Tuesday, September 27, 2016


 having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
By Mr. Arthur Teniente:
Q Good afternoon, Mr. Silva. Can you please introduce yourself to the judge and tell him who you are and how you're involved in this case.
 A My name is Ezequiel Silva and I'm a victim of theft, burglary.
Image result for zeke silvaQ Okay. And can you tell the judge reason why  you're here?
A The reason I'm here is because I don't agree with the recommendation of county jail being the fact
 that this man burglarized homes and trying to sneak in through the back door while my daughter was taking a shower early in the morning. I had just left. And not just my home, but various homes as people were actually getting ready to go to work or ready to go to school, in
this particular case. And not just did one home, but six homes. And only got -- was able to make sure that he didn't do worse.
Q Okay. And just so everyone knows, are you aware of the particular terms of the proposed punishment for him would be for him to be on probation for five years and to serve 60 days county jail as a condition of that probation?
A I understand that he is under the impression that we want restitution.
Q Okay.
A And I was confused when I was asked to give receipts.
Q Okay.
A Thinking that they were just asking me for receipt.
Q Okay.
A And because I gave receipts of what was broken  and stolen, somehow the state figure that I want restitution, therefore, recommended probation.
Q Okay. Because you think you gave receipts, you think that somehow that that was interpreted as you okaying probation?
A Yes, sir.
Q Where, in fact, you're not okay with it?
A I'm not okay with it.
Q And can you tell the judge why?
A Yes. Because of the way he did it. He broke into homes as people were getting ready to go to work, while they were taking showers. He went through the back door not caring. I mean, what scares me as a father and as a husband is that I have no idea what he could have done if he would have walked in on my daughter taking a shower, and he didn't do it to only one home. He did it to a few homes.
Q Okay.
A And he did not show any remorse when I talked to him. Because when I showed up to the house, I saw that the detectives outside and he told me, Yeah, I ripped your home off. The detective asked me where I lived and I told him that house. He goes, Yeah, I ripped you off. I stole from you. He was like no big deal. During arraignment when I show up, he showed no remorse whatsoever. He never said I was sorry. He was like, Hey, hurry up, Judge. I was there. He wanted the judge to hurry up and get him out of there. So when I see a person that has no remorse for what he did, stole that many homes, broke into that many homes while people were in the home, this guy is dangerous.
Q So you're saying he doesn't deserve probation?
A No, he does not. I'm not saying that he want to throw away and lock the key. I'm saying he needs
to be taught a lesson and county jail is not a lesson.
Q So you're saying county jail wouldn't be good enough for you?
A No, he needs to get a --
Q What would be good enough for you?
A A month or two in federal -- I mean, state prison.
Q Okay. Are you aware that for these level of offenses, if he got sent to state to jail, that would be
-- the minimum legally would be six months?
A Then that's -- if that's the minimum, then that's the minimum.
Q Okay. Is there anything else you want the judge to know about this case?
A I want the judge to know that, Your Honor, I'm a husband. I'm a father first and I'm a business owner. I work hard for what I have, and I didn't do it by stealing or breaking into people's home. I had to put cameras. Every time we leave, we got to double check every day our home, three times. I got infrared cameras everywhere in my back yard, front yard and side because of this guy. Now my family lives in fear because we have no idea what this guy is going to do, if he's going to go back. He stalked us. It's no fun living in fear, man.
Mr. Teniente: I pass the witness.

