Wednesday, February 14, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Even though the Brownsville Independent School District is now in state court trying recover close to $400,000 from a now-defunct company that sold it spoiled barbacoa meat and is seeking opinions from the Texas Attorney General's Office to stop the release of information to the public citing criminal investigations, it has now approved a $4.04 million contract for another company whose bid was four places above the lowest bidder.

At the same time, the trustees, under the advice of board general counsel Baltazar Salazar, continue awarding contracts for printing services to Grafik Spot, one of the companies said to be subject of a criminal investigation.

During the last meeting, Salazar said that he had "looked at the reports" repeatedly and had concluded that it wasn't Grafik Spot that had done anything wrong, but rather that it was a problem within BISD that had been criminal.

When pressed by a trustee for a copy of the report on Grafik Spot, Salazar said she could look at the "pertinent" parts of it since she was a trustee, but we now learn that the report on the company has not been made available to the trustees.

The question then becomes: If the BISD refuses to release any information of the company citing a criminal investigation, why does it continue to award it printing contracts? And if the company is not to blame for whatever criminal activities took place, will there be charges brought against individuals in the district?

Or will this be another instance where the linchpin of the alleged criminal activity – the late director of the BISD's Food and Nutrition Service Department Silverio Capistran – will be blamed and the subject conveniently buried along with him as happened at the Port of Brownsville with Raul Besteiro and the $21 million Bridge to Nowhere?

The BISD response to the request for information on internal reports on Valco and Grafik Spot has been to seek an opinion from the Texas Attorney General to support its stand and exempt the reports and the ledger of payments made to them by the district.

In the case of Valco, Salazar filed a lawsuit against them in state court last September. Valco was a member of the Region One Cooperative and the BISD says it wants to recover at least $396,000 of the more than $500,000 it paid the company for meat that was considered spoiled and detected on November 2016.

Valco Foods was approved to provide Region 1 member school districts with 20,000 pounds per month of shredded beef, barbacoa style, from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017 with 1 two‐year extension option.

 It is unknown how many pounds that Valco Foods delivered under the Region 1 contract were been bought by the BISD. If fulfilled, the company stood to make $3,019,200 over the 24 month period of deliveries to Region 1 member school districts.

And even though Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas said at the time that "the product was raised and purchased in the United States from a USDA approved vendor but was processed in Mexico according to USDA guidelines and under the supervision of a USDA inspector," the lawsuit hints otherwise.

"Defendants had knowledge that the meats did not meet the required state and federal mandate under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Buy American Provisions "as required under the contract. The BISD relied on the defendant's representations that the meat me the "Buy American Provisions" and paid off the meats in full."

In that case, BISD resisted the request to provide us with "a copy of the report put together by Walsh Gallegos on the BISD dealings with Valco, the provider of barbacoa until they went out of business."

And in the case of Grafik Spot, the BISD responded that: "As stated previously, the District's Police Force along with other State and Federal law enforcement agencies are investigating suspected criminal activity. The requested information is part of the criminal investigation. At this time, the investigation remains active by the BISD Police Department and the various law enforcement agencies. The information made the subject of this request is part of the investigation and we believe are privileged and excepted from disclosure under the section of the Act."

Even though we have been stymied in our attempts to get the payments BISD made for Grafik Spot through our information requests, we have been informed that the district paid them at least $1,399,515. Grafik Spot's vendor ID number is V016863.

And in the case of the ZIWA Contractors, one trustee – Phil Cowen – stormed out of the board's meeting room after board president Cesar Lopez disregarded the administration's recommendation that the item be pulled from the agenda for consideration at a later meeting after other trustees questioned the award.

El Rrun-Rrun is attempting to get a copy of the bids after three trustees – Lopez, Joe Rodriguez and Laura Perez-Reyes – voted Tuesday to authorize superintendent Zendejas to negotiate with Brownsville-based Ziwa Corporation for the $4,045,000 contract to build the Porter Early College High School Band/Choir Building.

Sources say Ziwa's bid was four places above the lowest bid, but – at the insistence of Lopez and Rodriguez – rammed forward the approval even though Zendejas had recommended pulling the item from the agenda. The item had been discussed in executive session and brought to open meeting where it was supposed to be pulled by Zendejas.

