Friday, August 26, 2016



Anonymous said...

Romo is very fragile and can't take a hit. Cowboys will never succeed with him at the helm. Another loosing season, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Different season same Romo

Anonymous said...

Romo is a very good quarterback his numbers say so,but his time has passed

Anonymous said...

All the ignorant Romo bashers were singing a different tune last year when he didn't play and the team fell apart. Get the fuck off his case and go cheer for some other team. A true fan appreciates all he has done for the team and what a class person Romo is.

Anonymous said...

Romo is Mexican. He's not an "achiever."

Anonymous said...

Dallas Morning News is reporting a fracture in his back. Time for Tony to retire when while he can still walk. A big hit in a regular season game and he might not get up.

Anonymous said...

Thats exactly what romo would say

Anonymous said...

You and every other cowboy fan who has never seen a live Cowboys game wish Romo was Mexican. That's just marketing techniques. The only time he's seen mexico is when he went with jessica simpson to cancum right before the playoff game he lost!!!!

Anonymous said...

No mames ,Then Suck his balls why don't you

chief cool arrow said...

turn out the lights the partys over, time for a new quarterback for the cowboys if they want a winnign season, if not then keep Romo. Lets not kid ourselves, I agree with 4.56 pm says, Tony Romo its time TO RE-TIRE PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

Romo's father is Mexican. Google it, you goddamned motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

"Tony’s father is a second-generation Mexican-American, and likely has Spanish-Mexican ancestry. Tony’s mother has German and Polish heritage."
PA los que no SABEN.

Anonymous said...

Rigo Bocanegra says he once tried-out for the Dallas Cowboys! ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Yeah his dad is half Mexican
Tony is NOT Mexican

Anonymous said...

11:35pm you are a typical stereotype, brown nosing, nose hair pulling, eyebrow plucking, ball licker, fart smeller, romo defender, ball sweat wiper and romo lover bean wipe

Anonymous said...

Romo is a second generation HOMO. FUCK THE COWBOYS!!!

Anonymous said...

Go Texans go Texans
