By Juan Montoya
On Tuesday, the City of Brownsville Commission will meet to accept former city manager Charlie Cabler's retirement which was effective when he submitted October 10.

That equals roughly to a full-year's pay ($220,000) which Cabler will collect on his way out the door.
The contract, signed by then-city mayor Eddie Treviño states that "Accredited leave pay shall be calculated based on calendar days. During employment as City Manager, additional accredited leave pay for voluntary or involuntary separation will be 260 days (30 from City Charter and 130 granted by the City Commission).
As we have pointed out in past posts, 30 plus 130 equals 160, not 260 as the clause implies. Maybe they practice some other kind of math over at City Hall that eludes us.
But there are voices in the city's legal department who question whether the city can grant these generous terms when it flies in the face of the city charter as it pertains to employment benefits. This is addressed at the very top of the contract that states: "The terms are subject to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Brownsville."
We would think that the current bunch over at the city's legal department would conduct a final review ti make sure the terms and conditions are faithfully executed and that they would issue a signed statement to that effect. Are they up to the task?
Or will they let Charlie part with this $220,000 bonus pending a possible indictment for his role in the ambulance steering scam which a commission audit and oversight committee said was perpetrated with the knowledge and participation of former fire chief Carlos Elizondo, his assistant chief Ernie Estrada and with Cabler's knowledge?
Whether they accept the retirement or not, the city will continue to pay him....unless that suspend him without pay. If they suspend them without pay, the Elizondo should have his pay suspened. As the four pages of names in Sunday's Herald seem to indicate, Tony Martinez and his friends are in serious do-do in the public eye. Add Cesar de Leon and Brownsville has to deal with his racism and bigotry and the corruption (Ambulances, Fire Dept accounts, real estate deals, compadrismo, insider info about vacant lot next to Mayor's law office) and other things they may discover in any investigation.
That picture pretty much sums up his career.
Fat, ugly, crooked thumbs up, pants folding at the waist line, his collar is lost in the flabby double chin, I can bet my life savings that coat doesn't close without a button flying off and killing someone, the tie is stretched out to its longest length and can't even reach the belt buckle.
Pinche viejo feo descuidado y así tenía la ciudad - fea y descuidada.
Grow some balls and fire him ; there is a reason behind him wanting to obtain his funds in a quick manner just fire him and retain the funds let him sue he will be in jail soon along with others
Ok so the COB was the only one who had obligations in this contract? Did Cabler not have obligations? WTF!?
If you do a shitty job, you won't get any golden parachute clause..
Maybe give him a golden shower y di que the fue bien.
Mayor Tony Martinez is, first of all a lawyer, and he will surely try to drag this out for an eternity hoping that the public forgets. Tony has performed his legal bullshit act on the community for 7 years....and we have had no progress, few jobs and mismanagement of the city finances. Time for someone to pay up for the corruption, fraud, waste and abuse of Mayor Martinez's term in office. Who will he try to throw under the bus....especially for those awful real estate deals that benefited the Galonski family.
As I stated when this was first brought out by me, it was done days after the election for fear that I would fire him. Trevino and Atkinson proved they could care less about the city, they were willing to give away the store to Cabler as long as the police union supported Trevino and Atkinson got all he wanted to do at the sports park. The contract is illegal as I pointed out when I first brought this out and it should not be paid.
The employment contract is iron clad, which requires Cabler to be paid no matter what, even if he were fired, retires, resigns, or whatever, the contract Eddie Trevino signed gives Cabler a golden parachute. Not bad for someone who never managed a snow cone stand or had any experience in the private sector. The loophole here for the city is that this employment contract should be null an void based on city charter that clearly states the city manager is entitled only to 30 days severance pay.
The clencher is here is for the city to be willing to stand up for taxpayers by challenging the illegal contract obtained under circumstances that are illegal to begin with and those who authorized it knew this was illegal and should also be held accountable, including Eddie Trevino who is good about throwing away taxpayers dollars as long as he benefits. These are the slimbe balls we elect and we laud them as great leaders.