Trustees Carlos Elizondo was not present at the meeting and after executive session, trustee Dr. Sylvia Atkinson told friends she had left assuming the item would not be voted on based on the assurances of the superintendent.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya, keep at this issue. Follow the "MONEY" and who's getting it. In whose pocket's is it going. You (Mr. Montoya) remind many of us of ("All The Presidents Men"). Follow the "Money", this is your time Mr. Montoya. Make national news and rid the citizenry of this unscrupulous individuals. It's time Mr. Montoya for their demise. We (National Media) are following your every step. We are ready to print and follow your lead. Lead us ....Univ. of Michigan Journalism Students. Help us, help you !

Anonymous said...

Yay, for Univ. of Michigan. Yay, for alumnus (Montoya). Hispanic Journalism at it's core. let's do this Mr. Montoya, see you at the finish line. We're watching..We're watching.

Anonymous said...

I think all this Univ. of Michigan shit must be a joke. All they have to know is that all MExican politicians are crooked. Write that up and see how far it goes.

Anonymous said...

There's the lowest bid and there's the lowest bid and the point system.

YOU See - Juan Montoya Construction can submit the lowest bid, but what is not mentioned is that Juan Montoya is no builder. He established his construction company last year after his 3 year job as a construction supervisor. He has no real experience in building and financing a million dollar contract, his only experience is being a supervisor at a company. There is no guarantee that the lowest bidder Juan Montoya Construction will actually spend and build the 1 million dollars appropriately because he isn't qualified, neither in experience or educations (architect or civil engineer).

So - then what happens is that reputable journalists and news outlets, like El Rrun Rrun, will make a huge story of how the Board at BISD awarded a million dollar contract to the lowest bidder who had no experience. The problem lied in the system used by the BISD - they need to have a point system. Had they had the point system they would have awarded the contract - TO THE LOWEST BIDDER WITH THE MOST EXPERIENCE!! Which means, that the combination of the two in a matrix, the contract may be awarded to the 4th lowest bidder.

Juan, I know you think your readers are a bunch of ignorants, but we aren't.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County has to have a District Attorney who is blind to family and political ties, when it comes to investigating possible political corruption. Each of you should have a family tree, of every elected public official. You should also have a business tree of every elected official. If you had these, you could then understand why things happen in Cameron County as they do. Mr. Lieck is an individual who has been around since the 80's in all positions of government. The family and business tree, they consider to be money trees, with leaves made of your money. When elected,they rake the leaves, not you, soon there will be no leaves to rake. Have another Fajita, while they tell you to plant another tree.

Anonymous said...

Call in the FBI as this smells of corruption at a high level, it is not their money they are playing with INVESTIGATE NOW BEFORE THE MONEY IS GONE.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I’m ready to say Ziwa is corrupt

Who else applied? NOBLE? We all know Supt LOVES them- so do certain board members

We’re the other 3 even complete? Had the financial backing to do the worth?

Cmon Juan you are a skilled reporter— were the others financially stable- experienced- bonded etc

There are times #4 is the best for the job—

When in came to Supt we went further down then that...

Anonymous said...

All roads lead to Cesar

Anonymous said...

Way to rip off your anonymous commenters, Juan.

Anonymous said...

compare bisd board to harlingen or mcallen.

mas triste.

Anonymous said...

I still say call an investigation, Elton Musk is no space scientist but his in the space industry so you cant discount their ability to perform, and they must be bonded to go ahead. investigate immediately as this smells of corruption at a high level.

Anonymous said...

It is quite evident that this was a rigged bid, why except bids from the other contractors if they were not approved to bid. Smells of favouritism to me. Call in the FBI before we get some more surprises.

Anonymous said...

Your stories are really half stories.

You don't mention who was the lowest, 2nd lowest and 3rd lowest bidder. You only mention one bidder and as far as I know they've been around for years, when I say years, I mean decades!

So who are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd bidder Juan?? Your credibility is shit to me with these half stories.

Lowest Bidder - El Carreton Construction - Financial Capacity: 510 Credit Score.
2nd Lowest Bidder - AlbaƱiles Incorporated - Financial Capacity: Owes Car Title Loan $500. Looks like they'll be short a work truck.
3rd Lowest Bidder - Hay Se Va Construction - Financial Capacity - With the money they made enclosing a carport at a trailer park, they'll finance the $4 million. Hay se va.

Waste of space on your blog, waste of time to read. Of course, not everyone thinks its a waste because they probably don't have anything to do to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9:02...Shut the fuck up, Duardo! Go back to your depressing blog, you envious fool!
