Monday, November 14, 2016


By Juan Montoya
For days after former city of Brownsville mayor Eddie Trevino won the Democratic party nomination in a runoff with former Pct. 2 Cameron County commissioner Dan Sanchez, his supporters have been trying to get interim county judge Pete Sepulveda to step down and allow Trevino to take his position.

However, county legal counsel maintained that the law calls for Sepulveda to serve out the unexpired term of departed judge Carlos Cascos until the results of the next (Nov. 8) general election.
Well, Trevino won the runoff against Sanchez and was the lone candidate for county judge and was the lone candidate on the ballot for county judge.

He was duly elected that day and now he can ask Sepulveda to step down so he can take over.
Apparently, Sepulveda has agreed and the Nov. 17 special meeting where the vote will be canvassed will be the last meeting Sepulveda will preside over.

He is said to have scheduled his swearing in for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day (Wednesday, Nov. 23),
Trevino could well have been sworn in right after his security bond gets accepted during the November 17 special meeting. The votes of the general election are also on the agenda for that day.

It has been a roller coaster ride the last few years for Cameron County residents. After Cascos left to Austin to be the Texas Secretary of State, Sepulveda was tapped by the commissioners to replace him until the results of the next general election.

We are there now and after the vote is canvassed Trevino can take the mantle.
But it will be a short reign for the former Brownsville mayor. He will have to run for reelection in 2018, just a short one and a half years from now.

The campaign for county judge, it may seem, never ends.


Anonymous said...

Tetreau Kalifa and Treviño LONG LIVE THE TWO!! And okay Cesar too.

Anonymous said...

good luck keep away from the Hood Rat !

Anonymous said...

Eddie Trevino was a great mayor, he will be a great county judge

Anonymous said...

Eddie Trevino is the only former mayor of Brownsville with political future

Anonymous said...

question: who is trevino fucking this week>

Anonymous said...

Good question Anonymous @ 7:59am.

Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez will be running again !!!!!!! Yay

Anonymous said...

What is so great about a $900,000 dust collector?

Anonymous said...

He will be defeated again

Anonymous said...

Cesar de Leon for Mayor

chief cool arrow said...

pistol pete, your time has come, time to leave the county judgeship and go back to your transportation meaning less job that pays way too much dinero, Judge Trevino time to cut those high salaries, adios cca

Anonymous said...

Is about time for Trevino to take office, he won the election and therefore he is our county judge

Anonymous said...

Laura Reyes is always OPEN and AVAILABLE to newer and better things. My guess she will do him like she's done the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

Your next person to run for Sheriff Mr. Facebook Trejo!

Anonymous said...

Your sister guey

Anonymous said...

Things are going to improve in Cameron county.

Anonymous said...

LA Changa Reyes at BISD

Anonymous said...

What's the rush? The sooner the unethical fool is in office; the sooner he starts his shady deals . Trevino belongs in jail !

Anonymous said...

We had drunk mayors, bad mayors and good ones like Eddie Trevino. As a county judge he will work hard as he did before for the city of Brownsville

Anonymous said...

"Good Mayors like Eddie Trevino "......what a joke! Piece of shit is responsible for unleashing the "United Brownsville " plague on the city! Never done anything good for the citizens , just the latest crooked elected official .

Anonymous said...

Are you jealous of Trevino ?

Anonymous said...

In that case you should run and get elected

Anonymous said...

The people of Cameron county elect Eddie Trevino for judge now the time has come to work and let the campaigns in the past.
Congratulations to judge Trevino

Anonymous said...

Great, he will make Cameron County great!

Anonymous said...

Jail is where he belongs .

Anonymous said...

Get a life ..Trevino got elected if you don't like h is your problem.

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha!Ha! Trevino is rotten to the core. What about the million dollars he approved for a worthless comic book? The family he cheated on? His blind loyalty to the "United Brownsville " cartel? Jail is where he belongs !
