By Juan Montoya
Carlos Elizondo, the former Brownsville Fire Chief, has been arrested and is in custody of law enforcement.
Elizondo was in the company of his attorneys Noe Garza and Victor Ramirez this afternoon when he gave himself up to Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz. He was visibly pained when news reporters and camera people asked him questions which he didn't answer and no one from the DA's Office showed up to open the locked door to the prosecutor's office. At times he faced the wall and gave his back to the camera peeking into the DA's Office awaiting someone to open the door.
(The Brownsville Herald documented the moment and included the link in its website. Click to see.)
An all-points alert had been issued for Elizondo after he fled from his lawyer Noe Garza's office after being warned that unless he came out and gave himself up officers would storm the building.

The funds reportedly came from the Brownsville Firefighters Association Local #970's Political Action Committee's bank account after the Texas Ethics Commission had sanctioned him and removed him as treasurer in 2009. Firefighters association officers reported more than 8,000 were taken by Elizondo without authorization over the last two years he was listed as treasurer of the PAC and was president of the union.
Using those funds, reports indicate he made payments to local political workers, BISD trustee Minerva Peña for a recount in a justice of the peace race, and Grafik Spot, a sign and ad company with links to BISD trustee Cesar Lopez.
Early this morning, numerous vehicles bearing U.S. government plates and Cameron County District Attorney's Office accompanied by several units of the Brownsville Police Dept. descended at the home of Elizondo, the Brownsville Independent School District trustee who is currently on administrative leave with pay from his position as a lieutenant in the the Brownsville Fire Dept.
This was further confirmed later in the day by members of the media including the Brownsville Herald and local broadcasters who say that agents wearing DEA and FBI jackets are at the house as this report is being written There had been no Elizondo sightings but BPD sources say he was not being held by the city. The white-haired man in he photos at Elizondo's house is the DA's Public Integrity Unit chief George Delaunay.
Delaunay did not tell reporters at the scene whether officers had a warrant for Elizondo's arrest or a warrant to execute a search.
Reports indicated that Elizondo was not at the home when the law enforcement officers arrived. His whereabouts were unknown.
(And other reports that indicated that BISD superintendent Esperanza Zendejas and board president Cesar Lopez were seen conversing with three plain-clothes law enforcement agents at a local restaurant his morning proved groundless. It turned out to be visitors from the Dallas area.)
There is no further information available on the reason the feds and BPD officers are there. However, it does appear that they are executing a search warrant to enter and search the Elizondo home at 2994 Vanessa. However, BPD sources refused to comment on the presence of their officers at the home.
A television crew reported that the agents had entered the home a few minutes later. At least two broadcast stations were at the scene.

Elizondo, who released a secretly taped recording of City Commissioner Cesar de Leon where he told him he would never harm him, not "intentionally," was placed on leave pending the results of the ambulance-related investigation, among other things.
Among some of the comments De Leon made in the tape was one where he demanded that BISD chair Lopez stop Graphic Spot from charging him $1,500 for political signs Lopez had promised to pay for him in his commissioner's race.
The DA's Office had earlier confirmed that it was investigating a criminal complaint against Elizondo by the Brownsville Firefighters Association charging Theft by a Public Official when the former chief was union president. They charge that Elizondo stole more than $8,000 in union funds through ATM withdrawals despite having been removed as the treasurer of the association's Political Action Committee.

