From: Dr. Esperanza Zendejas
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:31 PM
To: Dr. Esperanza Zendejas <>
Subject: District Foundation Event-Flyer
Dear BISD Clerical Staff,
Several campus secretaries have asked for more information about the upcoming event hosted by the Brownsville School District Centennial Foundation, Dia de los Muertos- A storytelling theatrical event with special musical performance by Pablo Montero, Mexican artist. The event is scheduled for October 27, 2017 with two performances (5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.). For your information I am attaching the event Flyer.
I would appreciate your assistance in posting/disseminating the attached flyer to your faculty, staff and/or departments. The funds raised by the Foundation and by the Superintendent's Golf Tournament are strictly for student scholarships. The Foundation also awards employee mini-grants.
Thank you kindly for your assistance.
By Juan Montoya
In 2012, when the local Mr. Amigo Association was trying to enlist Mexican artist Pablo Montero to be their invitee as that year's Mr. Amigo, news media organizations reported that they were unable to get him a visa due to him being listed by the United States as a persona non grata who was denied entry into the country for a 10-year period.
later the singer told another media outlet that the story was not true and that he was scheduled to perform in Los Angeles, a statement disputed by the Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles.
On Sept. 5, 2007, just over 10 years ago last month, the Today Show reported that Montero was arrested on suspicion of possessing cocaine and driving recklessly in Miami just two days afterhe helped present nominees for that year’s Latin Grammy Awards.
Now, apparently, the singer has overcome his visa issues and is scheduled to appear in Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas' Centennial Foundation Fundraiser coming up in October 27 where he is to give two performances.
The ticket entitles the bearer to enter (at $20 bucks a shot and $40 buck VIP) the TSC Fine Arts Center to see the "one woman show written, produced and presented" by Zendejas herself. We also understand that BISD personnel who feel the tickets are a bit pricey for their pocketbooks are being pressured to break down and fork over the bucks to go to her foundation.
A sample comment from BISD clerks – the lowest on the salary totem pole – expresses their feelings: "With what they pay us, we cannot afford to attend and support a family. We know everything good and bad that happens in the school district and where money goes and to who. We are at the bottom of the barrel but, still fill the pressure to contribute and to represent our schools and Principals. We could possibly borrow from friends/family to attend, but the way these principals treat us is reprehensible. We do all their work and they treat us like Third World Citizens, like we are worthless. We all know they are ASS KISSERS waiting for the next promotion."

The ticket entitles the bearer to enter (at $20 bucks a shot and $40 buck VIP) the TSC Fine Arts Center to see the "one woman show written, produced and presented" by Zendejas herself. We also understand that BISD personnel who feel the tickets are a bit pricey for their pocketbooks are being pressured to break down and fork over the bucks to go to her foundation.
A sample comment from BISD clerks – the lowest on the salary totem pole – expresses their feelings: "With what they pay us, we cannot afford to attend and support a family. We know everything good and bad that happens in the school district and where money goes and to who. We are at the bottom of the barrel but, still fill the pressure to contribute and to represent our schools and Principals. We could possibly borrow from friends/family to attend, but the way these principals treat us is reprehensible. We do all their work and they treat us like Third World Citizens, like we are worthless. We all know they are ASS KISSERS waiting for the next promotion."
The superintendents has said the funds that are raised by the Foundation's fundraisers are for student scholarships and mini-grants to deserving teachers. While praiseworthy, we wonder whether someone with less legal baggage could have been selected.
Who's next, former Tamaulipa governor Tomas Yarrington?
What Montero has to do with the Day of the Dead is never explained, but maybe he might be trying to resurrect his artistic career.
We are still trying to find whether the super's foundation is registered as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit and where it is registered. So far, we have not found it listed among other non-profits.
It's been 10 years since his arrest. Or he probably obtained a waiver for the violation.
Sometimes they over come their inadmissibility. Specially the people with money.
BISD/Supt., in their on way are basically forcing employees/staff to attend this event. No show, No promotions. How much is Pablo Montero being paid from scholarship funds? Clerks don't get paid enough to afford this event. Administrators know that if they don't show support they will be dealt with and if Clerks don't show support they will answer to their respective School Principals. The pressure is in full blast to attend. By the way, alot of us staff/clerks think Pablo Montero SUCKS as an artist.
Pinche Naca.
Mr. Montoya, some of my friends (Clerical Staff) from different schools (mainly elementary) have read your Blog about the "Pablo Montero" Event. With what they pay us, we cannot afford to attend and support a family. We know everything good and bad that happens in the school district and where money goes and to who. We are at the bottom of the barrel but, still fill the pressure to contribute and to represent our schools and Principals. We could possibly borrow from friends/family to attend but, the way this Principals treat us is reprehensible. We do all their work and they treat us like Third World Citizens, like we are worthless. We all know they are ASS KISSERS waiting for the next promotion. Us clerks run the schools and see and hear everything that happens and what Administrators do and don't do. They should be careful what they do and say or they will end up on social media. Yes, there's clerks out there that have stuff on there phones, so you better start showing some respect. By the way, Pablo Montero looks to gay. No, will not attend. Got to go, my lunch is over.
