Saturday, August 27, 2016


(Ed.s Note: For years, members of Choferes Unidos, the Brownsville Independent School District bus drivers' union has agitated for better wages. Now that a board majority has given Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas a two-year extension and a salary hike of $35,000 and offered them a 2 percent raise, they came out in force again to express their dissatisfaction with the administration and the BISD board of trustees. The Zendejas contract extension makes her fire-proof and ties the hands of the incoming board trustees in the upcoming Nov. 8 election. A twenty-cent raise amounts to an insult against these men and women who are entrusted to transport our most precious cargo, our children. If we did without just one field of artificial turf in one middle school or with the indoors training field at Rivera, they could easily get a raise tomorrow. And you say we have our educational priorities in line with the needs of our community? Not.)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Voters better be careful with the candidates ,to ensure they are not supporting the Rodriguez, lopez,elizondo and cherinos (majority)

Anonymous said...

VOTE KENT 2016..

Anonymous said...

I saw these men(and women) walking down from the bus barn to the BISD building last Friday as I was driving down Old Port Isabel Road and Price. They were being escorted by a motorcycle police officer, but they were walking on the sidewalk. It made me feel so sad to see these people walking carrying water jugs, with palm sombreros, backpacks, asking (and I HOPE DEMANDING) a better salary to put food on the table. The heat and humidity made it worse.
WHAT does the superintendent do for the children of BISD? Curriculum is done by assistant superintendents that have other people with administrative certificates that actually do the work, monies are handled by chief financial officer and all accountants and clerks under him. WHY is the superintendent's salary so HIGH in an area where the average worker makes under the poverty level and the average student is under financial assistance and with federal government assistance?
I remember watching on abc news sometime ago a superintendent in a small community in California where the majority of the students were migrant workers and the school district was having financial problems; the superintendent donated 1/2 of his salary back to the district to give the students school supplies. Instead of giving cars and computers away, donate to the people who actually take care of the students and are at the bottom of the barrel in salary.
Brownsville ISD loses 1,000 to 2,000 students a year to the charter schools. Board members, YOU are responsible for the problems BISD faces. YOU approve or disapprove. The blame falls ON YOU.
I agree with anonymous 11:11 AM.
Time to clean house.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Time to clean house...Enough is Enough, Vote for Kent and Sylvia and hooray for the bus drivers, also vote for Powers.Enough corruption, Where are the Texas Rangers and the DA..

Anonymous said...

It's just the same old Brownsville. Zendejas reminds me of President Julie Garcia, who took her unjustified raise from the English Department. Hooray for the drivers! Maybe the super will turn loose of part of her raise. But somehow I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

KENT WHITTENMORE has his own skeletons. is he a member of a supremacist group? who knows?

Anonymous said...

My grandchildren attend BISD schools. Staff, bus monitors, cafeteria employees, and teachers deserve a higher raise.
I am not a supporter of former or current trustees. A lot of decisions have not been made in the best interest of BISD.
Just this week the Herald had on the front page the 2 million dollar lawsuit and let's face it, this was the beginning of all lawsuits.
Catalina Presas and Luci Longoria made an embarrassment of our school district. So for all seeking BISD election, keep in mind some of us want trustees that will work together and put the district and it's needs first.

Anonymous said...

I am,just because!

Anonymous said...

Who the ef cares, can he really be any worse for the students of BISD than what is already in place? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Dumb SOB can't even write a protest sign in English and wonders why they don't get shit.

Anonymous said...

Really dumb shit, Kent and Sylvia are Rats.

Anonymous said...

Juan refuses to post my Kent comments. Guess Montoya is on Salazar payroll.

Anonymous said...

And BISD makes its employees work on Labor Day.

Anonymous said...

Take your raise and shove it up your ass you fascist pig!! Once again you have demonstrated your true colors and walk all over the people you claim to work for

Anonymous said...

no vale verga !!
35000.00 to much $$$
no vale verga
one year at a time for the Dr Z.LIKE EVERBODY ELSE.

Anonymous said...

Competition is whats missing school choice be it-charter schools, private, home school. And keep firing the incumbent sons of bitches every election.

Anonymous said...

does Kent Whittenmore speak Spanish? If he doesn't, he's in the wrong town!

Anonymous said...

