Ready for this?
What would you say if someone told you that Texas Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. is already sending out feelers for support to install his son Eddie Lucio III for his senate seat and has aligned the heavyweight (and former county commissioner) Dan Sanchez to pull it off.
The scenario goes something like this: Sanchez would run (with the Lucios' support) for the position District 38 state rep position now held by the III and put his heavyweight support behind Lucio for his daddy's senate seat.
Since the district encompasses most of Harlingen and middle Cameron County areas, Sanchez would be a shoo-in for the post. remember, it was Brownsville he did not carry in his bid for the county judge's seat now being held by Eddie Treviño. District 38 covers only the northern part of Brownsville, but covers half of Harlingen and most of the river area where Sanchez carries some political clout.
And some folks who have been privy to some of the alcohol-fueled blabberings of our own state rep Rene Oliveira over at Cobbleheads say he is already picking his successor and it is none other than Brownsville City Commissioner Cesar de Leon.

Now, we must confess that something sticks in our craw when we hear of political positions that represent us being handed out out like family heirlooms. There is something undemocratic about the Lucios (and Oliveiras for that matter) treating the positions as entitlements. Why not let the people decide instead of shoving it down our throats?
In the years that come, Lucio the Elder will look at the legacy he has left behind and see the detritus of payoffs and "consulting" fees that he has acquired to build his palatial enclave behind the isolated resaca property. What he will not see is the deep resentment that many people feel toward him and his kin for using the public trust for his enrichment. Private prisons, bridges to nowhere, golf knickers, and costly orthodontist work to fit the fake smile. That's about it.
Maybe it might be worth to have Lucio III take over after all.
Now, many people thought that Sanchez would jump into the county judge's race this next cycle because Treviño has to run again in two years since he is serving the unexpired term of former county judge Carlos Cascos, now the Texas Secretary of State.
What's going over in Austin?
We hear that the Big Money people are whispering sweet nothings into Carlos' ears about taking on Ted Cruz for his U.S. Senate seat. Lately, Casco has been a virtual dervish as he whirls around the state addressing many groups as secretary of state. That, plus the cordial relationships he enjoys with Mexican politicians and movers and shakers make him a credible candidate for a statewide political post.
We have seen the Cascos evolution since he first took office as a county commissioner for Precinct 2 after beating incumbent commissioner Mike Cortinas. He first ran as a Democrat but grew disenchanted with the insular and isolated group headed by Gilbert Hinojosa. Hinojosa's aspirations for higher officer were crushed with the defeat of Ann Richards by George W. and now he heads the state Democratic Party, a virtually useless and ineffective position that gets chronically thrashed by the Texas GOP.
Will Cascos take the plunge? Why not?
For the first time ever I agree with everything written. Thank you for this.
Dan Sanchez state rep? I don't think so. He would have to be in Austin for six months with a small paycheck and leave his wife alone. No way, he rather suck in the county paycheck with him defending people getting paid by the county. He would never make it with his state rep paycheck. Esta muy gordo!!!!!!!!!!
Eddie Treviño whooped Dan once...and he will do it again. Treviño has always wanted to be in Austin. State Rep. Treviño, it ha a nice ring to it...don't ha think?!
Cesar De Leon needs to be straight with the people of Brownsville about his intentions. Stop all this silence and keeping things in the dark......come out of the closet already Cesar!
big daddy lucio doesn't have to pave the way for little eddie. little eddie has made his own way already.
big daddy lucio is not courting sanchez for the position.
cascos needs to run against teddy.
Dan Sanchez is rumored to be at a fat farm, getting ready for a comeback at the public tit. I am willing to bet he falls off the wagon and tears the buffets up.
Cesar De Leon hasn't even finished his first term of city commissioner and they are already wanting to anoint him? I guess his votes on bike trails has made a big impression on the masses of Brownsville.
Hes a fruit. He knows it, we know it, and if people dont they need to be slapped silly.
well, well, Cascos vs Ted Cruz? If those millionaires whispering in Cascos' ear open their wallets, Cascos takes it.
Fuck 'em all. Dirty liars, the whole lot.
Convicted felon Trevino . .....that would have a much better ring to it if and when the feds decided to bust his worthless ass! All I want for Christmas is Eddie being held accountable .
The rumors are that of course Alex Dominguez and newcomer Jonathan Gracia would both love a state rep spot. It is also rumored that these two don't see eye to eye. Could they battle it out? Both are arrogant as fuck but I think smart money would be on Gracia. The problem with him is he needs to fucking show up to work every now and then.
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