By Mr Ed Stapleton:
Q Mr. Silva, what kind of business is it that you're an owner of?
A A trucking company, sir.
Image result for ed stapletonQ Now, as a general premise, Mr. Silva, you would recognize that someone could commit crimes and reckless bad acts when they're young 19, 20, 21, and then outgrow it, get past it. Aren't you familiar with that general premise?
A Every case is different. I've seen kids -- I've heard of kids killing, so what difference does that make, sir?
Q Well, no, the reason I asked you that is because I've got your letter that you sent to the court on it. You make particular references, Well, he may be 19, but we look in his eyes. Mr. Silva, you were being arrested when you were 19, weren't you?
A I don't see how that's relevant, sir. I didn't break into people's home.
Q You broke into their cars?
A I didn't break into nobody's car.
Q Burglary of an automobile?
A It was dismissed. It was mistaken identity.
Q Evading arrest?
A If you --
Q Multiple DWIs, assaults. You had ten arrests when you were young, didn't you?
A What does that have to do with anything, sir?
Q Well, it has to do with your opinion and the ability of somebody to change.
A Let me -- let me explain something to you. Number one, okay, you're telling me that because  something happened 30 years ago, 25 years ago, I should be turning the other way and just get raped.
Q No, I'm saying that you should understand --
A No, I shouldn't, sir.
Q -- that a 19-year-old --
A I'm sorry. No, I shouldn't.
Q -- has not fixed is personality at that point and there is --
A No, sir, I disagree with you.
Q -- reason for change.
A You're putting words in my mouth. I should not. I don't have to. I'm a victim, sir.
Q Well, you know, the -- you're also -- you do have something else in common with him, you're both
felons, right?
A I have a DWI. I'm not a thief.
Q But you're a felon?
A I have a DWI, sir, 22 years ago.
Q Okay.
A And I paid my restitution. I employ over 50 people and I pay over a million dollars in taxes.
Q All right. But for the purposes of our hearing here, you have been finally convicted of a felony DWI --
A I pled guilty for a DWI. Q -- have you not?
10 THE COURT: Mr. Silva, this thing will go a lot smoother and a lot quicker if you just answer the
MR. SILVA: I feel like I'm the defendant here.
THE COURT: Well, I know. Are you a convicted felon, yes or no?
MR. SILVA: Yes, sir.
THE COURT: Okay. All right. There you go.
Q (By Mr. Stapleton) And that was based on it being your third conviction for DWI, wasn't it?
 A Yes.
Q All right. Now, Mr. Silva, what this really is about is a political battle that you've been having with
Luis Saenz, isn't it?
A Oh, my gosh. What does that have to do with anything? No.
Q It has to do with your bias and prejudice and why --
THE COURT: The answer is no.
Q (By Mr. Stapleton) All right. Did you, in fact, oppose him for the -- during the last election?
A No.
Q You didn't?
MR. SILVA: Your Honor, I don't see how this is relevant.
THE COURT: Just answer no?
A No.
THE COURT: The answer is no.
Q (BY Mr. Stapleton) Did you give money to his opponent?
 A No.
Q All right.
THE COURT: Are you saying that just because everybody opposes Luis Saenz, they're out to get him or embarrass him afterwards or what?
 MR. STAPLETON: No, what I'm saying is in this particular case that he had an opportunity, a tool to embarrass Luis Saenz, and he was doing it over the back of this young man.
THE COURT: And how would that come about?
Mr, Stapleton: Well, because it happens, and therefore, he then -- well, if I can read to him what he says. He says in his letter, We have a district attorney, Luis Saenz, that doesn't care for justice. He
has ignored numerous phone calls from me and refuses to hear me out. We feel we have no justice in Cameron County. The state is failing to do its job. He is using this case as a vehicle for his political agenda.
THE COURT: But how would he know that this the case is going to turn out the way he wants it or the way he thinks it's going to turn out? How does he know that to be able to use it as a platform? That's a lot of assumptions. What if I send him to prison, what is he going to do then?
Mr. Stapleton: Well, he still blames Luis Saenz, Judge.
THE COURT: That I sent him to prison?
MR. STAPLETON: Well, he can blame Luis Saenz for not doing his job. I mean, they made the  recommendation.
THE COURT: And what standing would he  have to do that? I mean, he'd be failing on all fours on that one because not only did he get arrested, but he got convicted, he got prosecuted, and he's in the penitentiary. I'm not sure what a district attorney can do after that.
Mr. Stapleton: Well, let me wrap it up with this, Judge.
THE COURT: Thank you.
Q (BY Mr. Stapleton) Mr. Silva, at the very least, would you be willing to consider, to open your mind to the possibility that you have overcome an early history and maybe he will be able to do so also given a chance?
A No.
Q All right.
MR. STAPLETON: I pass the witness.
 BY Mr. Teniente:
Q Mr. Silva, is there anything else you wanted the judge to know or anything you want to clear up?
A Yeah. I want to be able to clear up that whether the circumstances, whether I -- it happened 22
 years ago, Your Honor --