In the tape secretely recorded by the former fire chief, Elizondo maintained he didn't know of numerous things happening in the BISD to which de Leon replied: "O eres muy pendejo o te estas haciendo pendejo," indicating he was not buying Elizondo's claims of ignorance.
Put your name to this one, desgraciado! Vato cobarde!
Karma can be a real bitch!
Let the show begin ! Countdown who is next the chickens have come home to roost now let’s see if they don’t screw up the investigation
Please look up his address on google maps. Case solved, you're welcome. Lol ��
May amigo del juez Treviño y de la Perra de Sylvia , a ver de me con queen te juntas y te dire quen eres
Ya se lo cargo el payaso...
He's probably in Mexico.
Google picture of this address shows an IAEMT ambulance in the driveway, oopps
Poor guy! this is the price you pay when you try to fight against racism !
You mean, politiquera Kimberly Dale.
The FBI should also raid Tetreau’s car wash and home. They’ll find undocumented employees and housekeepers.
So why is he on "paid leave"...pisses me off we the citizens are still paying for this conniving thief's salary!!!
A cual payaso? El del globo rojo?
Great! Now we can start losing interest in a city commissioner being racist!
Sylvia Garza Perez your beasty friend is calling you go help bail him out before he talks tu amigo tu best friend dale gas , birds of a feather
Dear dear lord please don’t let the district attorney mess this one up
Next should be Cesar Lopez and Charles Cabler and Mayor FBI AND DA DONT SCREW THIS UP!
During the raid, did they find fajitas or barbacoa in the freezer? After seeing the photo of cook-off competition, it make you wander where the fajitas came from for the Sombrero Cook-Off Competition. Is there any connection between the fireman and the juvenile employee?
And take off that Houston texans hat.
Rumor is.. Other recording including one with County Clerk Sylvia Garza Perez.
Oh shit!good one need to ask his past union board members they know.
Sylvia had a hard time getting bonded her first time around. That’s a fucking joke! Every crooked candidate in Cameron County passes this test with flying colors. Lol
(hey’ll find undocumented employees and housekeepers.)
True. I mean, who else would work at a place like that? Been there. Not one of the workers speak any english.
Time to spill all the beans.
Carlos is crying like a little bitch in one of the YouTube videos of him being arrested in the Brownsville Herald. That’s right fucker, cry me a fucking river little bitch!!
-Sincerely, one of the 49 firefighters you wanted to fire and have work at IAEMT.
One asshole down and more to go. Still waiting on Cesar de Leon to pack up and resign. Can't blame racism and bigotry on "Murphy's Law" as one regular writer to the Hearld, said. Cesar de Leon opened his mouth and let all of know what he thinks of Blacks in our community, especially those whose legal positions might challenge his own bigotry in court. It's stupidity by a bigot, "Murphy" didn't say those words, Cesar de Leon did.
Sylvia’s neck is next on the chopping block!
Cesar de Leon is next. Andale papito. Muy Chingon.
Currently reading this article while taking a Carlos on the toilet. All that’s left is that piece of shit Jesse Weenes.
Typical BFD firefighter, doesn’t know how to spell or write using complete sentences.
Who is laughing NOW, PENDEJO and your stupid FAKE WIFE?
Fund raiser at BISD for his lawyers fees, plenty of fajitas been dug up from the backyard, bring your own booze, $100 donation please.
She got Elizondoed, too?
Mira mira mira, la ambulancia en su casa, aver si el FBI no envestiga casos cuando un casa de medicare,,-97.480759,3a,75y,251.73h,81.77t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1saJvMC5oDXNopfyz4sLRcpg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
So does this mean we can wear the polos again? >:p
-Also a 49er
Hey Sylvia how do you like me now , I watch you at work take notes on your stupidity the best part is you think I’m on your side lol
All political
Nothing there
Noe Garza, Bogus ? Your client is guilty and you know it hope the citizens of this community don't buy your shit!!! Enough is Enough your client is a damn CROOK!! Citizens of the Rio Grande Valley and Specially Cameron County need to see the abuse of power and the intent from Carlos Elizondo to take what wasn't his to begin with... Elizondo even knows about all the Corruption and Abuse in BISD.. Noe Garza don't forget your Compadre piece of Shit Baltazar Salazar should also get arrested for his abuse and deals he has going on... Noe tambien deja de tirartela muy chingon por que a cada pero se le llega su dia..
You mean "stranger danger"? Is that same dude?
All his friends, associates, accomplices, family members better be worried, cause we know this boy can sing, has sung, and will continue to sing. (Really do feel for his kids though).
Don't forget Bernie Esparza AKA Ernie Estrada.
Sylvia on the tape sylvia on the tape sylvia on the tape
Juan, you can make things more interesting if you add a theme song to the video... for example.
bad boys bad boys, wacha gonna do, wacha gonna do when they come fo' you, bad boys bad boys.
His attorney is funny - bogus? LOL so wheres the $8K.. funny guy.
Yep they cant control idiot parents but if he is going to sing to do it for his kids and family fuck it those other politicians ain't worth a dam anyway.I'm sure FBI WANts the big enchiladas Cabler ,Mayor, Joe Rod,Zendejas .Also watch your back on your attorney.
Poor thing, leave him alone, you guys act like if he was the only crook here in our city, give him a break, there's money for all of you all, YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT BABY'S ��
Carlos don't be a fool, here's your chance to bring all the crooks down with You! Especially, Cesar Lopez, Joe Rodriguez,and Baltzar Salazar you know all the shit on these guys. So don't let them enjoy their shenegans while you sit behind bars!
Sounds like you know the wife, why call her fake, she dresses very nice and co workers like her. Her husbands deeds are not hers. F off
I doubt that the Caesar recording will be the only release . I am looking forward to his greatest hits album!
Hey Sylvia how do you like me now ? I've been watching you for years now and I'm almost done with my notes . I hate that you have won two county wide elections and you will probably win again . When you're around I pretend to be on your side because I'm a coward and only talk tough on the internet . Hope you know Sylvia that I have over 300 negative comments on you published on El Rrun Rrun . As soon as I finish with my notes I will send them to Jerry McHale so he can help me publish a book on your life as a loser .
Sincerely ,
Anonymous at 8:27 pm
Sylvia won't win, That is a fact. Many are going down due to Cesar de Leon. Elizondo was just the poster child! by the way, Sylvia change the hair due... ta bien feo! But if you think you look good, well Don't!
Mandito, mandito this is what you caused.
Elizondo needs to resign or stay away from the Board til this is all cleared up. BISD employees are reassigned or suspended for Moral Turpitude until convicted or cleared up. Same should apply to Elizondo.
Good for you anonymous at 8:27 pm. Team SGP that sounds like wishful thinking but it's time to "wake up."
Jesse Weenes you are next to go down. County your days before your are unemployed.
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