We wouldn't have believed it, but after three or four phone calls and numerous texts, we are beginning to lend credence to the reports.
The calls and texts dealt with District 404th Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez personally serving the defendants in her federal lawsuit with process papers this morning at the Glass Palace of the Brownsville Independent School District otherwise known as the main office on Price Road.
As we are told, she appeared in person bright and early today at the main office and started serving the papers to people she had named in her complaint in federal court alleging they had conspired to violate the civil rights of her two children identified in her lawsuit as L.M.L and L.G.L.
Sources tell us that she stalked BISD Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas in her home and that she waited for her parked in her car over night Thursday from 11 p.m. and served her personaly as she walked out of the house before 7 a.m. Area Administrator Terry Alarcon didn't fare much better, and witnesses say she was holed up in the Super's office trying to avoid getting served.
Aside from those two, others named in the federal complaint include Asst. Superintendent Carlos Guerra and BISD lawyer Miguel Salinas.
Other reports indicate that she appeared last night at the door of defendants named in her lawsuit to seek them out in their homes to serve them with the papers. Imagine opening the door late at night or early morning and seeing Elia with the legal forms to serve you. Not a merry elf, that's for sure. So much for the good cheer.
Federal Judge Hanen has set January 3 as the date to hold a hearing to consider Cornejo-Lopez's motion for a Temporary Restraining Order and Injunction and Preliminary Injunction against the district and the defendants. he is also going to rule on whether to allow Cornejo-Lopez to act as an attorney in the case after he ruled Dec. 18 that she could not appear in federal court because she is not licensed to practice in the Southern District.

The lawsuit is but one of the many irons that Cornejo-Lopez has in the fire.
We have been told that she had induced Harlingen attorney Carol Lynn Sanchez to run against Laura Betancourt for County Court-at-Law #2 to keep her from helping Lali Betancourt in her race against Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez. Apparently, Cornejo-Lopez and Garza-Perez are pals and Sanchez was recruited by Cornejo-Lopez to make life difficult for Laura Betancourt. Sources say she wasn't the first attorney she approached to run, but was the one who took the bait.
The bad blood between Cornejo-Lopez and Betancourt stems from then fact that Betancourt spoke out against the grading issue that Cornejo-Lopez advocated to give her child weighed GPA credit for the AP Spanish course she took in middle school. Betancourt had a child in the same class as did Elia. The board members apparently heeded Betancourt's message and denied changing the grading system as Elia had advocated. That led to Cornejo-Lopez seeking a candidate to run against her.
But there is a history behind her candidate Sanchez. Apparently, her brother Moises Sanchez is in Elia's court on felony charges of a sexual nature involving s child. Court sources say that when he was awaiting trial, he was arrested again and charged with a second count.

Prosecutors are closely watching the case as it progresses through the courts. If the relationship between Cornejo-Lopez and Sanchez bears out, there could be major conflicts of interest issues playing in the case and might have to be removed to another court.
Sanchez is going to find out that once you step into the public limelight, there are no holds barred. Already, the arrest record of her common-law husband David Lee Hernandez has found its way to the social media. Hernandez was booked on a variety of charges ranging from assault, theft, and writing graffiti.
As the primary races continue, Sanchez may find that what she thought was her personal privacy is now being thrown to the four winds by her opponents.
In the back of one of her push cards, she recalls the time she was in elementary school in San Bene and saw "Joe hit Cesar" and says that Cesar defended himself and got it trouble. She remembers standing up and taking the victim's side for what she thought was not just and that's why she chose law as a career.
Getting between two warring individuals may have been just fine in elementary, but she'll find out that taking sides in a political race is quite something different thing altogether. Welcome to Cameron County politics.
Sylvia Garza Perez is into everyone’s business but her own the staff made fun of het tight wannabe young again outfit at the party and continue to support anyone but Sylvia apparently she is running so scared she will lose the tit she will stoop to anything to get votes but we’ll we all know she is most definitely going to lose against the dynasty ! You know you are in. Trouble when your staff is rooting for the opponent of course under the table
''This is BIG DOG COUNTRY MRS. SANCHEZ. U just stepped into the octagon. Good Luck.
The two women in the above picture (sylvia y elia) counld pass for twins. One might be a little taller but that's it!
How about justice of the peace trejo sorry correction "Judge Trejo" as he loves to call himself. His staff received orders not to attend the county's Christmas party to save him the embarrassment for not donating $200. This guy don't care about his staff or any county employee but yet he wants to beacome Cameron county's next sheriff.
Chief Michael Galvan can help you Carol Lynn Sanchez. He can lend you his recorder.
