Monday, August 29, 2016


By Juan Montoya
What if your landlord suddenly told you that he was raising your rent for your one-bedroom apartment by $72?
And what if you were a retired senior citizen and was struggling each month to make ends meet between buying medications, food and other necessities. At $72 more per month that's $864 more per year that you would be required to ante up if you want to stay in one of the two Amigos del Valle complexes in Brownsville and seven other complexes across the Rio Grande Valley.
That is not sitting well with some seniors who are now petitioning the members of the Amigos del Valle board of directors to nix the request by Amigos del Valle area director Maria E. Garza.
They complain that the hike increase will affect them negatively since they are all on a fixed income.
According to the letter notifying the tenants of the proposed maximum allowable increase, it will be up to the ADV board of directors to decide whether to grant the proposal and impose the higher rent on the elderly tenants.
"That amount is out of touch and excessive for all senior citizens here in the Rio Grande Valley," one wrote. "We need help to prevent this increase or at least to lower the amount."
To that end, a group of seniors have gone public with their concerns and with what they say is a lack of responsible spending at the corporation.
They point to the lack of ramps on sidewalks at the complexes that make it difficult for seniors using walkers to navigate through the complex.
They also say that ADV has "refused to install handicapped hardware in their bathrooms and refuse to build ramps on their sidewalks to help senior citizens walk on their sidewalks. Tenants with wheelchairs or walker have to walk on the streets among the traffic."
Displaying sidewalk 2.jpgInstead, they say that the staff has splurged on luxuries for themselves that make their request for a rent hike highly questionable
"Amigos Del Valle does not need any increases as they purchase items not related to their businesses such as tablets, very large LCD tvs, surveillance cameras on every property, golf carts and expensive vehicle and other unessential items," wrote another. 
"Tenants with wheelchairs are unable to walk on the sidewalk and if they get on the street they face the speed bumps," added another. "Some have already fallen. This occurs almost on a daily basis."   
City commissioner John Villarreal is on the board of directors and will have a vote on whether to raise the rent.
The seniors hope that he will move to either vote against the rent hike or reduce it drastically. 
"They should fix the complexes and provide all of the bathrooms with equipment to comply with the ADA (American with Disabilities Act)," wrote another.
If approved, the higher rents would kick in February 2017, the letter sent the tenants states. The proposal also includes a $53 raise on efficiency apartments.
Commissioner Villarreal's contact information is: 

john.villarreal@cob.usPhone: (956) 459-8945
Fax: (956) 546-1635


Anonymous said...

Juan, what you don't write is that these Amigos Del Valle tenants pay a ridiculously low monthly rent in the first place! $90 for a one bedroom is a joke. They should pay the extra money. They may be seniors, but they are still alive and taking up space.

Anonymous said...

Villareal will do nothing, 'cause he is not a problem-solver. John Villarreal's brain is steeped in knowledge of "maiz" used by the ton in his tortilla enterprise and, sadly, that has turned his brain to mush.

Anonymous said...

How does amigos del Valle get away with so many violations of the Americans with disabilities act?

Anonymous said...

I feel for them, but how much is there rent right now? You don't say that

Anonymous said...

Thank you Zeke Silva for bringing this story to rrun rrun. we know you are fighting for your father that lives there. Eso!

Anonymous said...

Mexicans. Always want everything free or at welfare-tit prices. Should've made better life choices or they wouldn't be screaming about a measly rent increase after having an entire lifetime to work and save. Oh wait, Mexicans don't work and they don't save... or think... or much of anything. Never mind.

chief cool arrow said...

Amigos del Valle is under NEW Management, new executive director, new staff etc, so higher salaries mean higher rents, its so simple to figure it out and do the math. Now on the other hand if your elected city commissioner /ADV board member does not show up to the ADV meetings and votes on these important matters well then folks here are the results- high rents, just the facts-adios. cca

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya is absolutely wrong with this article. If you look at the letter posted, the actual increase ends up being $13 for the 1 bedroom and not the $72 he claims. What he should do is get all the facts straight before posting something like this. Amigos Del Valle does not control the rents, they are regulated by HUD to maintain its affordability. Instead of undermining the agency's efforts to provide services to the senior citizens, he should support such an agency that prides itself on helping seniors when everyone else forgets about them.

Anonymous said...

Wrong Amigos Del Valle is requesting to increase the rent from HUD. You don't know how to read. The increase also includes a deduction on the utility allowance from 80 to 70. That mean the light bill will also increase. Why are they Amigos doing this is beyond reason. Also keep in mind the SS increase COV. That will result in an increase of rent by three time. The original increase requested, the utility bill increase and last the increase of rent on ss. The rent will go up three times. Gracias Amigos Del Valle for your consideration. By the way learn to read first. The above poster...

Anonymous said...

The poster that posted that the article is wrong and is an employee of amigos del valle. That's all they do waste their time. First learn to read.

Anonymous said...

Amigos Del Valle is requesting an increase of their rent from HUD. HUD only approves what amount ADV is requesting. If approve ADV will increase the rent. So it's ADV that will increase the rent NOT HUD. HUD only approves the amount that is requested. Learn to read... And get back to WORK...

Anonymous said...

Juan Villarreal District 4 City Commission only got 67.1 percent of the vote last time.

Anonymous said...

That's 17% more than 50% + 1. What's your point?
