Friday, February 23, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Traffic was limited to one southbound lane on Central Blvd. this morning after heavy winds toppled a wooden electric pole onto the roadway at about 10 a.m. The aging wooden pole stock in the city's electric infrastructure is growing increasingly dangerous and PUB chronically has to check their condition to prevent this sort of occurrence. No one was reported hurt as a result of the mishap, but we're sure some motorists were surprised to see a power pole – electric wires dangling – across the street.

Newer subdivisions are required to have their utilities underground. A proposal to put all the utilities in the city underground has been studied before.)


Anonymous said...

Uh wrong again a car hit the pole.

Anonymous said...

Wood for bus stop benches? LOL

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of poles that are leaning over in brownsville just around and you can see hurricane and there all coming down PUB brass better put some attention to this problem pronto.

Anonymous said...

Another example of the aging infrastructure in Brownsville. Ignored by the city commission in favor of "bike bumps" and giving away bikes that get pawned. When is this same city commission going to take action to get Cesar de Leon, our real live modern day racist and bigot, off the city commission. This racist should not be allowed to participate in making public policy at the same time the city is considering moving a rock acknowledging a Confederate who has been dead over 150 years. We must assume, from this failure by the city commission and lack of leadership by Mayor Tony Martinez, that only whites can be racist and Hispanics like de Leon cannot. What hypocrites!!

Anonymous said...

Topple means it fell. Looks to me like it is still hanging. Work on your vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

Wrong a car hit the pole.

Anonymous said...

If you turn into soutnmost blvd from international look at the light posts they are ALL leaning and about to fall, where is your city commissioner? Voting to built more bike trails! Pinche pendejo, vote him out of office.

Anonymous said...

RITA says you got 2.7+ million visitors

Anonymous said...

The same thing will happen to Ren'e Oliviera, he shall topple due to age and corruption, and snorting to much cocaine that has pickled his brain. Know one is untouchable, they will all. Topple in time.

Anonymous said...

Again the warning signs were there and nobody took notice, now we have a prominent lawyer in the City that openly display that he is untouchable, he openly display that he is untouchable by drinking and driving also under the influence of drugs at various times in the day and night. He had an accident outside Cheddars without getting a ticket his comments were I am UNTOUCHABLE the cops can't touch me and the state troopers don't have the balls to touch him. We all see the warning, so when he gets into a crash and kills someone, then what good are the warning signs then.

Anonymous said...

It has been decided that I shall wait until after the election to publish the Exploits of Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera, as if by some missdeed he wins, the fall from grace will be to much for even the black Mamba Oliviera to handle. Gone will be Spacex, gone will be gone his reputation, all he will have is his friend Armando Villalobos. All shall be revealed before long.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Price waterhouse should be instructed not to believe Pete the deputy dog (50 years at finance dept), and should be independent from any interference from any and all city administrators, and elected officials. Any interference should be immediately reported to the proper agencies, and appropriate action taken immediately.

Bidding process, the bypassing of bids to purchase, sludge funds funding for pet projects and other suspicious accounts.

Results should be shared with the public, law enforcement, locally, and with the Feds.

Anonymous said...

More like black peepee
