Wednesday, December 27, 2017


By Juan Montoya
Add cell phone records, texts and data messages to the evidence being gathered through search warrants issued to the Cameron County District Attorney's Office on the case of indicted former Brownsville Fire Department Chief Carlos Elizondo.

Law enforcement sources say that among the search warrants granted to DA investigators besides those of his home has been  one related to the cell phones and/or other electronic devices under Elizondo's name.

If true, those records might yield incriminating information into the former fire chief's communications during critical times, such as when he might have called dispatchers to steer patient transfers to a private ambulance company instead of to the city's EMS.

And if text messages are retrieved, they could also yield invaluable information on who he was communicating with on any number of issues, including administrators and elected officials from entities like the Brownsville Independent School District, Texas Southmost College, the City of Brownsville, and other governmental entities.

And if he texted vendors with either the city or the school district, this will also be available to investigators.

Image result for CARLOS ELIZONDO, WITH CELL PHONE"You can erase calls or texts, but they never go away," said a local attorney who has defended clients whose cell phones and computer hard drives and chips have been seized under the authority of search warrants issued by local magistrates and judges. "They can go in there and find out who you have called, when you called them, and even where you were at when you texted or called. Nothing goes away."

Now elected officials and administrators in a number of entities may be looking over their shoulders trying to remember whether they said anything compromising when they spoke with Elizondo or texted him over his cell phone.

If one remembers, it was his recording of a private conversation with City of Brownsville Commissioner Cesar de Leon where three other people were present and the "N" word was used that unleashed a raging controversy in the city. Elizondo allegedly release snippets in an attempt to discredit De Leon and divert attention from an audit of his department that showed he had steered patient transfers to a private ambulance carrier.

A grand jury indicted Elizondo on charges of Theft by a Public Official and Misappropriation of Fiduciary Property. The second charge is related to allegations by the Brownsville Firefighters Association that he had withdrawn more than $8,000 from their political action committee's bank account after he had been removed as treasurer by the Texas Ethic Commission as a sanction for not filing the PAC's reports.

Former city manager – since retired – suspended Elizondo with pay when the audit on the department was released, and later terminated him when the indictments were issued.


Anonymous said...

Keyword "if".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The way politics works in Cameron County and because charging Elizondo and/or Cabler is a negative reflection on Mayor Tony is unlikely that either will be in court any time soon. Political corruption in the city is rampant, but little has been, or is likely to be, done to change the culture of corruption here. And, because Cesar de Leon remains on the city commission, despite his racist and bigoted comments about two African-American members of the DA's office, again reflects the lack of leadership by Martinez. The DA should have pressured Martinez to take action against de Leon, but he didn't. Why didn't Luis Saenz make a bigger issue of the racist comments about members of his staff?????? The maze of political corruption in this community is mind blowing.....but part of the Hispanic culture of this region. As Tony Zavaleta supposedly once said, "Corruption is a part of the Mexican culture and we should accept it."

Anonymous said...

Why is the commissioners still holding off on letting us tax payers suffer with no Ambulance units available when there is an emergency.i was in the emergency room last night and over heard that there was a steady 200 emergency calls a day,steady every day over the last few days.where are we safe from danger while theses commissioners Twittle there fingers and enjoy the rest of their holidays safe out of town in other cities that are well equipped to handle all emergencies. They are Cancer or pests to our community only feeding,feasting here to later enjoy other better communities where they can spend our hard earned money(taxes).why we wither away in this shithole they call Brownsville .Grab the toilet scrub and clean the commissioners board or at least have them do something positive to make the public feel a little safe instead of playing these political game and wasting time while we suffer or die.

Anonymous said...

Somebody's got the hot for a city commissioner and because he doesn't want to play you turn against him and your culture and embrace people that don't give a turd about you. Corruption didn't start here and will not end here. Compare to LA, Chicago, New Orleans and other northern cities this is chicken feed. YOU would not dare say what you say here in those cities. Clean up your act and look for a boy friend somewhere else. faggot

Anonymous said...

Oh.oh. they might uncover other crimes...

Anonymous said...

Will they uncover the truth? Building a fire fighter school and EMT based on ZERO data? Job market study? Against the recommendation of administration—- just to get a fourth board member vote for Supt?

Millions wasted and more to come ....

At lease Montoya spells it out for everybody- eventually something will be done...

Anonymous said...

100 bucks says Jesse Weenes is his background

Anonymous said...

just wait and they will see all of jesse weenes requests to get out of working.

BTP said...


Anonymous said...

where there's smoke there's fire

Anonymous said...

Other proverbs that may relate to the situation:

It 's not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame.

Learn from your parents' mistakes. Practice birth control.

Life isn't like a box of's more like a jar of jalapenos..what you do today might burn your butt tomorrow.

The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of the act.

Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.

Anonymous said...

Nobody in this party of the Bally is prosecuted unless they don't have "palanca". You don't even have to be Hillary Clinton, just be from certain families or have people from those families that will take you under their wing for protection. Mexican justice North of the Rio Grande!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how often Jesse Weenes will be all over those calls and texts for favors that were granted. He should have been standing in the unemployment line a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

All they will find on his phone is evidence that he spent 8 hours a day playing Pokémon . I hope Carlos unleashes the evidence he has on all the rats in brown town.

Anonymous said...

Oh he’s done.

Anonymous said...

Oh you mean the biggest rats in brown town, Carlos Elizondo and his wife Cindy Huerta Elizondo aka La hood rat.

Anonymous said...

wait till the video he has comes out! that will be one to remember you member?


I can't wait for the bomb to explode at BISD IN 2018.


CARLOS WILL SAVE BISD but will serve some time in jail.

Anonymous said...

Their days are counted !!
