Brownsville, TX - The city of Brownsville has removed two teens from the Youth Advisory Council after harassment complaints and alleged neo-Nazi propaganda was published on their personal social media accounts.
Termination letters sent to Christopher Gracia and Jose Antonio Escobedo confirm the city ‘has received several concerns regarding your personal activities which have deterred the focus from our mission. As a result, the Council will no longer require your assistance.’
The Youth Advisory Council’s mission, according to a report by the Brownsville Herald in August, when the Council was recognized and launched, said: “the purpose of the Youth Advisory Council is to get high school juniors and seniors involved in local politics and get their input on local issues.”

Gracia broadcasts several hour-long Q&A’s about white nationalism and white being a dominant race in America. In a four-hour broadcast, Gracia takes calls from listeners
CALLER: The more diverse you get the more problems you’re going to get...
GRACIA: I kinda agree with you there
Gracia also said in a video titled SUPPORT WHITE PEOPLE = End the white genocide taking place all over the world. Call in on Skype to talk. #Ban Immigration, “I personally would like America to be with one culture; very Western, very American, regardless of the race but, preferably, in majority of the country being whites.”
On his Twitter page, Gracia is posing with a confederate flag and his cover/background photo is a Nazi propaganda flag. He also has posted “Keep white countries white. Keep black countries black. Keep Asian countries Asian” and “America is a white country.”
On both accounts, Gracia’s biography promotes his website In the ‘About’ section, Gracia boasts, “after a number of blogging sites decided to censor the statements of Christopher Gracia, prompting him to found his own independent website as a haven for his thoughts at the young age of 17.”
‘Guilty by association’ is more along the lines of ‘guilty by sharing’ in Escobedo’s case. Escobedo serves on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and has shared Gracia’s web articles with statements such as;
“It is true that Islamic scripture promotes sexual assaults such as rape and pedophilia, and that this is a major problem considering these scriptures are used as a life manual by over 1.8 billion people in the world who are growing in number.”
“We must stop allowing political correctness and cultural relativism to make us turn a blind eye to atrocities promoted in the Quran and hadith that are acted out in the real world by Muslims.”
(Escobedo was allowed to remain on the committee after he distanced himself from the statements by Gracia.)
For full report, click on link:
Is Gracia Gay?
Sounds like yet two more easily-influenced Mexicans.
This is 100% the product of american indoctrination and papas malinchistas mexicanos. I wonder how many mexican-american kids think like them through out the U.S.?
What about the racist that sits on the City Commission?????? This town takes action against a rock with a plaque recognizing a man dead for a hundred years, but takes no action against Cesar de Leon....a racist and bigot.....who is alive and well and making policy decisions for this city. All this talk about bigotry and racism is hypocritical as long as no action is taken against Cesar de Leon...our living racist and bigot. Obviously there are some here who don't believe anyone can be a racist or bigot unless they are Anglo/white. Hispanic racists get a free pass in Brownsville.
And you Juan have now put these 2 individuals on the FBI watch list as home grown terrorist prospects. They probably will be monitoring their
web sites and social media sites if they weren't on FBI watch list already. Good Job!
Escobedo is
They should appoint the two young men as aides for Cesar De Leon. I'm sure he would relish their input and help guide the young lads to better develop their racist beliefs. From there the sky is the limit for these boys, perhaps even a stint as White House interns this summer to further support Trump's whitening of America.
Whether or not we agree with the young men, they have a right to their views on any topic under the sun. Once again unpopular speech is shut down and excluded. As this was a governmental body that denied them their free speech rights, expect a law suit to follow.
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