Thursday, September 29, 2016


By Juan Montoya
We'd heard of the perks of office for public officials, but the story we heard that happened this weekend tops the list.
During the 50th Anniversary of the Class of 1966 held in conjunction with the Hanna-Rivera football game at Sams Stadium, several VIPs were invited as special guests to the recognition ceremony.
Among them were educators, coaches, and other

Brownsville Independent School District employees and staff members who played a part in the development of sports in the district.
One, since handicapped, received the invite and was driven to the game by a local resident. When they got to the parking area closes to the affair (by the Eagle's Nest, or Landreth's Locks), the driver parked in a handicapped parking area next to four empty parking spaces reserved for BISD board members.           

Right off the bat, the security guard for the district told the driver he could not park in the handicapped parking space next to the four spaces reserved for board members. But since the board member spaces were empty and the man had a handicapped permit, the driver ignored the guard and told him the VIP was handicapped and had the permit and refused to move.

Once inside the event, the security guard arrived with his supervisor and told the driver that he had to move the car because the handicapped parking space was reserved for handicapped board members.

Now, as far as we know, the handicapped signs don't specify which handicapped person the spaces are reserved for, nor do they make a distinction between board members and non-members.

Does Minerva Peña qualify because she occasionally makes limp statements during board meetings?
And does Hector Chirinos qualify because of his age, perhaps?
We could certainly understand Joe Rodriguez claiming some sort of disability since he looks like he could totter over any minute and suffer a nasty fall.

Nonetheless, after the guards told the driver to move the car from the space and the embarrassed VIP urged him not to argue with the nice officers and remove the bone of contention, the driver complied and had to move the car a long ways off from where the handicapped VIP was receiving his recognition.

The guards partially made up for their zeal in enforcing the "handicapped board members only" rule by giving the older VIP a lift in their nifty golf cart to where the car had been moved.


Anonymous said...

Maybe mentally handicap?

Anonymous said...

Maybe cesar lopez or Carlos elizondo have PTSD aka Pito SD
No se les para

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why not just designate the space for them by name. It is awkward to point out in the parking lot, what we point out on the blogs, that the BISD Board of Trustees are handicapped. The want special privilege and will do anything to "be special" or in this case, handicapped.

JOE LOPEZ said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just for the record the driver never presented a handicap tag. The real problem is people abusing their handicap tags. He stated he had a tag, but never presented it. Isn't it supposed to be displayed at all times? It just irks me when people and especially politicians make a scene. He was really out of line. Maybe the security officer was incorrect by stating it was for Board Members, because the handicap spot is in the same area. Stadium staff made accommodations for the past Coach prior to the game, which is done for any person that needs assistant. Regardless, citizens and especially elected officials need to start following the laws and stop abusing their so called power, and just because you are issued a handicap tag, because you drive a family member, doesn't give you the right to use it when ever you please. Take the extra steps, it's good for your health.

Anonymous said...

Why not use one of the four tow companies the wife of Judge Trejo has to tow the car?

Anonymous said...

Wouldnt blame him with that Addams Family wife he has! Then again Elizomdo is butt ugly so what can.we expect.

Liftplus said...

Thanks for sharing, it was interesting to read!
