Saturday, June 17, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: After we posted our story on the indictment of local bail bondsman Juan Carlos Vasquez, a local blogger [BWC] emailed us the actual document where Asst. U.S. Attorney Karen Betancourt listed the facts upon which the charges were made. We thank our document-driven colleague for the professional courtesy.)

By Juan Montoya
New information on the sealed indictment handed down May 10 against local bail bondsman Juan Carlos Vasquez alleged that he and others conspired to possess and distribute at least 25 kilos of cocaine over the space of a year starting in August 1, 2015.

In the indictment handed down by the grand jurors, they charge that Vasquez and co-defendant Manuel Garcia Mata:

1. On or about August 2015, intentionally agree, combine, conspire and confederate with possess with intent to distribute...5 kilograms...of cocaine

2. On or about March 25, 2016, (Vasquez and Mata) did knowingly and intentionally possess with an intent to distribute...500 grams...of cocaine

3. On or about July 14, 2016, (Mata) did knowingly and intentionally possess with intent to distribute...500 grams...of cocaine

4. On or about July 14, 2016, (Vasquez) did knowingly and intentionally conspire and agree with persons known and import...500 grams or more...from the country of Mexico

5. Pm July 14, 2016, (Vasquez) did knowingly and intentionally conspire and agree with persons known and import...500 grams or more...from the country of Mexico

The indictment also contains a notice of criminal forfeiture for all property derived from the proceeds and all property used to commit the offenses. The government also is asking the court for a money judgment totalling at least $1,097,000.


Anonymous said...

Rene Oliveira alone at bar at Cobbleheads at 11:15 no one around him. You know what, he looked so old even with his olastic surgery. My girlfriend said," He looks so old." and then once again as my pretty sexy Anglo Saxon girlfriend walked off, I got out of site and sure enough pervert Oliveira staring at her buttox as she so eloquently walked away. I tole Rene he was a pig and he just laughed with his frog lookin eyes grinning too. The State Representative was dirty and ugly. We will not vote for him

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, Robert Sanchez ! Grow the fuck up! Your wife's gone, get over it. Quit posting your juvenile crap, pendejo !

Anonymous said...

Oliveira does look like an albino toad though.

Anonymous said...

Juan Carlos Vasquez was given a Bond. In Houston tx this past Friday

Anonymous said...

He suppost to pay the people that he robbed .he got what he deserved
