Tuesday, August 15, 2017


By Charlie Atkinson
BISD Faulk Middle School Coach

Ok here we go.

I was called by coach (Tom) Chavez to be part of the football program. I'm certified to teach P.E., Health, and Law Enforcement. A law enforcement teacher retired so that is why I got a call. Getting a call from a legend like Tom Chavez is a dream come true. The principal then called me in and advised me that I could volunteer before signing my contract on a Tuesday. 

Monday I went in and met with coaches. 
They are all great coaches so I was excited to be there. I noticed we had few freshman there so I made calls to get more kids to come in for TWO A DAYS not tutor days. That was funny that Montoya thought it was tutor days. 

Anyway at the end of the day I was called by administration HR, who by the way told me I would be heading to Rivera, retracted and said they had jumped the gun. I guess they had to go through a interview process. I was going on a transfer but it was deemed that interviews would have to happen which was fine with me. 

After leaving that day I made up my mind to stay at Faulk so I would have time to see my daughter play volleyball. (In the photo above, that's Charlie grinning at the rear right behind the players and coaches).

Coaching football at a high school would have not allowed me to do so. I struggled with it because I left Customs to spend more time with my kids. I coach her on a select team so I get to see her play a lot so I could have taken it or leave it. I appreciate the call I got and will always be grateful that a man like Chavez would consider me. 

That's good enough for me. 

Look there are law enforcement teachers who have never done law enforcement but have a degree. Then there are law enforcement teachers who don't have a degree and can't pass the trade and industrial 6-12 which is the test you need to pass to get certified. It's all screwed up but I guess it will all get fixed one day. There is a problem with Athletics in Brownsville. ACs at the high school level should be able to work with the principal to move teachers that are in PE and Health positions who don't coach a sport and bust them down to middle school or even elementary. 

It sucks that if you are a PE teacher and suck at coaching that the school is stuck with that coach. In Harlingen your PE position is tied with your coaching abilities. If you don't do good or have a decent program then the principal can release you. This is why Harlingen has a good program. It hurts the overall athletic program. 

These head coaches have their hands tied because they struggle to get good coaches up there. Rivera is a powerhouse and will improve in the upcoming years. They have a beautiful facility that any coach would love to coach in. People don't realize because of who I am and who my family is that I don't get a break and that is frustrating. I have to have my T's crossed and my I's dotted. 

I have been trying to get to Hanna Early College High School for three years and just can't. It sucks but, oh well. I hope Zendejas can change policy to allow head coaches to seek out the coaches they need. We can win at football but we just need to change the attitudes and beliefs. There is no reason why Veterans and Hanna can't make it three or four deep in the playoffs. We have the athletes there for sure as well as at the other high schools. 

Look for Lopez to go two or three deep this year. Starky is a great coach. Him and I get along and have never argued about football. We both scratched our heads when Montoya mentioned that we had an exchange of words. The district will get better as long as people put kids first. My sister Sylvia and Zendejas are very smart women who will do awesome things for our district. They have passion and that's a good thing. Passion gets things done and that's why we have been successful at Faulk. 

We expect to go undefeated again at the 7th and 8th grade level (at faulk Middle School) to prove we have an established program. I like the pressure. I want middle school coaches to know that I'm aggressive and coming after them. I want to win, I will win, win is the name of the game!!!!! 

Trust me it's not me being cocky. It's me being confident along with our coaches in our abilities to bring out the best in these kids. Give a kid hope and treat them like they are your own and they will battle. 

This is what Tom Chavez is like and why I would have loved to be learning under him. Nimodo!!! I wish you well my friend.


Diego lee rot said...

How many brain cells are lost during a football game?

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck cares!!! This local Lombardi doesn't know shit about football. He looks like a benchwarming scrub!

Anonymous said...

Atkinson needs to sit his ass down and stop whining. Fucker is a lazy ass bureaucrat!

Anonymous said...

Charlie is a dreamer

Anonymous said...

If what was printed before is "fake news," then why doesn't Charlie
meet Montoya face to face and ask for a retraction. Cada loco con su
tema and maybe Trump is right about "fake news" written to sell the media.
What a completely different version from Charlie, but he is a very rude
individual as was evident when he was on the city commission. Or, maybe
he has grown some?

tom landrie said...

Sounds good enough. I think we all jump to quickly into conclusions

Anonymous said...

Ifs not Charlie that's making the change at Faulk . It's coach Landin. He took us undefeated 7th and 8th at stell as well..

Anonymous said...

Probably as many as you lose every time you post your stupid nonsense . Fuck you , Diego!

Anonymous said...

charlie just got lucky with a great group of athletes,very good football players,had nothing to do with him.we will see what he does with this year group

Anonymous said...

"I don't get a break and that is frustrating" Really? I guess it is frustrating when you have to compete on an equal footing with everyone else and don't get favorable treatment not granted to others. And if he left customs to spend more time watching his child I guess that decision was led by his bosses who fired him, as I recollect.

Anonymous said...

Charlie said it; he comes from that special family in Brownsville that think that their shit does not smell. It seems to be an inherited trait in that family. How sad, because some of them are actually smart characters but have no social skills. It is them or "damn you!" Charlie, you need to work your way up the ladder like all the other coaches who have been in the district longer than you have and have also had winning teams. That is why they refuse to accept you as a colleague because you are not a team player - nomas tu, tu, tu, and the behind the scenes connections!

Anonymous said...

Why do all the Atkinson's think this community needs them??? We don't. Charlie is a dipshit who doesn't have the brain cells to think positively. He and the other coaches should know by now that football isn't the sport for this city. Time to pay soccer coaches what the football coaches make. Coach Joe and his football cronies are out of date, but don't know it. Charlie is just trying to use his family to get him a job. I wouldn't want him to be near my kids....he is a dumbass.