Captain Bob is next MR. AMIGO, putos!
Here we have an American school in Texas, trying to raise money pandering to Mexican culture. Is there any wonder why we are the rectum of the United States, burdened by corrupt and incompetent leadership. The border should be moved north to the Sarita checkpoint and just let this part of the world sink into Mexican culture, attitudes, economics, income, legal rights, police protection, roads and tap water. Fuck em, let the have what they want. Let them be 100% Mexican and not just Mexican when it suits them. All in or all out!
WOW, Clerks uniting. I agree with Post Oct.5, 1:06pm They don't get paid enough for doing the work of a Degreed Administrator. I have a sister that works as a clerk at an Elementary School. She loves working with kids, it's her passion but, she tells me that at times and in a roundabout way she feels the pressure to attend certain events so her Principal can show off that her staff supports her, especially if the events are about Money and spearheaded by the Superintendent. She tells me that Principals behave like Elitists and show no respect to the individuals that actually run the schools. Sometimes they are expected to turn a blind eye to certain scenarios or else (you can imagine). I don't think she will attend this "Pablo Montero" Event. If i know her, she would rather spend the money on her kids. But, i will say this, Principals beware of your clerks, they know too much. And if they have a nice evil smile, brace yourself. By the way, who is keeping tabs of this so called scholarship money and making sure it goes where it's suppose to.
Clerks WILL NOT speak up, unite or say anything against their principals for the same reason many teachers don't speak up unless they already have a job outside the district or are ready to retire so they dont care what happens. THEY WANT TO KEEP THEIR JOB.
When my friend retired and her resignation had been accepted, she had a heated disagreement with her principal. He told her he would give her a bad evaluation, for which she said "ask me if I care, I AM LEAVING!"
To post Oct 5,2017 at 5:16PM, Don't loose faith in us (Clerks) we are trying and we vote. I know we don't have the degrees like our principals have but, it doesn't give them the right to treat us like shit. We run the schools. I am a clerk and i was at a Jr.High School where i was happy (I like helping students and parents) and i got transfer to an elementary school because i would not play they're game. I stood up and i got transfered. The Jr. High Principal i was under is having an affair with a Board member, staff knew. We all did. But, we are tired and we will speak up in any way possible. Principals/Administrators beware of technology, it's all around you 24/7....We vote and we will not attend the "Pablo Montero" Event even if pressured. Think about it, undegreed persons run this country.
.....meanwhile students leave to idea--- board to busy making deals to care
Thank you Mr.J Montoya for airing our grievances. We are "CLERKS" at BISD and tonight (THURSDAY) we get our night out to relax amid all the shit and pressure that is put on us by this unscruperlous Administrators. We cannot affort to attend the Superintendents event, we wish her well but, We all rather engage over popcorn and cheap drinks and just relax. We will discuss your blog, friends are texting and emailing clerks. WE ARE CLERKS AND WE RUN THE DISRICT. Thank You Sir, for giving us a platform. God Bless...The event to pricy for working clerks and their families. This event is not for people like us, it is not design for us. It's for so called "High Society" in Brownsville. To them we are just CLERKS (Nobodies) but, they want our MONEY. We are CLERKS, we don't make much but, we all like KIDS.
We know (Clerks/Secretaries) where some of the money for this event is going to and to whom. It's a FARCE.. But if you don't attend, nobody get's money and how are you going to pay "Pablo Montero". He wants his MONEY put upfront in order to commit. Who is financing this gig? Who was instrumental in getting him to commit? it's about MONEY, MONEY. Who really is going to profit? The students, we all doubt it. We clerks/secretaries know everything...Zendejas is joe Rodrijuez puppet. Law enforcement needs to talk to us, not them. We know everything.
This event is important to the superintendent (Pablo Montero) in October 27,2017.... We clerks don't care if you succeed or fail, we will not support this event for you or the board and there's alot of us and ready to vote and has nothing to do about money for us. We have endured in dire circumstances and will continue, because we truly love the kids. Instead of spending money on this event, We are taking our family to the Movies/Dinner. Money well spend... I am a Clerk and proud to serve families and kiddoes. Gracias, Senor Montoya por darnos una voz atraves de su tecnologia. Nosotros, los vas bajos, le agradesemos. Yes, I'm a nondegreed bilingual clerk and proud.
Well, this Superintendent is nothing but a Witch and a Thieve just look at who her buddies are and her support on the Board.. Starting with Joe Rodriguez who hired her with his cronies back in the 90's and again when they brought her back! Cesar and Carlos who are also Rats, Thieves, Crooks and Worthless Pieces of Shit!!! She also has the Bitch/Ho of Perez-Reyes and Dumb Ass Cowen on her side.
Minerva Piggy and Vindictive Atkinson which promised change? Hmm what a difference District of Innovation ?
This District is not ready for change technology wise we aren't ready and Zendejas has got to go!!! Send her back to LA and/or her Farm in Mexico because she ain't worth a SHIT...