Poor bus drivers don't get paid for the summer months. They work split schedules which prevents them from taking a second job during the school year. This means they commute to and from work twice a day. That equals twice the expense in gasoline, car wear and tear, or public transportation. Their job prevents them from collecting unemployment during the summer months, and they get a 20 cent raise. That's baloney!!!! Meanwhile DR. ZEDEJA JUST got ano almost $3k a month. A bus driver would have to work 15,000 hours to make an extra $3000 with a 20 cent raise. That's 40 hours a week for 7 years (52 weeks) times 20 cents raise to equal $3000.
Does this lady have any values/ morals/ compassion/ or shame????

Anonymous said...

The sign is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
They got a 2% raise which if they make $10 per hour amounts to .20 or 20 cents
Sign says .02% because 2% becomes 0.02.
Poor guy.
Must of graduated from "el BISD"

Anonymous said...

The sign is serving it's purpose, Spanish or English. These gentlemen are very responsible and treat students very well. I rode the bus to Egly then later Vermillion Elementary. My Jr. High years at Oliviera and High School at Hanna then Rivera were all positive memories of bus driversion who cared about the cargo. I had a car at times perfer to ride the bus to talk to friends. I appreciate BISD bus drivers, monitors, and other bus barn workers who are the first ones kids mingle with on the way to classes. This person calling this man a SOB without knowing who he is sounds like an uneducated individual full of hate.
I have One easy solution to regain some funds to have room for raises. Charter schools are taking only the best of the best, they do not tolorate disabled, special Ed, nor students with the occasional misbehavior or tardy. The leave those in BISD who elects to try to work with ALL children/student. BISD is also losing students that fall on the other extreme, the ones that we lose to the streets, or the job force. I think BISD is fighting too hard fighting Idea for the good ones, BISD should fight for the ones we are losing to parent hood, dropout, or work force. Offer more vocational programs, ac repair. Wielding, things like that. Kids misbehave because they do not like or are interested in two english, two math classes to pass 5 test that the state requires. Let's prepare the ones who just want a regular job without college. I recently ran into a young man product of BISD, he was a RN but list his certificate, he works out of town 8 months of the year wielding pipes, he says he doubled his income. His wife and kids are in brownsville where he spends his $100,000 plus supporting them. So if BISD loses 1000 students to IDEA, they should pick up 1000 and serve them in a vocational setting, making them productive. BISD will not lose, ir will match the checks and balances. Lose some from the top but gain many from the bottom.
At the same time behavior will improve, drop out rates will improve. Teachers will have the students who actually want that education. Win Winn.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
does Kent Whittenmore speak Spanish? If he doesn't, he's in the wrong town!

August 28, 2016 at 7:39 AM

I don't know if he speaks Spanish but he was married (now divorced) for many years to a Hispanic that I believe still works for BISD but now uses her maiden name.

Anonymous said...

el rrun rrun is going to get better the next three months !
go job juan !!

Anonymous said...

KENT WHITTENMORE and Dr. Zendejas are friends we can not vote.

Anonymous said...

Teachers be smart don't vote for that dumb shit Kent .

Anonymous said...

Si, lo speako, cabron!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, brownsville is very close to the USA

Anonymous said...

Pobre pendejos de los choferes. No les pagan mas porque no son de aqui. Que se vayan a manejar las peseras de Matamoros. Haber si les dan un aumento de saldo en moros. Bola de idiotas... caminen el Puente bola de pendejos.

Anonymous said...

The root of all problems are the current majority bisd board lead by Carlos Elizondo Zendejas lap dog, Joe Rodriguez, Cesar Lopez and Hector Chirinos. This are the people that are robbing the children of Brownsville blind.

Anonymous said...

How about speakie English and you might not find yourself in poverty your whole life here. White, educated, hard working people aren't about to assimilate down to accommodate a bunch of peasants from the third world.

Anonymous said...

Your Grammer an Spanish skills lead me to believe you yourself are from matamoros or were educated in "moros" you have demonstrated the typical crab behavior your people are known for.
Smh. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Grammer? It's grammar you stupid wetback! GTFO you fat necked, donkey eared moron!!!!

Anonymous said...

the raise is 22 cents which is still not much. we should be at $10.00 an hour . dr. zendejas got her raise back in June. would like to know the justification on that. will be a mystery who will win and lose. by time early voting starts , will get real dirty and all. voters are tired of the same old song. no wonder you cant' get a lot of people to vote in a local election. maybe move the school election back to May instead of mixing it in with presidential election. Make it a Holiday too then!!!

#vivaBrownsville said...

The bus drivers should quit and get better paying jobs.
