Saturday, November 4, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: Not a day goes by that we don't witness scenes like the one above. In fact, this elderly couple is fortunate that there is a mesquite tree in the property next to the bus stop sign. Many times, they have to wait under the baking sun or in rain or cold. And we have posted here before where the bus shelters procured by the BUS contractors lie unassembled in their bus barns.

Aside from not providing riders with shelter from sun and rain, notice there are no benches or sidewalks for the people to use. Whenever the question of shelters arise, it is predictable that the managers of BUS will announce publicly that they have just spent gazillions to buy chingos of them. But where are they?

Image result for rose gowen, rrunrrunIn contrast, the city commission – with commissioner Rose Gowen pedaling at the point – make no bones that they are dead set on making Brownsville bike friendly and will spend the people's money to place this city on the map of "active" tourism.

Toward that end, they passed something called the Complete Streets Resolution #2012-056 Adopted on October 2, 2012. One of the provisions adopted by the commission was that 10 percent of any transportation-related Certificates of Obligation go to bike and hike trails.

The result? How about $2,007,133 so far?

Gowen and her silk-stocking supporters have raided and will continue raiding the city treasury for millions for their illusionary vision of Brownsville as another Austin if we let them. We ask again. Whose priorities are these?


Anonymous said...

Only the poor ride buses; no one here gives a shit about the poor. Got it?

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of Bus Shelters are getting rotten in the storage at the Bus Maintenance department building by the Airport. It was brought to the City Management's attention but no positive actions were taken. What a shame???????????

Anonymous said...

Yip. Always has always will be.

Anonymous said...

The City elected officials, the Administration reflects the condition of the City. The politicians keep getting richer, the top administrators keep getting higher pays and the labor force are kept at minimum wages. what's left is used to maintain the silk districts of the city.

Anonymous said...

We see lots of people using the buses every day, but few bikers. Not an equitable use of resources, but that has been a regular thing since Tony Martinez became mayor. We have poorly utilized bike trails, real estate that has no use and any money spent on that real estate would be a waste, and projects for jobs that never materialize. Brownsville has no leadership and poor management.

Pat Ahumada said...

Anonymous 12:27 PM, this was also done when I was there and nothing was done. I offered an alternative that would get us stainless steel shelters with security cameras free at all stops requested. In exchange provider would sell advertisement and that was turned down, because Norma said we did not need any shelters because we already had them, just needed to install them 9 years ago. Bus riders are still waiting.

Anonymous said...

Bus shelters? We don't need no steeken bus shelters!

Anonymous said...

The sidewalk from the corner of Old Port Isabel Road and Price Road has above ankle high grass growing on the side of the street. Some parts look almost as if trees are growing. You should take a good picture of that. Students walking to Hanna, adults walking down the sidewalk, cyclists, ANYBODY that just happens to use that area needs to walk the street because you can get a good scare from a snake, a possum, a tarantula. The city SOMETIMES cuts the grass but never uses weed killer and the problem continues.

Anonymous said...

Jessica’s tetraue kalifa not doing her job to busy with her nose up Ben Neece and Cesar Deleon ass.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I as a citizen is Brownsville can help without charging the city can with the help of others in the community can offer our time to set the small shelters up for our bus riders...
free free free freeeee free free free

If there is a response to this I will give my time and resources for our people ...

Anonymous said...

Normita is not even a city employee, so she gives even less than a fuck. Her sidekick is a brain-dead doofus who can't even get a full sentence out of his mouth.

How these people get such high level jobs is a festivus miracle. Now that papa Charlie is gone these idiots will get terminated maybe.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried to ride a bicycle in Brownsville?

Granted, for transportation you do what you have to do to get from point A to point B. I rode a bike to and from work for the first year after I moved here. It was not pleasant as I sweating profusely and had to carry an extra set of clothes to change into when I arrived at the job.

For exercise? How can a normal person obtain exercise by riding a bike when the temperature is 90 degrees and the humidity is 90%? There is a good reason that Brownsville is not amenable to bicyclists and it has nothing to do with a lack of bike lanes. Anyone who supports spending money by accommodating bicyclists rather than providing the taxpayers with covered and secure bus shelters should be run out of town and banned from reelection!

Pat Ahumada said...

Does Rose Bowen ride her bike to and from work, to meetings, etc? Which, if any commissioner voted against the Resolution?

Anonymous said...

Of course not.

Anonymous said...

Everything is permissible..but not everything is beneficial..