Why they hiding? If they did nothing wrong just accept it...... why is this one different from the others? Perhaps there is much to hide...
brouha-aka la witch
I don't know why you idiots from Cameron County keep voting for this "pig," she is nothing more than a bully and I suspect very corrupt! The "pig" is an idiot on the bench and sounds like one when speaking! You can bet that she is in bed with Garza! The "pig" wants to be the next Migdalia Lopez, who just got lucky and never caught at some of her discretion's! Please someone run against this "pig," we will vote for you unless your're a Cornhole?
When or if Elia's kids graduate from high school; if they are asked how they did so well, they can say "Every time I had a problem, our mommie brought suit against our teachers or BISD. No matter what we did, mommie intervened and the problem went away." We can only wonder how many actions by these brats have been covered up because she is a judge and an arrogant bitch. She uses her position to intimidate people to provide her kid's "special attention".
I can't imagine getting up in the morning with Elia Cornhole Lopez at my front door. That's really an ugly way to start the day. By personally delivering these legal actions, she is trying to threaten BISD she has named in this legal action. Just her face is intimidating. Elia is a wild woman who uses her position to threaten people.
Juan, check into the bail bond board and how Sylvia Garza Pendeja and Elia Pendeja Lopez are trying to get rid of the director Precila Atkinson. Sylvia Pendeja and Elia Pendeja, better known as, Las Hermanas Mibanco, both serve on that board. They are trying their hardest to get rid of her to replace her with one of their puppets. Elia Pendeja is even telling those that will listen to her that all the judges want Pricilla out,,,,,and Judges say that is not the case. Who do these Pendeja think they are?
Mrs. Sanchez just stepped into the octagon.
That explains how some of the money that the "pig" has alleged to have made prior to being voted on the bench? That an investigation that the Feds need to look into? Maybe the meetings that the "pig" has with Attorney Green in the back of his office? Just saying?
Let's see who is president of the bail bond board, " Do Nothing " David Betancourt. Who does this story favor Laura Betancourt. Who is Sylvia Garza Perez running against, Lali Betancourt. Who is paying Juan for this story the Betancourts. Betancourt and their propaganda are in full affect.
Isn't the bail bond board and their director years behind on paperwork ( Juan please check on far behind they are.)? If this board had real leadership unlike the their president ( "Do Nothing" David Betancourt) and their director they wouldn't be so far behind.
That's what happens when the community puts the Betancourts in charge you get no leadership and no accountability.
Say NO to all (4)the Betancourts in 2018
La Elia parese una de esas Viejas tamales and not a judge - especially with her unethical
behavior. What a way for someone in her position to act. If only, we the people would
take heed and not vote for her when the next time comes nor for any of her comadres. She thinks she can circumvent the law and things are to be done her way. I never knew of any judge serving his own papers to someone he is suing. But then of course, we all have wondered how Elia was able to pass the Bar. Did she buy it form a diploma mill?
Commissioner Carol Lynn Sanchez of San Benito is ready to RUMBLE!
Wow! What an idiot!!! If I were Dr. Zendejas, I would have called the police to report a suspicious car parked in front of her home. She probably knows how hard Dr. Zendejas works and does not get home until almost midnight, so that is why she went to serve her with papers at that time. But on the other hand, Dr. Zendejas probably did not even know she was outside her home. How come she didn't get down to serve the papers and instead sent la otra sonsa?
This certainly is stalking and for a judge to be playing those games, something must be wrong in her cabeza? What is wrong with her who thinks that she can manipulate every thing just because she was elected judge once and now is a stand alone candidate because people are so
frighten to run against her - her looks, not her. If I were a judge, I certainly would try to look like Janet, or Migdalia - slim and trim - and not like she is falling asleep on the bench. She used to do that when she was on the school board - just stare into the audience
picking her nose. Vale sebo esa vieja. She should get what she is due. What goes around comes around, just wait Elia Corajes! I pity her husband for having to put up with all her chingaderas, for he SEEMS to be a nice man.
Merry Christmas.....
Team Trejo no where to be seen at the county Christmas Party. That's right he does not care about no county employee not even his own staff that wanted to attend so badly but did not attend after they received orders from trejo not to attend. this guy only cares about himself and no one else Cameron County's very own Grinch
To anonymous Dec 24th 3:12
Look Elia and Sylvia Pendeja.... your comment is untrue on different fronts. First and most important, You imply that David Betancourt paid the editor of this blog for this story....WRONG. EVERYONE knows David is real CULO....so he would never pay for anything.....but that is neither here nor there pendejas. If you wish to replace the bail bond board director....why don't you put it on the agenda? Aren't you two idiots on the Bail Bond Board? Everyone knows that you two are working together and you are crazy and vindictive. Sexually frustrated girls?
