By Emma Perez-TreviƱo
Research of statewide public records shows that virtually a month after newly-elected city commissioner de Leon took the oath of office administered by state District Judge Juan A Magallanes in May 2015, de Leon and the judge's brother Armando Magallanes on June 16, 2015 formed a limited liability company.
Its name is "Exito Advisors & Consultants, LLC."

The LLC, as the "assumed name" is active. Document that was filed with the Cameron County Clerk's Office only show De Leon's name in an assumed name filing for "Exito Landscaping." This filing notes that he (de Leon) is with "Exito Consulting LLC."
However, state filings also include Armando Magallanes' name in "Exito Advisors & Consultants, LLC," and "Exito Landscaping."
De Leon's apparent partner Armando Magallanes this year already has done a lot of consulting. A quick review of this year's campaign finance reports on the city's website filed by City Commissioner Joel Munguia reflect steady activity.
From January through late April this year, Munguia reported paying Armando Magallanes for consulting expenses a combined total of $10,250. The address that Munguia lists for Armando Magallanes is 1713 Boca Chica Blvd.
That is the address for the building that Judge Magallanes owns...Demo state Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa also used to practice there, together with Magallanes (the judge) at some time.
But immediately, de Leon owes Hinojosa big time, public records also show.
De Leon late last year bought Hinojosa's house/former office, public records show. De Leon bought it from Hinojosa for cash and a note in the principal amount of $109,150. Hinojosa is financing it for de Leon at 6 percent interest rate. Hinojosa retains a lien. The monthly payments are $781.98 a month through Jan. 1, 2037.
The Cameron County Appraisal District has the property valued at $68,451.
Okay. lotsa bookwork, but what does it mean and where is this headed.
Sec. 38-156. - Financial disclosure report.
(a) Filing. The following persons shall file a financial disclosure report:
(1) City officials and designated city employees. Before initially accepting appointment or assuming the duties of office and annually thereafter, the following city officials and employees shall file with the city secretary a complete, sworn financial disclosure report complying with subsection (b) of this section:
a. City commission members.
b. City-appointed members to the following boards, commissions, and committees:
(b) Contents. The contents of the financial disclosure report shall be as follows:
(2) Each financial disclosure report must be on a form provided by the city secretary and must contain all of the following information:
a. Name of the reporting party.
b. Name of each family member of the reporting party.
c. Names under which the reporting party and his family members do business.
d. Names of the employers of the reporting party and his family members.
e. Identification of each source of income amounting to more than $1,000.00 …
f. Identification of each business entity…
h. Identification of any business entity that the reporting party knows is a partner…
(c) Open records. A financial disclosure report is an open record subject to the Texas Public Information Act and must be maintained in accordance with the Local Government Records Act.
(d) Annual filing date…
(g) Violations. In addition to other remedies and penalties set forth in this chapter, a violation of this section is punishable as provided in section 1-13.
Sec. 38-157. - Short form annual report.
A person who is required to file an annual financial disclosure report may fulfill those filing obligations by submitting a short sworn statement on a form provided by the city secretary, if there have been no changes in the information disclosed by that person in a complete financial disclosure report filed within the past five years. The short statement must indicate the date of the person's most recently filed complete financial disclosure report and must state that there have been no changes in that information.
Sec. 38-160. - Violation of reporting requirements.
Failure to timely file a report required under this article is a violation of this chapter, as is the filing of a report with incorrect, misleading, or incomplete information.
Sec. 38-1. - Statement of purpose and principles of conduct.
(a) Purpose. It is declared to be the policy of the city that the proper operation of democratic government requires that:
(1) City officials and employees be independent, impartial, and responsible only to the people of the city;
(2) Governmental decisions and policy be made using the proper procedures of the governmental structure;
(3) No city official or employee have any financial interest, direct or indirect, or engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity or incur any obligation of any nature that is in conflict with the proper discharge of his duties in the public interest;
(4) Public office not be used for personal gain; and
(5) The city commission at all times be maintained as a nonpartisan body.
(b) Principles of conduct. Principles of conduct are as follows:
(1) The city council further believes that an elected or appointed city official assumes a public trust and should recognize the importance of high ethical standards within the organization he leads or supports. Essential values and ethical behaviors that an elected or appointed official should exemplify include the following:
a. Commitment beyond self.
b. Obedience and commitment beyond the law.
c. Commitment to the public good.
d. Respect for the value and dignity of all individuals.
e. Accountability to the public.
f. Truthfulness.
g. Fairness.
h. Responsible application of resources.
