Wednesday, February 7, 2018



Anonymous said...

Just run a fair race and beat Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera. Send him into retirement with his tail between his legs, he shall be exposed soon.

Anonymous said...

I heard Rene has volunteered to be on the first take off from Boca Chica. Elton Musk hes refused stating that his Bullshit would to large a payload.

Anonymous said...

Alex Domiguez voted to give trillions of tax dollar breaks to LNG and can suck it. He's not getting my vote. I am voting for Arturo Alonzo.

Anonymous said...

Still with Rene! Alex Dominguez is too-green, inexperienced and not ready for the Big Stage. justa fact, bro!

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez is just what we need in Austin....young, aggressive, energetic, smart and has a proven record of working for his constituents. Alex Dominguez will get my vote for sure. I have known him since he was a undergrad at Rice University, I knew him as a teacher and as a lawyer. He is a fine man.

Anonymous said...

Rene cannot go into space, he too bloated from all his drinking.

Anonymous said...

If fake smiling is required count me out

Anonymous said...

Alex is not corupt like Ren'e, does not do top lip candy like Ren'e, does not screw clients wives and girlfriends like Ren'e, does embezzle funds like Ren'e, does not carry a pussy diviner in his pants like Ren'e. But he has a lot more honesty and integrity tban Ren'e that will take him to Austin.

Anonymous said...

What has Rene got experience in ? Cocaine, women marred single, taking money from people under false pretenses, embezzlement. Yes but he has not got integrity and honesty, or moral values. Go Alex go.

Anonymous said...

Political advertising for only 7 votes? You need to go to the day care centers where you get 8 more. Most people there are from Mexico and can't vote. Las politiqueras les lavan el coco a estos pendejos que los day care centers hay muchos votos. Puras mentiras.

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez is a whore/sellout to the LNG interests. Rene is a slug. I’m voting for Arturo Alonzo. The special interests can suck it!

Anonymous said...

Which is worse - sellout to the speculative LNG industry with a $$$$$$$$$ tax abatement or the sellout of UTB employees where 50% lost there jobs? Rene tries to obfuscate his role in the demise of UTB but he was directly involved in the debacle in which the employees paid the bill in a feud between local factions. Both Renee and Alex are classic forked tongued political serpents who speak out both sides of the mouth. Neither have my vote.

Anonymous said...

Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera cannot be trusted with your pet and who pays for his expensive life style?. I would not like to guess knowing what I know about how he gets hold of money from people. Don't trust the Mamba he will spit in your face then bite you in the butt as he would not look you in the face.

Anonymous said...

Don't trust anybody that uses a photoshop picture. What are you hiding?

Anonymous said...

His ugly face!!