I do agree that clerical personnel and all support staff deserve more pay, but if they raise the taxes to raise the salaries more, the people complain. If principals are being so hateful, then stand up and speak up and hold on to the whistle blowers rights. Dr. Z is trying to raise money for the many scholarships that are awarded local students who have not even been touched by any other scholarship fund. Most will go to our local colleges so what little they may get, at least they can pay for one book. Teachers also are able to receive grants to work on professional aspirations and all these awards can be
witnessed at the annual Awards night that is held for such presentations. Yet, people complain because she holds this award ceremony. Ask the people who have received funds if they want to complain. As for the Mexican artist, he will be the one to do the singing part in the one-act play. If you don't include Mexican culture, people complain, but what's the difference? Is you do, they still complain. The play has nothing to do with el dia de los muertos as you describe it for I saw it the first time it was performed here at the Camile. One of the topics Dr. Z uses even as a published author is one that brings attention to the plight of the illegal or legal immigrant as they face circumstances as they die in search for a better living. They are waiting for someone in their family to be notified of their death so that their bodies will be claimed and taken home to Mexico or wherever to be buried. I guess since it fall around the celebration of dia de los muertos, everyone assumes that is what is being portrayed in the play. But it seems that someone out there in the community is trying in every which way may be possible to try and get rid of the supt who is outshining her in character and intelligence. Not until she is released from her duties at the end of her 2020 contract will they ever find any facts to fire her. If they do, please remember she does have a contract until 2020 and if they remove her before, they must pay out her contract plus the penalty to the state for having done so. Now ask me, where will all that money come from? The district's money!
At least she has done several and many things to contribute to the welfare of her "bread and butter." Some of us may not like some of the things that she does, but we can not hold back in giving her credit for all the good she has done for the district. Is that why she was selected by some national organization as a top administrator. That was because they looks at the data and facts and not personal agendas. I am not with the school district because I don't have any credentials that may help them, but I can not fail to see what this lady has done and did for the district the first time she was here. Why don't you write an article about what she has accomplished at BISD. If I had the money, I would sponsor that article or pay just like I know some do to keep things out of the blog. Ya! He dicho! Cuento acabado y adelante con Esperanza Zendejas!!!!!!
Clerks don't run no school fool
You need to show Zendejas in a witches hat and with green you did with Queen Julieta. Zendejas must be taking lessons from Queen Julieta, not setting up a fund that is supposedly for a good cause, but obviously to be controlled by Zendejas, just as Queen Julieta managed her "Development Fund".
After the "ring" debacle for soccer players by BISD, this fund provides an fund to catch all.
(BISD CLERKS) For $20 dollors, we can take our kids to the movies, out to eat, buy some tennis, fill car with gas for work, buy meat for family BBQ, buy groceries for school sandwiches, buy school supplies, almost 20 tacos at Stripes for the whole month, the Zoo, and we can go on and on. Our families live a simple life and we know how important $20 dollars can be to our everyday livehood. For $20 dollors we will probably be way at the back unable to see the show and our Principals won't even acknowlege us because they will pay $40 dollars to be seen sitted with so called "VIP's". This is the life of BISD CLERKS, NO LIFE, just trying to survive. Mr. M, thanks for your blog and allowing us for the first time to sit in the FRONT to see this show for "FREE". We are important to our families and love the kids we serve at school. If only we were given RESPECT.
Mary Rey said.....
Thank you for your service BISD Clerks!!!
We the parents and grandparents of children in our District, appreciate and respect you!!
Mary S.Contreras-Rey
I'm a Secretary at the BISD Main Office but, was also a Secretary at a school prior to being transfered. I have many friends/aquaintances throughout the District. The Elites in the school district unfortunately, are not held in high regard by us, clerks and support staff. We know and see what goes on (Some not Good) but, it's mainly their treatment of those of us in the rank and file. Word out is to shun this upcoming event. Besides, there is really no interest from what i hear to see/hear Pablo Quitero.
His last name is Montero but, who care's, he's not worth $20 much less $40 bucks. Thank You clerks and support staff for the way you assist our kids on a daily basis. You are indeed an important segment of our school system. We Salute You.
WOW, I can't believe what i'm hearing during our weekly Girls Night out. Clerks saying Enough is Enough and silently speaking out for fear of retaliation. They will do what their job discription calls for but, are not willing to go that extra mile. They will help teachers and kids as they always do, they will continue to do their office work as they do on a daily basis and they are determine to VOTE this coming election. The upcoming event with Pablo Montero is not on their radar. WOW, even if it's in silence, they are being very vocal during our weekly outings. Hooray, for CLERKS POWER, it will be felt, even if silently. By the way Mr. Montoya, your blog is being discussed.
The Supt. and the Principals suck. Se creen muy chingones/chingonas pero no hacen nada. We do the work (SUPPORT STAFF/CLERKS). Pablo Montero event sucks.
Cmon now we have some great principals--- who are getting pressure to buy these tickets
I do agree that the emperor had NO clothes .....
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