Those who elect these people should be very proud of themselves and pat yourselves in the back for how well you get people electetd who waste taxpayers money.
Damn Pat, where have you been?!
Ive asked myself why you hadn't commented on any of the articles!
Fire his ass and let the Court's decide. Get busy now and run the city.
'Te lo sico, Pat! I will point out that you are an idiot,a drunk AND a thief.
Your commission was just as bad, if not worse. Go drink a beer or hide under a rock with Booby!
Charlie Cabler knows all the dark secrets that have gone on this commission this needs to ne hauled in by the FBI for questioning.He can't play dumb he authorized everything.
A friend of mine begged me to comment. I kinda stayed out of it because I sometimes get censored. But, this is very important, the commission needs to say NO! No, because the employment contract was obtained under duress, as Gabler told those gullible on the commission that I was going to fire him. He convinced them to give him a golden parachute, based on that assumption. And those on the commission, including Mayor Eddie Trevino did not know it takes more than my vote to fire the city manager or better yet, they knew, but decided to cut deals with Cancer in order to benefit themselves. Like I said, Cabler got the city manager's position, Trevino was promised police union support and Atkinson got carte Blanche at the sports park. And they say I was the worst mayor. Lol!
Anonymous 10/16/17, including framing me with the help of Pete Gonzalez, Carlos Garcia and Luis Saenz. They know it and I know it to be true. They wanted me out of the way, because they did not like my politics. Then they had the help of good people like Greg Grove, Roman Perez, Marsaletta Knapp, and many good well to do people who wanted to see me tarred and feathered, but look who they elected? You can disagree with me, but one thing for sure, I have no hidden agendas. I love Brownsville and cared. They preferred and elected self serving people. They can be proud of themselves..
Fuck you Pat
But you didn't do shit about it Pat now is to late pinche borracho
Let me tell you, if a forensic audit were ordered at BUS, purchasing, planning, HE, BPD and other departments suspect of improper, illegal and wrong doings, you will find policy and procedures were circumvented to favor some elected officials, but you will also find illegal wrong doing.
'Te lo sico, Pat!
Capitan Bob Sanchez is right Pat Ahumada is a lol. Pat look at you in the mirror and you will see REALITY
The fbi doesn't care they don't work they are federal employees they get paid to show up.
8 day grace period. Come back from retirement!
Ahumada you don't have any moral authority in Brownsville as always your opinion means nothing
Who the fuck cares about San Benito? Only the crybaby BFD firefighters who also work there.
What was iligal was you stealing the check rat
PAT AHUMADA for mayor! City Commission: Diego Lee Rot, Jerry McHale, Nena Barton, Speedy Gonzalez, El Chavo del Ocho and some Matamoros cabbie! Bring on the next decade, pendejos!
cabler will get his 260 days just watch, city commission and the major oh mayor will not do anything to correct it cuz is only taxpayers monies, puros cool arrows
Hope he talks.
Keep on voting for lawyers. Right now in Cameron county lawyers have a good record for corruption .(e.g. Limas, Villalobos, Solis, mayor Martinez and the county judge Eddie Trevino and yea Justice of the peace double dipping Anthony Gracia. aw school teaches them
Anonymous, you are a good reason people that have something to contribute stay away from the blogs, because the Morons come out blasting just because of the hate in their hearts. Moron/Anonymous 7:36 pm, when I was mayor Cabler's contract never came up. The only way I could had done something is if the golden parachute were to be executed while I was in office and it was not. The golden parachute and illegal contract was approved and signed a few days before I took my oath of office. So, you need to take your gripes up with Eddie Trevino who pulled the fast one on you and the rest of the taxpayers, just like he did with Imagine Brownsville days before I was sworn in. And when Imagine Brownsville came before me, I was the only one to vote against it, protecting the taxpayers. So get your fact straight.
