Tuesday, December 26, 2017


The Lopez Family
December 23, 2017
To the Citizens of Brownsville students, and teachers of Brownsville Independent School District
Brownsville, Texas
Re: Lopez Scholarship Fund

The lawsuit filed does not ask for any monetary damages. It is about principle. However, if awarded $1 billion, we announce the creation of the Lopez Scholarship Foundation. My daughter Lucy has decided she will give the $1 billion to the Brownsville community and the BISD family as follows:

1) Every student who took and got a 3 or higher on the AP Spanish exam in middle school and was denied GPA weight in high school, will get $10,000 a year to pay for college tuition. (This issue is important to us because it discriminates against those most likely to pass the AP Spanish test.)

2) Once a month every student who improves from a C to a B will get $50 per class. If student goes from a C to an A, he or she gets $100.00. (Learning matters to us and we will pay students to learn and show improvement.)

3) We will buy matching shoes for the basketball, volleyball, soccer, and track teams at the middle and high schools; Michael Jordan, Nike, etc.

4) We will buy Texas Instrument calculators for a math and science classes in high school.

5) Each elementary teacher will get $500 in school supplies. Many of our teachers pay for their school supplies out of their pockets.

6) We will pay for the girls who make UCA Dance and Cheer to go to New York for the Macy's Parade and bowl games. Many girls make UCA, but they can't afford to attend the events

7) Lucy loves being a cheerleader and every year some of her friends do not tryout for the team because they can't afford the $1,000 uniform. We will pay for the uniform, shoes, etc.

8) Build playgrounds with accommodations for special needs at the elementary schools and the high schools, so all kids get P.E.

9) We will donate $10 million to each high school to build a state-of-the-art courtroom.

10) We will pay for the Destination Imagination (DI) teams to go nationals and world competition.

11) The power lifting teams' trips will be funded.The days of having to sell t-shirts to pay for trips are gone.

12) We will pay for tutors for the football, basketball, soccer, baseball, and volleyball teams to support our athletes academically.

13) Students who ride the bus to and from school can't stay for tutorials, band, practice, etc. We will create the Lopez bus for students who need rides after school for tutorials and practices.

14) We will buy two condominiums near M.D. Anderson so those who need a place may stay free of charge. Beat cancer! Get well.

15) Every senior will get a yearbook and his/her graduation ring. We want every student to graduate high school.

16) We will update Egly Elementary sign language facilities and provide classes, so all children learn some sign language.

17) Holy Family Catholic Church will receive get $1 million.

18) We will fund the chess teams state and national trips.

19) AP teachers will get $250 for each student who passes the AP exam with a 3 or higher.

20) We are open to ideas for needs in our community. A committee of students, teachers and community members will be created to spend and award the $1 billion back to the community and BISD family.


Anonymous said...

Joe gave more to Zendejas —

Anonymous said...

Tan pendejas Las 2

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Elia Cornhole Lopez sounds like President Carter, who told the nation he consulted with his daughter Amy about nuclear issues. Here Elia says her daughter Lucy determined how the money will be used. BULLSHIT! Elia has never consulted with anyone, and if anyone were to give advice it would not be considered. Elia is all knowing, all powerful, and all BULLSHIT!

Anonymous said...

Talk about putting the BUGGY before the HORSE .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12:46. For the love of God, grow the fuck up! Satire! Get it? It's a joke, Juan is joking! Chingado!

Anonymous said...

It's all BISD faul for failing to take care of a student. Bitches like Alarcon and Bertha Pena, yes it's right, pena, are the reason for this dilema. They think their shit don't stink and they refuse to talk to parents to get an agreement, instead, they route the parents to their secretaries who are useless but feel powerful because their bosses, who don't like to do their high paying job, enable the secretary to confront the parents. Why they collect such a high salary for such a diservice?

Anonymous said...

Apart from the negative trolls, everyone else recognizes these are good ideas from a parent and a current student. I hope the fat cat administrators are paying attention, when not too busy anonymously tearing down one if their own top students. Strange how when you ask a parents and kid where BISD money should be spent, priorities do NOT include hunting trips and movidas and kickback deals for board members and athletic cronies hmmm. They have treated this family like hell and I hope Elia and her daughter win a huge settlement!!!

Anonymous said...

Now it is a billion??? My goodness, what makes her Lucy so luxurious? If such is the case, what the hell is she worried about what classes or test she takes since she will be sponging off BISD for the rest of her life. Elia, what is wrong with you? I know exactly where you came from and you should be glad that you were able to fool a bunch of us in voting for you for both BISD board and judge, and you should also be glad that you had such opportunities to be able to adopt this child. Why not bring her up with scruples and values like a young lady should be brought up and don't put words into her mouth and treachery in her mind. Let her grow up to be a fine, honest woman instead of putting so much pressure on her. I also know Lucy and the type of person she is deep down, but that is why she has so few friends or people who will actually support her. Most everyone has read the Grading Policy that they are given every year and I bet she realizes that she made a boo-boo when she went ahead and took the Spanish test in junior high without taking the course. I can remember her being told not to do so, but I think you pressed her too much.
Shame on you Elia and if I were a judge, I would charge you with child abuse.

