By Juan Montoya
Poor Baltazar Salazar.
At a $264,000 annual salary, he's barely making ends meet as the general counsel for the Brownsville Independent School District.
![Image result for baltazar salazar](
So at Tuesday's meeting, board chairman Cesar Lopez, Carlos Elizondo, and Phil Cowen are going to try to get another vote ("Coach" and BISD vendor Joe Rodriguez?) to pitch in another $36,000 to help poor old Balty out. If they don't get the full $36,000, why they might have to settle for a paltry $24,000.
At $264,000, he is already making more than the new president of Texas Southmost College at $230,000. If he gets the additional $36,000, he'll be commanding $300,000. If the generous threesome can't convince their fourth ally to go the full $36,000, it'll be $288,000.
Not bad for a hairlip! He just got a riase of $25,000 last June, and now a year later, he wants to go for the $300,000. Of course, some of it goes to the tustees' campaign fund. Most, if not all, have been recipients of his largesse. Last time Lopez ran, Balty pitched in $4,000.
And Elizondo, of course, is counting on him to give him free legal advice on his conflict-of-interst cases now that Noe Garza won't do it pro bono, or for the amount that Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas could raise to defend her beleaguered trustee and fire chief.
When Salazar first applied to be the BISD board attorney he promised the trustees he would "tone down your legal expenses" and bring "stability, because you have chaos, and when there's chaos, lawyers make money."
The school district, he told them, had "become a cash cow" because the district did not follow procedure and said he was there "to serve the board as a whole."
Appropriately, he was officially hired on April 1, 2013, April Fools Day. It's been that kind of chaotic ride ever since.
Take a look at the agenda for Tuesday. As in every agenda in memory since Salazar has been there, there are payments made to law firms every month. This month's total payment are low since the courts are in vacation.
30. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $1,212.50 to Colvin, Chaney, Saenz & Rodriguez, L.L.P. for ongoing Board approved legal services.
31. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $70.50 to Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Russo & Kyle, P.C., for ongoing Board approved legal services. 32. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $380.00 to Esparza & Garza, L.L.P., for ongoing Board approved legal services.
The first two legal firms have done busines with the district almost exclusively since Salazar has been at the BISD. Trustee Joe Rodriguez's son works for the first one. And Walsh, Gallegos, et al was the firm that was let go to hire Salazar.
This new board can sniff out a dollar. Take a gander at the budget amendment number 47. It reads:
47. Recommend approval of Budget Amendment #011 in the amount of $38,530,792.00 for Local Funds. ($14,530,792.00 Carryover Budget – Designated Fund Balance and $24,000,000.00 additional funding due to increase in Tax Rate)
In other words, the $24 million isn't even going to be available until January 1, 2018, but they are already making plans to spend it before they get it.
Obviously, this board majority and the administration isn't about kids and education. It's about money, honey!
Well, everyone follows what Rene Oliveira does for himself. Hook on to the cash from lobbyist who pay for campaigns trips Las Vegas cadillac Madeira dining Toscafino dining football games basketball games Cobbleheads drinking sugar booger candy 14th street ladies etc......
Probably a lousy money manager
Mr.Salazar welcome to our world. The WORLD OF PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK.POBRE VATO.
Excuse me! Was that not exactly what Cati Presas was always pointing out to you? Minerva was in it for a while but she now keeps quiet unless Dr. A gives her permission to speak. I thought that Salazar was going to be hired in San Benito when Dr. A became the superientendent. He plugged in money for the board election and his buddies lost so I guess that went out with the dish water. Did Dr. A get the job at SanBene. Please, please say yes so she can leave us alone - or will she continue to do both super and board? Ella es la super woman!
I and my family will vote for Alex Dominguez. We have seen Oliveira do nothing for his district and he is an extremely bad example of a man
Rene Oliveira's Brownsville staff are enjoying all the money from Austin too. Private trainers, restaurant outings daily, new cars, new clothes, fancy jewels, hair salons often, pedicures manicures, movies, drinks, etc..... While the rest of us wait for a miracle to happen in our district while Rene Oliveira party in Austin Cobbleheads Toscafinos and Madeira continue. Alex Dominguez will be my gallo and will have my vote. Rene Oliveira has made a personal business for himself with this public servant elected position he is raping
"Not bad for a hairlip"????? Would it be not bad for a cripple or a one armed person or an Asian or someone with a birth mark or cancer? You cheapen yourself.
I'm with Don De Leon
He is the WORST ATTORNEY hired by Dumb Ass Board Members.. I'm so sick of the CORRUPTION & DIRTY GAMES local leaders play. El pinche systema que les vale MADRE!!! Brownsville people you need to stop being s STUPID the local vendors and people who have contracts with BISD pay for the elections and you vote for the abusive leaders that serve themselves and have personal agendas.. Querian Miedra coman Miedra you get what you voted for.
El Cesar=Rata
El Carlos=Rata
El Joe= Rata, Rata y Rata
El Cowen= Rata no vale Madre
La Minerva= Idiot lacks oxygen to her brain
La Laura= Used by men and women no leadership skills, Can't speak lacks knowledge and fortitude.
La Atkinson= You need to suck it up continue to play politics and kiss ass to those
that got rid of you..
All together we have worthless Board Members 2018 get rid of Cesar, Carlos and Joe!
Enough is Enough!! Tax increase, Attorney Baltazar is worthless and non of the Board Members will remove him because they owe him.. Zendejas has got to go abusive and it's all
about her Board Members friends, Cesar, Carlos, Joe and Cowen..
Worthless people taking advantage of the positions and spending tax dollars A LO PENDEJO!!
Worthless people taking advantage of the positions and spending tax dollars A LO PENDEJO!!
He is the WORST ATTORNEY hired by Dumb Ass Board Members..
Zendejas has got to go abusive and it's all
about her Board Members friends, Cesar, Carlos, Joe and Cowen..
More money for what !!
To pay the tab for board members
fuck this shit
all of you need to go !
People Lucy and Caty former Board Members voted against the Abusive, Ass Hole, Idiot, Son of a Bitch worthless Piece of Shit!!! Who has managed to manipulate the system and will always be a CROOK as long as he pays for Board Member Elections, Treat them to Dinner and pay for Board Members Expenses in Exchange for his Contract..
When is this community going to learn? Wake up and VOTE for people who will raise hell and not look at each other to see how to vote...
Que pinche desmadre y bola de RATAS!!!! LO PIOR ES QUE NOS VEN LA CARA DE PENDEJOS A TODOS...
Some of you voted some good members out and they were true leaders who wanted to clean the SHIT!!
You wonder why BISD is loosing students the answer is in the Board Members and Dr. Zendejas they aren't about the students it's all a show... I'm a parent and my child was removed from BISD because you can't solve anything.
BISD will suffer as long as the ADULTS continue to make it their AGENDA... Pena, Atkinson, La Muda, El Pelon, El Rata, El Qruido, El Piruco no Valen Mas Que Pa Pura Madre y Bola de Ratas todos Juntos.
Salzar is a worthless SOB !!!
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