Tuesday, September 6, 2016


By Juan Montoya
Well, the strategy of the Cameron County Republican party's nominee for the November general election for sheriff Victor Cortez seems to be is that his opponent is old and he is not.

In his two paragraph description of Lucio he uses the words "feeble" in his description of Lucio's alleged "attempt to deceive the public" by not putting a current photo on his campaign signs.

Someone should tell the former undercover DEA guy who made a living of not having his picture seen in public, that the race for sheriff is not a popularity contest.
Cortez also says that Lucio no longer "controls, directs, or manages" the sheriff's department.
Does that mean that he is a good delegator?

And, to top it off, the old guy "has exceeded his productive years."
Well, now, (as John Wayne used to say) simmer down you young whippersnapper, that might just rile up the old cusses in the electorate and the AARP crowd to come out against your for discriminating and picking on Grampa Lucio.

It's not like Cortez is a spring chicken, either. After all he is also retired from a law-enforcement career and then the Public Integrity Unit of the Cameron County District Attorney's Office to boot.
On the other hand, the old anvil laughs at the many broken hammers that have tried to make Lucio's age an issue since at least 1997, and that was almost 20 years ago.

We've been regaled with his feats of secret-agent daring-do that resulted in his superiors bailing him out of the clink in Mexico after he got caught with an unregistered car and several cuernos de chivo in the trunk.
Is laughing and ridiculing and old man all that Victor's got?


Anonymous said...

See the movie where John Wayne had a bunch of young whippersnappers, he taught them a lesson or more. Experience overcomes age, Cortez is nothing but a YOUNG WHPPERSNAPPER and the worst thing you can be is a YOUNG WHIPPERSNAPPER. Cortez is pissing up the wrong tree and older folks,AARP, retired people, veterans will remember.John Wayne would not have liked him,he might have had a drink with him and then punched him.

Anonymous said...

Lucio has a full set of hair from what I can see. Cortez lost his hair20 years ago and looks as old as old can be. He should not be calling the kettle black.

Anonymous said...

cortez you want to poke the eyes of the Democrats, Democrats they not stupid keep helping Donald Trump you don't care he rape a 13 year old Girl.

Anonymous said...

No country for old men or WTF?

Anonymous said...

My family vote is for Sheriff Lucio

Anonymous said...

Hilary is raping our country don't you care ?

Anonymous said...

Yet all of you will bitch when the JPs ask for a raise....remember every raise Omar Lucio demanded?

You will probably remember how many times better than he can remember his own way home!

Anonymous said...

Cortez you and George Delaunay are both worthless puppets, unless the job calls for kissing Saenz's ass.

Anonymous said...

I don't know either men but I do know the way the sheriff's department should be and this ain't it. You cannot expect people to love you if you give them a reason to not trust you. I am for Victor Cortez and I am democratic veteran who fought hard for my country. That Cortez may very well be in his 60s but not his 80s. Lucio is 83 yrs old. God bless him but life waits for no one. 2016 Victor Cortez

Anonymous said...

Mr Cortez,

I initially cast my vote for you. Things will now change on my part.

You say "no one is above the law". You sir, have not read :




Lucio, old as he may be, cannot be made less because of his age. By the way, chapter 48 of this same code, defines you as "elderly".

Adios, amigo!

Anonymous said...

It's not about elderly it is about deceiving the public ! Don't you get it we are all for equal treatment but mr Lucio should take what Is in the best interest of the county and he is not we have always voted for him but we believe there is a season for everything and it is time he steps down he has served us well sir leave with dignity and take the county best interest please

Anonymous said...

I have met both men. And though it pains me to say this because I am fond of both, it is time for a different chapter. I think change is good but I also know its hard for Lucio supporters. I will always look back at The Lucio Era with honor and look forward to The Cortez Era with excitement. Mr Cortez you have my vote.

Anonymous said...

John Wayne was a fictional character you putz. Cortez and he would probably be best friends. You're funny though.

Anonymous said...

Vamonos con CORTEZ 2016!!!

Anonymous said...

I vote Victor Cortez!!! Onward soldier!!!

Anonymous said...

Being old doesn't matter when it comes to honesty, integrity and hard work. Sheriff Lucio, you got my vote in the past and you will get it again election time. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm old and I may not be as good as I was once, but Cortez, you will never be sheriff, my vote and my family 60 plus votes go to Lucio. Don't criticize us old farts, cause we can still kick butt.

Anonymous said...

If only the BPD had even a smidgen of the integrity of the Sheriff's Dept, the public might actually believe the police are there to protect and serve. Most of the sheriff's deputies are gentlemanly, well trained, and willing to verify and confirm the facts, while most of the officers in the BPD (I must use the qualifier because there are a few who know the toxic culture they are working in and would love to change it) are lazy, narcissistic abusers who are overeager to arrest and trigger happy, facts be damned.

Anonymous said...

One word Vote Republican!!!! All the way

Anonymous said...

My hundred + votes go with Cortez

Anonymous said...

Víctor get rid of that sillly cowboy hat. It's bigger than you are and makes you like a Tachuela. You look like a rodeo clown. Pinche enano.

Anonymous said...

Victor Cortez for Sheriff!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up Gus ! Go back to drinking you drunkard

Anonymous said...

Cameron County has been defined as the "least secure county in the RGV" and that is due to Omar "The Tent Maker" Lucio and his funkies, the Reyna Brothers. As sheriff he has publicly stated that he gives the benefit of the doubt (special privileges) to his supporters. We know that he refused to arrest Aurora de la Garza's son when he defrauded a local hospice of over a hundred thousand dollars; thus proving that there are some who get "special care", rather than "equal treatment under the law". We are insecure because the Reyna Brothers run the sheriff's dept...and Omar Lucio is their "prop".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Exactly thank you very much! Cortez for CC Sheriff!

Anonymous said...

We love you Victor!!! May God grant you victory!

Anonymous said...

Amen well said! I agree the Sheriffs Dept is being run by others who stand to benefit. Vote Victor Cortez FOR CHANGE!

Anonymous said...

Arriba Señor Cortez. Bendiciones!

Anonymous said...

Victor Cortez has our vote for Sheriff '16 God bless him with a victorious outcome. Betty Ramirez y Manuel Garza

Anonymous said...

Loved your speech Victor. Cortez all the way!

Unknown said...

Even President Reagan knew it was time to go. Omar Lucio please go out with some of your senses still in tack.

Anonymous said...

Lmao funny and true!

Anonymous said...

Ese Cortez es otro Conrrado Cantu

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, Lots of integrity. When Lucio worked for Harlingen PD and it was alledged he locked himself in the back of his unit. He wasn't alone...
