We have gone over the video of the Oct. 3 City of Brownsville Commission meeting, specifically item 7, which reads: Consideration and action to appoint one member to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.

At this time Commissioner Jessica Tetreau a roll call in regards to the vote, a request that was inored by Mayor Tony Martinez.
The voting was Ayes: Commissioner Longoria, Jr., Munguia, and Tetreau
Nays: Commissioner Neece and Mayor Martinez
Abstained: Commissioner de Leon
Absent: Commissioner Gowen
That made it 3-2 to approve Guerra's nomination to join De Leon, Tetreau, Cameron County Treasurer David Betancourt, and John Gowen. Guerra's appointment would fill the one empty slot that resulted when former city commissioner Deborah Portillo resigned after she decided not to seek reelction to the city commision.
Nays: Commissioner Neece and Mayor Martinez
Abstained: Commissioner de Leon
Absent: Commissioner Gowen
That made it 3-2 to approve Guerra's nomination to join De Leon, Tetreau, Cameron County Treasurer David Betancourt, and John Gowen. Guerra's appointment would fill the one empty slot that resulted when former city commissioner Deborah Portillo resigned after she decided not to seek reelction to the city commision.
So why did Martinez state that there was a 2 for and 2 against vote therefore there was a tie before he asked if the commissioners wanted the motioned tabled?
Neece made a motion to table seconded by de Leon. The voting was as follows:
Ayes: Neece, de Leon, Munguia, Tetreau and Mayor Martinez
Nays: Longoria, Jr.
Absent: Gowen
De Leon has abstained because he said that he was unsure whether he could vote given the fact that he is on the GBIC board. We have learned that after acting City Attorney Allison Bastian contacted attorneys with the Texas Municipal League, she was informed that both Tetreau and De Leon could vote on GBIC nominations to the board.
Meanwhile, Tetreau filed an notarized affidavit with the city secretary saying Martinez – besides ignoring her call for a roll vote – misinterpreted her vote and declared a tie. This has prompted secretary Rosas to complain that she is being harassed by Tetreau and "an attorney" over the issue. Others – like local blogger Jerry McHale – promptly accused Tereau of "perjury," although we don't think she was under oath at the time the Guerra vote was taken. But well, we know Jerry.
When the item comes up to choose a member for the GBIC noard, will the vote be moot since Tetreau said she voted for Guerra and therefore the majority vote should be respected? Since Gowen was absent from the meeting, will she – as she usually does – side with Martinez to overturn the majority decision at the last meeting?
Some commenters have said that Martinez is desperately to stack the GBIC board with his supporters to delay the release of an audit being conducted of BEDC operations by Price-Waterhiouse at the behest of the GBIC board that might be related to his travel with CEO Jason Hilts to Colombia.
Others dispurte that assertion saying that the audit is still not complete and that it will be presented to the city commission in due time.
What is clear is that the nomination of Nivck Serafy Jr., of Proficiency Testing Service and Ankjaer Jensen, of A. L. Loran International, is being questioned in light of the fact that both serve on the BEDC board, the organization whose recurring three-year, $5.2 million contract to vet companies for GBIC incnetives funding was not renewed following reports of waste and questionable spending under Hilts. Some commissioners have said that the BEDC board members knew of these questionable activities and did nothing to rectify the matter.
You're too-Mexican, Juan. Same shit over and over and you expect a different result? They have trained you, too!
1:48 - it is absolutely clear that Jessica did not vote. This is a blatant attempt to circumvent the democratic process in our city to appoint unqualified people on GBIC who will not act in the best interest of our community. There should be legal repercussions here for Jessica and the City Secretary's office here.
Silence equals an aye vote. Commissioners must explicitly vote nay or explicitly state their abstention. Silence does not equal no vote.
Slick Willie the mayor Martinez, lets see if anything sticks to him on all these investigations going on by the FEDS.Remember the vail of sin will be lifted at some point.
Tetreau is a pendeja. Period.
She needs to be told what to do and when to do it. Apparently now it’s Neece and De León pulling her strings. Pinche panzona, must need some pretty heavy strings to pull her.
Tony Martinez is the "Pied Piper" leading this city commission and the city down the toilet. This city "confusion", corruption, investigations all around are all due to the Mayor's failure to provide "due diligence", management, supervision. His entire tenure reminds me of Tom Crews final lines in the Movie "The Firm"....."like a ship stalled at sea, going nowhere and will never go to port". Sounds like Mayor Tony Martinez is leading that boat, or the "Good Ship Lollipop". Mayor Martinez should resign for being ineffective and failing the citizens of Brownsville.
Nurith Galonsky appointed... The "Mare" 's got in the bag.
The picture above of Tony shows what he should look like if he dressed up to look like a mayor. It is far beyond the thrift shop look that Tony displays everywhere. Can some barber please volunteer to cut his hair for free since he may not be able to afford a real cut.
Steve guerra from matamoros??????????
Isn't she related to the man WHO sold that golden building the casa de nylon worth $700,000 to the mayor and City manager C.Cabler for $2.9 million dlrs things that make you go hmmmmm.
The most qualified for that appointment is Nick Serafy who once served as chairman over the state's economic development board. An excellent businessman and true professional. He also currently serves on the Texas Business Leadership Council. Take into consideration the tremendous international, national, state, county, etc. business connections he has ... WOW. What a loss for the City. We would have worked hard to bring business to Brownsville. Politics wins over commonsense. Again. Shame on the City Commission.
Why don't we all get off our tuffets and pressure the city (code enforcement) to clean up the unattended empty lots and long grass covered businesses in our town? What a disgrace people visit us from out of town and we are waiting at a traffic light looking at all of our filth. This town is full of CHAMBONES! Imagine of all of us posting these comments just pick up the phone that is at your arm's reach and make an anonymous phone call each to the city to get our act together? Let's cover those bus stops by providing shade, hell even if they're palm leaves, for these people who take the bus? I can't believe this mayor and all of its commissioners can drive around town and not do anything, not a damn thing to clean up our town! Political signs swarm our entire town and grass grows all around them and no one, not even the candidates clean up around their own signs. Come on people!!!! lets stop looking like ARRASTRADOS!
Let's put our city employees to work and earn their pay by calling: 956-546-4357
He's just trying to hard not to look like the old man he is and its funny to watch.
Steve guerra...good friend of mine....means alot of business to brownsville......
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