Q Basically that's irrelevant?
A That's irrelevant.
THE COURT: Well, the point he made was a point that he made. Nothing more than that is taken.
The point is, you got an opportunity back then when you were not using your judgment. He wants to know why he can't he have that same opportunity when he didn't use his judgment. That's all he's saying.
MR. SILVA: Okay.
THE COURT: The fact that you have your problems and you -- you're right. It has nothing to do with nothing, but what he's driving home is the point that you got a break, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
Nobody sent you to the penitentiary when they could have, right? But they didn't. They give you a chance and said, Let's see if he can, and here you are. You have a successful trucking business. You're well-respected in the community. Everything came back to you in the form through hard work. He's wondering why would it not be a possibility for him to achieve the same thing that you  achieved when you had a bad start in life? That's all he's saying as a premise.
MR. SILVA: I didn't break into you six homes, Your Honor.
THE COURT: I understand the level in your -- the difference in your crimes are different. I understand that. That you did whatever. This has nothing to do with breaking into peoples' homes, but it's still breaking the law under the umbrella of breaking the law. You had an opportunity and you were able to do something with that. He wants to know why he is not entitled to an opportunity to show that this is not him and that he will succeed in life and he will become a productive member of society. After all, Mr. Silva, you need to understand, and I hope you do subscribe to this one, that as a result of the society's approach to some of these young ones, the young ones that get into this mess unexpectedly, that they don't blow their life away because there is a life to be recovered and there is a life to be lived later on as you have done. That's all he's saying.
MR. SILVA: Does he have a job?
THE COURT: He's going to get a job. Look, this is what I intend to do and I wanted to do -- I'm not telling all of it, but if I gave him probation, one condition: You better not be seen in that neighborhood. If you get picked up in that neighborhood, you see him, you call the cops and say, This guy is not supposed to be in the neighborhood. He gets picked up in the neighborhood, he's gone to the penitentiary for whatever time. He's gone. I promise you that much. Let's be clear about that, okay?
THE COURT: He's gone. The other thing I'm going to say, restitution, Mr. Kennedy says, If he gave me $6,000, you know what, I'll be willing to sit back and watch him. Hopefully he'll succeed or hopefully not. Did I get you wrong?
MR. KENNEDY: That's right.
THE COURT: That's what he said, I'm willing to give him a chance, but if he gives $6,000 on what damage he did, okay. That's what he's asking you now to consider that. Guy's 19 years old, stupid. He didn't use the right judgment. He committed -- he could have ended up dead, especially if those dogs would have gotten a hold of him, I'm sure they would have torn him to pieces. Mr. Kennedy's dogs. He was lucky that the dogs didn't come out and chase him down because he wouldn't be here in one piece.
MR. KENNEDY: I agree.
THE COURT: He was lucky. But he knows and he's going to find out, you have weapons. There's
not a single person that doesn't have a weapon in their home. Next time he breaks into somebody, they're not going to say, Who is it? They're just going to start shooting and he'll be there. One day you're going to read: Stevie Ray Garcia found dead in the kitchen full of lead. That's the way he wanted to roll. That's the way he wanted to exit this world on somebody else's kitchen floor dead. You understand me?
MR. SILVA: I understand you, but can I ask you something else?
THE COURT: You certainly can.
MR. SILVA: I don't appreciate everything that Mr. Stapleton said. I wondered if I could have it
taken away because I understand that this is political. He's making it political.
THE COURT: Well, I don't understand. I want to tell you something, Mr. Silva. I don't understand his point about that either, but I don't think he made a point with me anyway.
MR. SILVA: Yeah, but he wants a public record, though.
THE COURT: Well, I don't know why. I'm not sure if I'm in the middle of something political between you and Mr. Stapleton.
MR. SILVA: I don't what came out of this.
THE COURT: All right.
MR. SILVA: I have no idea, man.
MR. SILVA: Can it be stricken?
THE COURT: Do you understand what I'm  saying?
MR. SILVA: Yes, sir, I understand, but can it be stricken?
MR. STAPLETON: What is the request?
THE COURT: That you stand by your cross-examination of him?
MR. STAPLETON: Oh, absolutely I stand by it. I've got another hour of cross if he wants to continue, Judge.
 THE COURT: Oh, yeah. Well, do you want to ask me for permission before you do that?
MR. STAPLETON: I pass the witness.
THE COURT: Thank you.
MR. STAPLETON: But I think my cross was perfectly appropriate and I stand by it.
THE COURT: All right. Mr. Silva, I think you can step down. You need anything else?
MR. TENIENTE: No. No more questions of  this witness from me. No more witnesses.

