.

Harambe said...

Jessie is one sexy bitch! Let's vote for Evelyn.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, get the fuck over it Juan.

Anonymous said...

You are starting to sound as crazy as the parade float balloon blimp. Who cares?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

He didn't "fall" into the exhibit. He climbed two barriers.

Further proof Trump's wall won't work.

Anonymous said...

brownsville tax payers need to be reimbursed by the moronic mother who let kid climb in.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess Ms. Cantu will have to show her own Chango to promote herself, would be nice to see Jessy's Changuito too

Anonymous said...

Jessica bites her nails
Very Un diva like

Anonymous said...

Jessica is hot? Are you wearing beer goggles? Pobrecita she has a possum face. Look at her side by side with a picture of one and you'll see what I mean. The bitch doesn't have a prayer. She thinks she's beautiful but no nose job, ear job, or braces could fix that amount of ugly.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha that is hilarious, I had 3 little boys and when they were 3 years old they were never unattended. Strollers are there to rent and possibly free. The News had said at one point C.P.S. had been involved with family once before???? But then again this sounds like a politic debate and nothing to do with the shooting or welfare of a 3 year old. So typical for "The Valley" The Trump thing truly was funny though.

Anonymous said...

While we mourn the gorilla, Jim Barton's writing gets "worser and worser," booby whiteman eats his way through the Hershey highway and Trump self-destructs. These are historic times Juan.

Anonymous said...

"While we mourn the gorilla, Jim Barton's writing gets "worser and worser," booby whiteman eats his way through the Hershey highway and Trump self-destructs. These are historic times Juan."

Does Duardo suck donkey logs or what?

Anonymous said...

I would do Jesse a favor onlyif she begs for it , I rather spend 20 in matamoros

Anonymous said...

Ill will do jesse as long as she wont hit me

Anonymous said...

Why did salarza stop strip joint in mexico if jesse is getting screwed everywhere here

Anonymous said...

Jim BARTON has a good reason for slacking on that comatose blog of his - his wife, Nena, is dying. Dood ought to tend to her, is what I say. No respect for the Mexican woman again.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn would be another Tetreau. They have no agenda. They only listen to people who kiss their ass and promise to support their campaign. Oh, kinda like Evelyn kissing Jessica's fat ass. I guess the favor is being returned. They have no brains. They are influenced by trends on Facebook and the opinions of stupid people who tell them they're cool.

Anonymous said...

Every time Jessica puts her foot in her mouth she plays the victim posting of course on Facebook that her haters hate themselves more. This is the reason she claims is why people question her stupid posts or actions or lack of action. If that doesn't work she posts videos or pictures of her new born son to gather sympathy of a new mother so people can back off of her stupidity. The fact she if backing up Evelyn shows her lack of caring for the students or citizens of Brownsville,TX. All she wants is to have women on the boards no matter who they are because she wants women to rule. She hates men and thinks she is the voice for the women. Not that men can't work with women in power it is that she and her friends hate men. That is not a reason to vote for women just because they are women. How do the citizens benefit from having a man or a women in office. It is about the best person regardless of their sex.

Jessica needs a reality check. If she doesn't have another reason to be in office or her friends only because they are women we are in trouble. Serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

Where is grandpa in all this?? He would know what to do