(2) In keeping with the values set forth in subsection (b)(1) of this section and to assist in the fulfillment of responsibilities to the individuals and communities served, each elected or appointed official should subscribe to the principle to:
a. Conduct himself and operate with integrity and in a manner that merits the trust and support of the public.
b. Uphold all applicable laws and regulations, going beyond the letter of the law to protect and/or enhance the city's ability to accomplish its mission.
c. Treat others with respect, doing for and to others what the official would have done for and to himself in similar circumstances.
d. Be a responsible steward of the taxpayer resources.
e. Take no actions that could benefit the official personally at the unwarranted expense of the city, avoiding even the appearance of a conflict of interest, and exercise prudence and good judgment at all times.
f. Carefully consider the public perception of personal and professional actions and the effect such actions could have, positively or negatively, on the city's reputation both in the community and elsewhere.
g. Strive for personal and professional growth to improve effectiveness as an elected or appointed official.
Sec. 171.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
(1) "Local public official" means a member of the governing body or another officer, whether elected, appointed, paid, or unpaid, of any district (including a school district), county, municipality, precinct, central appraisal district, transit authority or district, or other local governmental entity who exercises responsibilities beyond those that are advisory in nature.
(2) "Business entity" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, firm, corporation, holding company, joint-stock company, receivership, trust, or any other entity recognized by law.
Sec. 171.002. SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST IN BUSINESS ENTITY. (a) For purposes of this chapter, a person has a substantial interest in a business entity if:
(1) the person owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity or owns either 10 percent or more or $15,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity; or
(2) funds received by the person from the business entity exceed 10 percent of the person's gross income for the previous year.
(b) A person has a substantial interest in real property if the interest is an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of $2,500 or more.
(c) A local public official is considered to have a substantial interest under this section if a person related to the official in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, has a substantial interest under this section.
Sec. 171.003. PROHIBITED ACTS; PENALTY. (a) A local public official commits an offense if the official knowingly:
(1) violates Section 171.004;
(2) acts as surety for a business entity that has work, business, or a contract with the governmental entity; or
(3) acts as surety on any official bond required of an officer of the governmental entity.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
Sec. 171.004. AFFIDAVIT AND ABSTENTION FROM VOTING REQUIRED. (a) If a local public official has a substantial interest in a business entity or in real property, the official shall file, before a vote or decision on any matter involving the business entity or the real property, an affidavit stating the nature and extent of the interest and shall abstain from further participation in the matter if:
(1) in the case of a substantial interest in a business entity the action on the matter will have a special economic effect on the business entity that is distinguishable from the effect on the public; or
(2) in the case of a substantial interest in real property, it is reasonably foreseeable that an action on the matter will have a special economic effect on the value of the property, distinguishable from its effect on the public.
(b) The affidavit must be filed with the official record keeper of the governmental entity.
(c) If a local public official is required to file and does file an affidavit under Subsection (a), the official is not required to abstain from further participation in the matter requiring the affidavit if a majority of the members of the governmental entity of which the official is a member is composed of persons who are likewise required to file and who do file affidavits of similar interests on the same official action.
The Mailing Address for Exito Advisors and Consultants is Cesar De Leon and Ben Neece law office location... The registered agent is Armando Magallanes. Coincidence?
Texas Taxpayer Number 32057540612
Mailing Address 1000 E VAN BUREN ST BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520-7145
Right to Transact Business in Texas ACTIVE
State of Formation TX
Effective SOS Registration Date 06/16/2015
Texas SOS File Number 0802236027
Registered Agent Name ARMANDO MAGALLANES
Registered Office Street Address 1644 INTERNATIONAL BOULEVARD BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520
We are so happy that Emma Perez-Trevino is now involved. if anybody, she will get to the bottom of this ridiculous scenario.De Leon obviously has chosen to sleep with the "DEVIL". The Magallanes and Gilbert Hinojosa will eat this young man (De Leon) alive and when they are done, they will just spit him out. Youth and inexperience is against De Leon. De Leon is walking the DARK SIDE. Somebody show him the LIGHT ! Buying Hinojosa's house was a very bad investment, he listened to the wrong people. Again, youth and inexperience got the best of him. He should seek his parents counsel (That's the LIGHT). Buena Suerte Emma, Entrale al Toro !
let me see if I got this straight.
