There once was a town by the Rio
Which endeavored to shine on a hill
They put on the nines
And put on the frills
But stayed poor and brown further still
Established old families, but not the poor
Yearned for the fables of yore
When paladins on steeds
Defended their deeds
And carried their names near and far
They spent public cash
And even taxed trash
To embellish the looks of the place
But the glory of those days was gone
There wasn't meat left on that bone
Their fame had lost luster
Despite all the fluster
And all they clung to was a stone
They sang of their past
Trying to make it last
Ignoring what stood in their face
They put that aside
As if trying to hide
The present for their glory days
The years they passed by
And after a while
Others said this just won't fly
Forget of your past
Give pretense a rest
Your better days said goodbye
Come down and get real
You are by the Rio...
Poorer and browner still
Better their lives if you will
Austin you are not
So why don't you stop,
Work with what you've got
And better everyone's lot
There once was a town by the Rio
Which endeavored to shine on a hill...
Juan, you hate Mexicans as much as you hate yourself? LOL
LOL: It's original definition was "Laughing out loud" by eight graders. Now, it is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it. In fact, they probably don't even give a shit about what you just wrote. More accurately, the acronym "lol" should be redefined as "Lack of laughter."
Depending on the chatter, its definition may vary. The list of its meanings includes, but is not limited to:
1) "I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation."
2) "I'm too lazy to read what you just wrote so I'm typing something useless in hopes that you'll think I'm still paying attention."
3) "Your statement lacks even the vaguest trace of humor but I'll pretend I'm amused."
4) "This is a pointless acronym I'm sticking in my sentence just because it's become so engraved into my mind that when chatting, I MUST use the meaningless sentence-filler 'lol.'"
A dying and unappreciated art, mr Montoya, and unfortunately pearls before swine. There once was a girl named Heather...
Pita quacha
You know what we say in mcallen? We say "shit flows down the river." And whats down river? Your stinking city with it's backward ways and corruption seeping from every city office!
Viva macalito maricones!
MONTOYA... a quien le interesa este PINCHE articulo informa que pedo con las ambulancias a que hora van a meter al bote a ELIZONDO/CABLER y demas ratas ya no escribas pendejadas ay que limpiar esta cuidad.
There was a time when Brownsville was a pretty, well run American city on the north side of the Rio Grande. Today, it is nothing but a suburb of Matamoros, with the dirt, filt and corruption that goes along with that.
Somewhere, sometime something changed. I saw it happen and know why. Do you?
Viva macalito where, where drug cartels launder their cocaine, kidnapping and prostitution money.
Sales Tax revenue down $5 million yet retail centers poping up everywher. Hmm I wonder who has the pockets to sustain that.
macacaca says it all
Y'all down in bean town are like the crabs pulling each other down instead of working together. Once your city overcomes the crab mentality you might just be ok. Funny how SPI and Boca Chica is the same prestige paradise but your city chooses to launch rockets rather than exploit the potential windfall from a tourist destination on Boca chica beach. You guys invented charro days and now you all travel 60 miles to come to border fest. Really? Come on. Keep your pesos in Brownsville. We keep our dollars in McAllen.
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