Anonymous said...

The board is paying Dr. Zendejas for a 24/7 hour job that she was hired to do and she is the only superintendent who is actually moving the district forward, so it was not Coach Joe. It was the whole board who voted unanimously, sonso or sonsa. Not one superintendent before her, except herself, have done so much for the district. Let her be and applaud her for the job that she takes pride in doing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Perhaps she could buy every person in Brownsville a blindfold so we don’t have to look at her ugly face?

Anonymous said...

she sounds like Pablo Escobar stealing from the public to give back to the public to make her look like a Robin Hood.

Anonymous said...

Elia is a self-centered, power mongering bitch. She seeks to intimidate; using her position and her girth to back her up. As in her courtroom, she thinks she is "the boss" and what she says goes. Her kids are spoiled brats, backed up by their "own judge". She thinks she can run BISD better than anyone else, and seeks $1 billion dollars to prove her power. She's like a dog chasing....

Anonymous said...

Teri Alarcon has gotten away with dodging parents for years and always with superintendent approval. We all knew why with Zolkoski and Carl Montoya, but Zendejas support is baffling unless its true she stabbed atkinson in the back to win zendejas over.

Anonymous said...

Go get ‘em Judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love you by the libra or is it kilo.

Anonymous said...

Somebody actually stab Atkinson in the back??? Good for her! What goes around comes around cause Sylvia Atkinson has done it to so many people, including Big Sylvia P, so now it is her time to suffer some stabs - Sylvia A, watch out for A-Sharie-Stab. Sylvia is the expert in stabbing people in the back to get her way. If she does it to dear, dear, friends, why should she not do it to anyone else. So if someone finally stabbed her - my hats off to you!

Anonymous said...

Your another dumbass like Elia and her daughters to be taken more funds away from our community and more lawyers charging more funds why not try to get along at the table and come to a resolution and use the funds appropriately and accommodate to the children so that they don’t become drunks and haul ass down our streets and abandon their cars in order not to be caught by police.teach them the right way to do things and not to be corrupt and have corrupt mommy correct our mistakes. Sit and discuss how to appropriately manage our community in the right direction and not create misappropriated situations.what a bad example judge Elia has created for her young daughters.

Anonymous said...

Plz tell me this woman is gonna be charged w a FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT! Judge Hansen PLZ¡ !

Anonymous said...

She's always at a all you can eat restaurant. In reality she wants that money to buy all the HEB's in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

OK look the SPA (atkinson) and the Barbie Doll (alarcon) have never been friendly,

What you see with the Barbie Doll is what you get; a pretty face and no backbone, she does as she is told, what has happened since the SPA came back to seek her revenge on the district after getting run off to Rio Hondo ISD is that Barbie has been straddling both sides of the fence, trying to please to many people and not pleasing anyone.

The SPA on the other hand has no one's interests at heart other that her own, and of course those that happen to be close at the time, she is dead inside, and she knows this for a fact. The SPA still thinks that what is good for her is what is good for everyone else; just because.

Spa was a shitty teacher, a shitty administrator, and her path of destruction is wider that her fat and getting fatter ass.

Anonymous said...

Jojojo good comparison
Plata o plomo

Anonymous said...

In Elia La Vagina Negra's case:


bisd tax payer said...

We know how Teri Alarcon works !
Let see what happens to Teri Alarcon when the super is gone .
Their days are counted !!

Anonymous said...

You would need a big knife to penetrate that huge layer of back fat.

Anonymous said...

Lol that started out making sense but went downhill fast. Whuuut the???? Correct "our mistakes"?? Clearly you are a BISD employee unleashing this rambling, incoherent and hateful diatribe against a current student and her family. Hey they pay taxes too that pay your BISD salary, all they wanted was equal treatment as a public school you have no right to discriminate or harass this family! Not online or in the classroom either!

Anonymous said...

Blotter of 11:12 is correct that all students should be treated alike. That is what is being done but Elia wants her baby girl to be treated special and with "rights" no other student has according to grading policies. If grading policies had been as standard way back when Elia was a student, she would never have graduated, much less make it through law school and much less has any sense to interpret the law and set punishment. As we have seen in "her" court several times, she has made stupid mistakes and that may be because she sleeps through most of the trial = her facial features show you that she just woke up from a hangover. It is a pitty she does not allow her "little girl" to fin by herself, for she is much smarter than her Mom and would have probably made well on her own. Mommy could have stayed on the commode where she belong with all the BS that she spits out.