THE COURT: Mr. Stevie Ray Garcia, come on up. Are these normally state jail felonies, all four of
MR. STAPLETON: Yes, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Mr. Teniente?
MR. TENIENTE: Yes, they are, all four cases, yes. As he's pled to them they're all state jail.
THE COURT: Can you approach? Can I shock him out of there?
THE COURT: State jail?
THE COURT: All right. That's what I'm going to do for a little bit, a couple of months. He
needs to see where he's going to go. It is the order, judgment, and decree in Cause Number 2016-DCR-98...Cause Number 2016-DCR-99...Cause Number 2016-DCR-100...and Cause Number 2016-DCR-109...that you be taken by the sheriff of this county and that you be transferred to the authorized receiving agent of the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice state jail facility, where you shall be confined for a period of two years. All four sentences to be run concurrent. Your sentence will commence this day and you'll be given credit for anytime you spent in jail. The court will not assess a fine. Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz wears his moustache so people want be able to see his forked tongue, or his lips move when he lies. Luis Saenz is just another selfish politician who would sell his mother out to promote himself. No information available to Saenz is protected or sealed.

Anonymous said...

Silva is a felon and weasel.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha !!!!!!! That was funny as hell , great job Stapleton that Silvia guy is a piece of shit he drank the tit and now is crying like a little kitty

Anonymous said...

Zeke should be ashamed with a past like that calling the kettle black no vale madre

Anonymous said...

What destroyed the friendship between DA Luis Saenz and Zeke Silva was Mellissa Zamora. She made sure Zeke was blamed for every bad comment that was written about her in the blogs. She literally cried on Luis shoulder as well as his Chief George Delanay. Zeke never put up with their shenanigans and left for greener pastures. That never sat well with Melissa so she made sure she leaked personal information to Bobby Whitman Brownsville Voice. Once elrrun connected the dots he exposed Melissa Zamora and boy did DA Luis Saenz explode. He made Juan Montoya and Zeke Silva public enemy #1. He is still after them somehow someway he will get even with them for having Mellissa quit the DA office to work for Harlingen.

It is rumored that Luis Saenz hearts still cried for her. Have you seen how much weight Luis has lost since Melissa left. It is just sad.

Oh well...Goof for Zeke for standing up for himself and other victims. He always stood up to bully's. Even the District Judge Magallanes said "You are Respected by the community". You can't say that about Luis Saenz,George Delanay or Mellissa Zamora

Anonymous said...

Dogshit, all dogshit

Anonymous said...

49% of Cameron County voted against Luis Saenz. Do you know why? OK I'll tell you why...because he is a two faced, back stabbing, no integrity,unloyal,untrustworthy,can't keep a secret, womanizing SCUM lousy attorney.

49% of all Voters think of Luis Saenz as non fit to be a District Attorney. Luis Saenz is easily beatable if he had a worthy opponent.

Anonymous said...

Who is a worthy opponent? He needs to go

#vivaBrownsville said...


Anonymous said...

Apoco la Melissa tenia halgo con el bigoton de Luis? No puede ser hombre! Esa mujer es una santa...

Anonymous said...

Shame on Ed Stapleton. He tried to ridicule Mr. Silva by becoming the message boy for DA Luis Saenz. This only shows how the District Attorney will stoop to the lowest level of integrity by abusing his authority to get even with somebody that didn't help him in his campaign. The day of slaves are over Mr. Saenz. People have rights. Mr. Silva is correct by stating that you don't care about the victims you care more for praises and glories. Get over it. You are the District Attorney it is time you act like one. Don't seek vengeance on people you think didn't vote you.

Vato mammon.

Anonymous said...

Mr Silva Remember when you are running for office you had a felony you never went to the penitenti you have a second chance we know that you make a lot't of money and you pay that lot's tax Donald Trump don't pay no tax makes him 'smart you got your company you working for the county doing nothing you and Gavino Vasquez the only thing you do just drink coffee.

Anonymous said...

Back in 1996 when Luis Saenz was a DA he was indicted for SEXUAL HARRASMENT and the county settled the case. Now 22 years later he doesn't want anyone to bring it up because he says it was 22 years ago and he has moved on. Yet he makes Ed Stapleton bring up Zeke Silva past over 30 years ago. Luis Saenz as and elected official District Attorney used his power to have an affair with one of his secretary's then had it swept under the rug by having the county pay her off. Now he is upset at Masso for bringing up Luis Saenz obsession with sex with his staff. That is a no no. Luis Saenz was quoted telling the Brownsville Herald that having an affair is not a crime...ok so what is a crime to Luis Saenz? Is it running over a victim, leaving the scene and leaving the victim there to die?
To Luis Saenz that is not a crime because he let his niece and nephew walk away from any jail, only to have his nephew pick up a 2nd DWI just a week after his probation. Of course Luis made sure it was his first DWI again so he will have it taken off his record as soon as he finishes his probation. How long will it take before one of his family member kills someone? Probably a year because they're still drinking and driving. Mr. Saenz has selective prosecution. He only remembers who didn't vote for him or gave him money. This is the kind of District Attorney we have in Cameron County.

Zeke Silva wasn't lying when he said what he said. The different between Zeke and Luis is Zeke doesn't have message boys deliver messages he tells it like it is.

Anonymous said...

Convicted felon working for could ty what a surprise

Anonymous said...

I did not know that Zeke was a convicted felon. Wow, ain't that the pot calling the kettle black.