Our Juan, I can just see the gordinflona of Elia going before the court, and putting her pinky on the side of her mouth like Austin Powers and saying.......I wand "ONE BILLION DOLLARS"..... jajaja ....vieja fodonga!
Title of the picture is “BULLIES “ these two so called woman are tyrants they are trying to push CAROL down our throats especially at our Xmas party who buy the Way shows up looking like a whore from 14th st lol we could not believe our ears on the foul mouth sylvia has and introduces Carol we just laugh but we are not supporting them can’t wait to vote
Pricilla is an idiot and was place there for sexual favors to her ex boss joe Rivera but she refuses to bow to sylvia so that is why she wants her out
Shit, poor husband; he has to wake up next to her every day!
Call the police? I would have called animal control! Loose pig at the front door.
This comment was written by Ruben O’bell. I️ overheard him telling people at lunch the exact same thing. Why is he protecting the super?
Love when all the idiots try their hardest to make fun of someone and they can't even do it right. It's Dr. Evil not Austin Powers mensos. Try again!! .... Jajajaja....
Anonymous Dec. 25th 2:53 PM
Your reading comprehension is horrible. Yes, everyone knows David is CULO but no where in the comment does it say he paid Mr. Montoya. Also where does it say that board director needs to be replaced? All I did was bring to light that bail bond board and their director are way behind on filing paperwork.
You Betancourt supporters sure have a hard time understanding simple comments and have a disturbingly hateful way of expressing yourself.
Stop the HATEFUL Betancourt organization and say No to all the Betancourts in 2018
Ruben O'Bell is apart of the Betancourt HATE organization. This group thrives on name calling, insults, and taking control of Cameron County.
Sylvia, Mijita....everyone knows it's you writing to vote against all Betancourts mijita. Please stop it mijita, my God! You and Elia are just like Catina La Ratita mijita! Very hateful women that need a good night of some heavy carnal knowledge mijitas.....I pray God delivers you a man to satisfy you poor ladies. And for your friend Mike Trejo....he is a crook ripping off all the poor people with his unscrupulous business practices with his wrecker service he stole from poor Castañeda........the only honest wrecker service is Peña's. The whole County knows that mijita......I will continue to pray for all of you.....may you find peace mijitas.
Sylvia looks in the mirror and asks...."Mirror mirror on the wall....who is the most Pendeja of them all?" .... you are Sylvia, by far you. Replies the mirror....
County Clerk Employee
purro no holds barred.
David Betancourt CULO rumor is untrue on different fronts.
David Betancourt, loves spending the tax payers money, but that's neither here nor there.
VOTE for all the Betancourts in 2018
This is the Betancourt's County!!!
David Betancourt -Tax assessor Collector
lil David Betancourt - County Treasurer
Lali Betancourt -County Clerk
Laura Betancourt - County Court 2
Vote Betancourt!!!!
Word is out Sylvia is so jealous Of Priscilla she can’t stand her so she goes to Mexico to get a full body make over but guess what she forgot her fat face now it does not match her fake body don’t you worry Priscilla your personal phone calls to Rivera are working he is telling Sylvia to leave your flunked ass alone
That's it! I am sick and tired of the Betancourts spreading lies that the County Clerk staff is against Sylvia. She is the perfect boss and all her employees are loyal to her and love her. I can't say the same for David Betancourt's employees......they are real good friends of Sylvia's.....guess who they will be supporting?
That attorney Green is a dick!!
Erika that boob job you did is thanks to linda Salazar and the Funeral homes you should thank them for all that percentage given by those offices, well sending all those couples to linda really paid off all this years dont be too confident.
According to a survey done by Mario Saenz 75% of the county clerks staff HATES Sylvia.
VOTE for TEAM SAENZ candidate Lali Betancourt in 2018?
No sylvia my boss it’s your boob , Lipo , tummy tuck that was paid for by linda and all the vendors who give you side money for the contracts all those dinners you and Sandra attend free at employee expense we do the job and you collect the benefits you are the worst leader ever we don’t want you and your stupid meetings oh and start dressing your age you fat pig you embarrass us
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Team Betancourt !
Sylvia, just does not understand why this is happening to her. She should have never involved herself in so many campaigns. She committed political suicide. Learn from loosing this one Sylvia.
What happened ..? Unqualified! Poor manners horrible disposition; no loyalty; loud : aggressive and darn right mean. We the employees do not want you we are working hard to get you unelected because you are a horrible leader no skills and bad bad ideas 💡
Is that Vicky on the right. She must be moonlighting at the Tanampa.
Hey, Mario does that survey also include your nephew Omar Saenz that works for Sylvia Garza Perez!
By the way you never came by to ask any of us what our opinions were, so how did you do your survey.
County Clerk employee
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