And Annonymous 10/16/17 5:51 and 10:05 PM, you attack by saying my commission was just as bad, again get your fact straight. I was the gatekeeper who kept the city manager and commissioners half way honest, I stood up for Brownsville when I had to. You calling me a thief when it is obvious your hate drives you, because I was found not guilty. I have also stated publicly that I was framed by Cabler, Pete Gonz, Luis Saenz and Carlos Garcia, with none of them filing suit for slander against me, because they have would not be able to stand the scrutiny when and if we get into litigation. So, you calling me a thief for being framed, because I was an obstacle to many shows how stupid you are and how your hate drives you.
Yes I do have a moral authority, you can accuse me, attack me and lie all you want, but I was never convicted as a thief, nor for the DWI and I never gained from public service. I always tried to do what was right and stood up for Brownsville, because I cared. I sign my name, while you hide like cowards do. So, I believe that my credibility is far better than your's Anonymous.
O.J. Simpson was also found not guilty. You tell me who’s credibility is greater, Pat.
The Juice faced his accusers and was acquitted. You sir, accuse and hide as cowards and maggots hide. I have more respect for OJ, than you and he has more credibility than a coward like you. I can face you, Saenz,Cabler, Pete, and Carlos Garcia any day. You can't even face me, nor sign your name, whitch goes to show you are at the bottom of the barrel in the credibility department. It also goes to show how morons like you are envious, petty and full of hate, but your Karma will come and your Book of Life will be judged by a higher authority and you will pay for the hate you dish out. I fear no one and can face everyone, while you hide.
Huy que miedo
Pat you are pathetic
Pat please doesn't made me laugh
Pinche acomplejado
Esto ya se puso bueno... it's like tennis, but with mean words and no balls (the anonymous ones anyway, Pat Ahumada always gives his face and puts his name)
Pat no tiene pelos en la lingua, el Anonymo es pero mamon.
I believe Mr. Cabler shouldn't receive the package just like true hard working employees that only get 30 days of accumulated time paid even if they have
360 days accumulated. As the saying what's good for the goose is good for the gander. THIS man has been a thief since day one. His asking for this pay he is also included with all that's going on with Elizondo and everyone else that's involved he should also get arrested.
All the Commissioner's & Mayor are all in same boat as Elizondo. Maybe we should go back to citizens who don't want to or have interest to fill their pockets get rid of all this Lawyer's to run the City of Brownsville biggest thieves.
They also need to get rid of Finance Director, Assistant City Managers Gonzalez & Lopez which they're included in the mess that's going on with Elizondo. Start fresh from the top to include also Assistant Building Director Garza has had several sexual harassment Cabler, Director Human Resource Oscar Salinas knew of this harassment charges and just swept it under the table even the new Building Director they preferred to fire the woman that made the complaints
That sounds just as fucked up as having Pat Mamada as mayor and Charlie Tankinson as a commissioner. Oh wait.....!?!?!?
Pura basura!
Afuera com Ahumada, que se vaya a la chingada! Afuera com Ahumada, que we vaya a la chingada!
Really Pat? Just because you weren't convicted of DWI does not mean you aren't a drunk!
Are you going to hold on to the claim that you aren't a drunk? Of the four videos I hold as proof, my favorite is the video of you sitting at C&C wings. You were having trouble sitting on the bar stool and mumbling as you talked to yourself.
You are lucky the cops took too long to arrive. They missed you by minutes.
You sound like Bobby. EVERYONE is out to get you.
If the commission votes to honor Cablers illegal contract, it will violate city charter, set a very bad precedent that others will use to circumvent city charter and it condones illegal activity to sell positions in exchange for civil service endorsements. The mayor, Bowen and Trevino are connected to former mayor Trevino and Cabler' s wrong doings. This means, they will support paying Cablers gold parachute, which is plain wrong. Hopefully, Tetreau, Mungia, Neece, and De Leon will not. Hopefully they will have the courage to say NO.
Are you jealous Ahumada ?
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