Sunday, September 24, 2017


El Rrun Rrun Publisher Juan Montoya printed that City Manager Charlie Cabler's days were numbered. The Brownsville Observer's Publisher Jim Barton says that we are in the countdown. He adds that Cabler's successor may already be at City Hall.

The blogger explains:
Like a loosely organized tropical storm, Brownsville, a growing city of 200,000+, is headed somewhere. Forecasters factor in the city leaders' heavy-handed steering toward seldom used bike trails and phony, paid-for national "honors" while sidewalks, street lights and bus shelters are hit-and-miss and stinky sewer lines continue to stink. 

The so-called historic downtown awaits ideas, strategy and funding while 200-hundred-year-old brick, mortar, pillars and roofing disintegrate.

City administration under current City Manager Charlie Cabler has been a joke. Able assistant city managers have moved on to McAllen and elsewhere. Permitting approval under Permitting Director Evaristo Gamez has been slower than molasses for decades. (Many say a hand-placed mordida will speed things up.) Similar noises are made about Robert C. Luna heading the city's purchasing department.

But those city abuses and frustrations are decades old, begrudgingly tolerated as just the way Brownsville operates.

The eye of the current city storm centers around the promotion, coddling and protection of former Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo by City Manager Cabler. Cabler became the "enabler" as Elizondo allegedly cheated on his test, then, once in "office," involved himself in the creation of an unlicensed, alternative, ambulance-for-profit scheme.

If Cabler, the ex-cop, is on the way out, surely a nationwide search for a superbly qualified, educated manager will commence soon.

"No, gringito!" That is not Brownsville's way. Our city has two recognized religions: Catholicism and compadrismo. We hire from within. It worked with Charlie.
Just think.
If we hadn't promoted Cabler from the BPD, we would might have been stuck with some lily white, know-it-all, college educated bureaucrat from outside Tejas, who would have turned our city into Palm Springs or something.

Anyway, forget a national search for a new city manager. Brownsville already has two finalists for city manager. Both are strutting victory laps as we type. They are looking at desk chairs and curtain cloth.

From the secretarial pool emerges Michael Lopez (mug at top right), originally signing on as city secretary, for whom Cabler has already ordered anointing oil, allowing the kid to run city meetings as Ol' Charlie stands in a corner like an off-duty policeman, waiting for intruders to run through the door. )Lopez is even said to be the de facto sole user of the family restroom at City Plaza and has his own key.)

Lopez is said to have orchestrated a mini-coup attempt last year, along with Mexican national City Administrator Roberto Baez, pulling municipal court employees out from under the supervision of the court into a new city department named "Court Services." That overthrow attempt might have worked, except for the fact that on-vacation Municipal Judge Ben Neece had not left town and squashed the coup.

In the other corner is Ramiro Gonzalez (the lounge lizard at left boozing it up in Portugal), longtime city planner, but largely a dutiful fetchit boy for Mayor Tony Martinez and Commissioner Rose Gowen.

Gonzalez has signed his name to huge exaggerations to procure funding for bike trail projects, taken heat for expounding fibs about the "need" to increase parking meter rates and, quite possibly, kept Commissioner Gowen's hybrid car and Tony's sneakers relatively clean.

We hope the city commission, seemingly and possibly rightfully hellbent on firing Cabler, will take a DEEP BREATH and do a national search for an actual, professional city manager.


Anonymous said...

Do you just sit down and start typing? Your thinking is so predictable, too-Mexican. take a few weeks off and brush-up on your writing, bro. It's words you've used too much melting into each other. You're in a rut, juanito.

Anonymous said...

If a new city manager is recruited, let it be someone we know who has the courage not to be intimidated by the mayor and commissioners. We need someone who will do his job without fear.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Browntown since 1944 and have no expectations that anything will change. The culture of corruption and favor for favor is so deeply ingrained that the voters expect such to continue.

Anonymous said...

I laugh just thinking how Cindy Elizondo would say that was next for Carlos taking Cablers City Manager position. I guess not GREED got the best of them.

Anonymous said...

MONTOYA...todos los contratos abajo de 35000 dlls LUNA se los da a los cotratistas que se mochan con el y el reparte al manejante (cabler) tienen a un grupo de 5 contratistas y entre ellos se reparten estos contratos y luego meten un CHANGE ORDER y nadie cheka esto

Anonymous said...


What is wrong with you leaders!!!

National Head Hunt for someone who can kick some fucking ass.. the best at what they do.

Your paying a fortune for some idiots dammit!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 6:22AM

I agree 100% - all contracts under the threshold go to Luna's and Cabler buddies - they get a mordida - then change order for another few thousand more to be able to finish the project.

Anonymous said...

Umm, Jim Farton wrote this. Juan is far better.

Anonymous said...

As long as it's not house mouse Pete I can't pass the CPA test Gonzalez.

Anonymous said...

Agree with post "SEPT 25,2017 at 12:26am". We at BISD know Cindy Elizondo, we've worked with Cindy, we know her as a person and she is no different than her husband (Carlos). She may just be worst. How sad all this is but, both Cindy and Carlos create their own grave.

Anonymous said...

While most cities would seek the most qualified person to be city manager, we can surely expect Brownsville to return to the past and select a person loyal to the current city government...compadrismo. We can expect nothing but disappointment from Tony Martinez and his city organization. Tony has ignored the racist comments by Cesar de Leon; ignoring a "real" problem. Why should we remove rocks from parks, when we have a real, current racist in our midst. Cesar de Leon should resign, all the city commission should support his resignation. To be silent at this time, is to accept de Leon's racism and that reflects sadly on our community.

Anonymous said...

Cindy Elizondo, Carlos wife is the "WICKET WITCH OF THEM ALL". She knew what Carlos was doing and supported him in his destructive tendencies towards all. BISD employees watch out, she just may record you too. She already knows too much of BISD Board back room deals. This woman is really "EVIL".

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nearly 100 years ago the gringo came to our lands, robbed, and intimidated us. They showed us how to run a political machine and exchange favor for favor. While we forgot how they saw us and treated us, we never forgot how to run corrupt governments and profit from graft...

Anonymous said...

I support Carlos Cascos for city mamager. B,ville Firefighter. Clean the house. Cabler to prison with Carlos for selling us out to do there transas...

Anonymous said...

"Umm, Jim Farton wrote this. Juan is far better."

September 25, 2017 at 10:25 AM

Is that you chubby Charlie?

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up Cris Valadez and get that Harambe spunk off your face Puto.
