(i) construct streets, sidewalks, related drainage, and bicycle trails at various locations in the City
(including the possible purchase of equipment deemed appropriate to construct such improvements);
(ii) acquire, equip, repair, replace, renovate and make improvements to the Central Library;
(iii) acquire, equip, repair, replace, renovate and make improvements to various public parks;
(iv) acquire buses for Brownsville Metro and provide matching grant funds for a Brownsville Metro project known generally as the BUS Maintenance Facility Major Repair - Phase 2); and
(vi) construct additional cells at the municipal landfill; and (collectively, the "Projects"), and for paying all or a portion of the legal, fiscal and engineering fees in connection with the Projects and the costs of issuance related to such Certificates of Obligation.
The city passed the Complete Streets Resolution #2012-056. Adopted on October 2, 2012, one of the provisions adopted by the commission was that 10 percent of any transportation-related Certificates of Obligation go to bike and hike trails. The issuance will be before city commissioners during their regular meeting this Tuesday.
Gowen and her silk-stocking supporters have raided and will continue raiding the city treasury for millions for their illusionary vision of Brownsville as another Austin if we let them. We ask again. Whose priorities are these?
No pueden componer las calles de la cuidad y si muy buenos para andar gastando en estupideses. Quando fue la ultima vez que esa senora gorda se sube a una bici?
I understand having biketrails but I see a handful of ppl using them, will come out cheaper buying each one of them a car
Someone better check it out and make sure the Cycle Psycho does not have an interest in a bicycle shop and/or a pavement company that will get the contract for the trails. She must be getting something for her efforts. As if she didn't get enough en Su Clinica del welfare.
Make a stand and work hard to get the masses to vote her and all of them out. Her network is very limited to the elite and those who could careless about the irresponsible expenditures to please a minute segment of the community when we have dire needs to fix streets and other priorities that impacts lives.
These are Rose Zavaleta Gowen's priorities...for sure. I have never seen a bike in the 6th and 7th Street bike lanes. I have seen a few on the sidewalks there, but none in the bike lanes. We should name all the bike paths, Rose Gowen #1, Rose Gowen #2, an so on. This city might spend this money on bus stop seating and covers....far more people use the bus than ride bikes.
Orale, does rose think that people want o lose weight come on not here in the valley, hello Rosita how about putting in some of those benches at the bus stops don't be Gauge.
This bike krap has to stop! Its too hot here, no one wants to ride a bike in mid-summer heat (roughly all year), and this is too much money. Add all of those years up and we could of had a convention center, an arena, or something entertaining to bring people to Brownsville and put "heads in beds". The sports park that Atkinson vouched for has done anything for the hotel industry and neither have these bikes. Im tired of the bike lady,quite frankly the mention of bike lanes or bicycles pisses me off. My tax payer money is being wasted on stupid bike lanes that no-one uses. Linear park with the historic battle trail is more than enough. The commission needs to stand up and question the use of this tax payer money. Gowen needs to see her way out of this commission.
-Oliveira: represents no one, has done nothing for us... out
-Lucio's: represents no one, does nothing for us... out
"Another concerned citizen"
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