1) De Leon and Magallanes form a consulting company. So?
2) Munguia pays Magallanes (not de Leon) 10+ grand for consulting expenses. Therefore?
3) The money is sent to Magallanes brother's (Judge Juan) building. And?
4) Building once used by Juan Magallanes and Gilberto Hinojosa (yes? So?)
5) De Leon buys house from Hinojosa. When you buy a house, and unless you pay cash, you owe the owner money.(duh?)
That's it? Bits and pieces? Lots of guns, none of them loaded much less smoking. Where are the deep running alliances and allegiances. Puro pedo, bruh. what the hell are "professional services"? anyway. one client? No wonder de Leon's broke.
Bits and pieces - who pays 6% interest on a mortgage loan unless they are broke and need a big favor for an owner financed mortgage. Texas is loaning veterans money at 3.2 to 3.7% with morgages a dime a dozen going for 3.9%. When you are paying 6% it is because you are unable to get a mortgage which then leaves you at the mercy of the owner financed holder.
Bobby WC
bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo. What do you have, woman? Spell it out. looks like the rough draft of something or another. Nothing more. get on it, juan!
Bunch of losers ! Can't you see the connection just quid pro quo kinda of stuff , I scratched your back now scratch mine type of deals thank you Emma for your old fashioned reporting on REAL news not petty shit
Thank you B/WC for the loan rate connection, which should have been the thrust of the article... Good research, but it's still a quid waiting for a quo.
Don't hold your breath. Nothing is gonna happen. All just one big show.
Esta quebrado el vato.
So he cries about $1,500 dlls and stops short of threatening to obliterate anyone who owes him $1,500 dlls. LOL pinche jodido.
His Light is his parents? I recommend you dig into his fathers business. He made money working for the government in Matamoros. So, If he learned anything from his father, its making money off the government and government contracts.
Heck - He lived in Matamoros through high school then went off to college. The day he bought Magallanes house is probably the day he became a resident in Brownsville.
An attorney cutting grass for extra income.
Dayum - If I ever need legal advice, i know who NOT to call.
El Jardinero De Leon
El Taco Eater De Leon
El Wife Beater De Leon (or Hubby Beater?)
El Muerto de Hambre De Leon.
All these surnames out of one conversation..
So Emma - I see your trail.
Now you need to look for landscaping contracts between Exito Landscape and BISD, PUB, COB, County etc. etc.
and theres your corruption.
Blimp! You are no emma perez-trevino, cabron. Stay on your stupid no one goes there Blog! LOL
Shut the fuck up, Valadez ! Mugroso , wash your jeans, "cabron . "
Means De Leon and the Magallanes are CORRUPT same gang....
Cesar and Carlos should go back to messiko.
Shut the he'll up, Booby! You are the last "con job" that should be speaking. YOU should be prosecuted for stealing VA benefits from REAL veterans. YOU are THE true distraction for veterans who are truly suffering real ailments.
Pobre De Leon. Kid, you need to stay away from those Magallanes. They are bad people, evil, heartless and corrupt.
With the Bible under his arm, he's the devil him self. Stay away from that devil of magallanes.
Captains Rock and Roll fools
Mando Magallanes is behind Cesar failure
Cesar shame on you AGAIN
Hell no he won't go.
De elon man you are one huge not big pendejo in bed with the devil folks los magallanes y gilberto hinojosa puros trampas grandes. You may as well resign dude cause the city folks don't trust you anymore, credibility is shot too. And you really thought these guys were going to protect you? Not they only protect themselves and their families.
Kickbacks and pat-for-play are often concealed by shame legal entities and over payment for property and/or services. Dis is the way it is done!
Hinojosa, The Magallanes's, De Leon, Trevino, Sylvia Garza-Perez where calling themselves the "Army" when Trevion won the County Judgeship. So you all connect the dots and see who is in debt to who. The only way our county will ever have progress, true and honest leadership is to vote these people out. Until then, it will be the same circus with different clowns.
Fuck yeah!
Tetreau is part of that "army." Lol
Hinojosa, The Magallanes's, De Leon, Trevino, Sylvia Garza-Perez where calling themselves the "Army"
haha The army, What a joke! haha! and their little soldiers. In order to have an army, you need Generals,
Coloners and lieutenants and they only have puppets and tiny soldiers. No wonder Mexico lost so many states to the Gringos, Perfect example! Exhibit A: haha and they keep up the good work! verguenza! que, verguenza!
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