East Wing Lower RGV Sierra Club Meeting & Outing
This Saturday Afternoon February 25
1:00 to 4:00 pm
Palo Alto National Battlefield Park
7200 Paredes Line Road, Brownsville
Just south of Hwy 511
See Facebook event page at:
Everyone Welcome
Join the battle for our environment. This monthly event will include topics of LNG, pipelines, bag ban, Green Infrastructure vision, and other local issues. We'll save time to tour the Park. It will be a "blast!" [referring to the old cannons at the park].
See the Park's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PAALNPS/ and web site at https://www.nps.gov/paal/index.htm/ : "On May 8, 1846, United States and Mexican troops clashed on the prairie of Palo Alto. The battle was the first in a two-year long war that changed the map of North America. Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park preserves the site of this notable battle and provides an understanding of the causes, events, and consequences of the U.S.-Mexican War."
It sounds like a great event, but they should have picked a different day. Most of us will be at the Charro Days Parade.
We need jobs, not fake un employable environmentalist. Where the fuck do these idiots think energy comes from? How many of these losers will be riding their bikes to this ? The EPA will soon be gone and the Sierra club will surely lose all of their funding. LNG is on the way. Along with pipelines. Not a damn thing you can do about it pussy ass snow flakes! Thank you President TRUMP!
Its probably on purpose... they need to protest because thats what they in theory believe, but chose protest on a busy day so no one can listen, because they know we need the LNG jobs.
STRATAGIZE? Are you just fucking stupid? Spelling, pendejo!!!!!!!!!
This is an event from the upper middle class to tell the lower class what to do because they ain't like what the Brownsville elite will bring :P
This "upper middle class" and "lower class" and "Brownsville elite" terminology is used in a very confusing way. First of all, the "Brownsville elite", which includes the Port director and board, are part of that "elite" and say little, because they support LNG because LNG makes them look good.....if they can make it happen. The "Brownsville elite" have done little to bring jobs to this area. Titan Tire failed, the power plant failed and things don't look good for SpaceX bringing jobs. If you are against LNG, you must get the people; mostly "lower class" to become active. That ain't going to happen. Most of the "lower class" are uneducated, apathetic and receiving public benefits.
Is Mary Helen going to have some pot available?
All about the jobs. This community welcomes LNG.
LNG protesters have lost and really never had a chance. Do you think the ship channel is being deepened for the shrimp boats? There has never been any interest in the Bahia waisteland until LNG showed up. Now all of a sudden the signs go up and now it is ocelot habitat. Bull shit. Ocelots stay in covered areas where the reserve is. I hope they start blocking the highway so I can drive right thru them.
Worry about jobs coming to the Valley not Greenhouse Gases... bunch of jokers...
I am pro-LNG! JOBS!!! JOBS!!! JOBS!!!!
"because they know we need the LNG jobs"
Unless you're a freaking moron, we don't need these dirty jobs. Let's see if you keep believing this when you get cancer in the ass.
Some of you can't see an opportunity even if its slapping you in the face with an iron glove, screaming "I'm an opportunity slapping you in the face with an iron glove!!!!"
Creating jobs is difficult - Id like to hear from any of you complaining how many jobs you've created that pays over minimum wage?
FYI - Minimum wage will NOT get you out of the hole.
The vast majority of the Job protesters are elderly and un employable anyway. Mostly retirees from up north. They look like winter visitors who decided to stay for the cheep pills from matamoros. The RGV needs jobs assholes. Go back to where ever the hell you came from. This is Texas, we do as we please so fuck off .
What jobs? LNG is just going to hire a bunch of illegal Mexicans with fake visas to do the grunt work for pennies, and bring in experienced, skilled people from other plants to get the high paying jobs. Why do you think they are moving right on the border? Why would they decide a sea turtle habitat is preferable to somewhere farther up north? Because illegal labor, ya dupes. We get the cancer, the corporate owners living on their private Bahaman islands pocket all the money.
Funny how the people promoting LNG are from Matamoros.
Since you dummies like breathing polluted air and drinking filthy, cancer causing water why did you move over to this side huh? Go back since you LOVE eeet!
Take your dirty mexican ways back where you came from.
LNG would never put the pipeline on the Mata side because cartels. Hijack it and hold it for ransom. Like everything else in that polluted, filthy country. Sneaks and liars trying to bring their filth to this side.
So The Anti Jobs protesters are ignorant and racist? The true face of liberalism is exposed here. I drink your liberal tears and ask for more.
Im not from Matamoros and I support LNG because I'm tired of supporting your welfare lazy ass family. Go fuck a tree.
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