Wednesday, February 7, 2018


By Juan Montoya
On Tuesday, when Ramiro Garza, of RG Economic Advisors, addressed the board of the Brownsville Independent School District to urge them to approve seeking financing for district construction through the Texas Facilities Commission P-3 private-public partnerships program, he left many things unsaid.

He neglected to tell them that he was a former member of the Edinburg Economic Development Council and a former city manager of that city.

He also neglected to tell the board that he was a partner of Noble Texas Builders, a building contractor who has Eddie Lucio III as its legal counsel. (That's Garza second from the left on the photo above and NTB President Rene Capistran on the far right.)

Lucio III is a state representative and also the son of Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., who supported the legislation to establish the P-3 program in 2015.
Garza has since moved into the private sector as a consultant and economic development advisor. His company is RG Economic Advisors.
Among Garza's partners on the board of NTB Capistran, its president, who landed the multi-million renovation of the old Wells Fargo Bank bought by Cameron County on Levee Street. NTB was also awarded the multi-million contract to upgrade the county's Isla Blanca Park, amphitheater, and pavilions and RV Park there.

Capistran is also a member of the Lone Star Bank Advisory Board, which is interested in participating in the $120-million facilities construction plans of the BISD.

Capistran, by the way, is the brother-in-law of Cameron County Treasurer David Betancourt who is married to Blanca (nee Capsitran), who just happens to be the executive secretary to Pete Sepulveda, the former Cameron County Judge and now full-time executive director of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.

Blanca is Rene Capistran's sister. Her and the county treasurer's son, David Adolfo Betancourt, works for his uncle Rene Capsitran at NTB as a "Project Expeditor."

The participation of these well-connected individuals and the BISD majority's approval of allowing BISD Esperanza Zendejas to seek other "options" leaves many unanswered questions. In fact, BISD board counsel is none other than Baltazar Salazar. His sister Melba is married to Joe Lucio, Sen. Lucio's brother. He,too, is family. Is it any wonder he has been able to snag that $280,000 gig even after he failed to expunge three felony convictions and was hired by the BISD anyway?

Those voting for BISD to see "optional" funding from the private sector are longtime Lucio Jr. supporters Joe Rodriguez, Cesar Lopez, and Phil Cowen who were joined by Laura Perez-Reyes. Cowen's brother Paul used to be Sen Lucio's administrative assistant. In fact, Lopez was sworn into office by the elder Lucio. (See graphic at right.)

Capistran, president of NTB, said he and his partners wanted to pool their knowledge to create what Capistran refers to as a “cradle to grave” process. He also was a major sponsor of a recognition banquet given in honor of Zendejas.

“It is the sum of all our parts that makes us unique,” Capistran, who previously was president of the SpawGlass South Texas Division, told RGVision Magazine. “We build and maintain for the long term. We will be there for anything from changing light bulbs to building an addition.”

Other partners at NTB are Pat Williams, former president of the SpawGlass Austin Division; Alfredo Garcia, former SpawGlass; and Garza.  Williams is vice president and Garcia serves as Director of Operations. Garza has come on board as president.

NTB is the contractor, Capistran has said, while NTB Development handles the up-front economic studies and development process. “The game-changer in what we’re doing is we identify people and we help them with the whole process,” Capistran said. “If someone is contemplating a project, we want to help walk him through the process, help him decide when to do what.”

Under Garza’s leadership, NTB Development identifies projects and developers and works with them to solidify the concept, conduct economic impact studies and research financing options, including tax abatements and other financial incentives that may be available.

“Ramiro comes in and does the economic impact,” Capistran said, noting Garza’s experience as Edinburg city manager where he worked on economic development and negotiated with private companies to locate in that community.

“We have assessed needs around the Valley,” Garza said. “We’re always looking for performance under the umbrella of what we do, advising on the best use of property, financing, building and maintenance.”

Once the groundwork is complete and the project gets a green light, Capistran told the magazine, NTB Development steps in to handle the actual design and building phases, as well as provide maintenance for the facility once construction is complete.

As the project is ready to break ground, the other Noble Texas partners will build on Garza’s expertise to shepherd the project through the construction and maintenance stages. “We offer a good foundation because of everyone’s experience,” Garza said. “A lot of years in multiple disciplines, that’s what we bring to the table.”

Garza told the magazine that NTB group is exploring many other aspects of the Valley economy for opportunities, including the medical and educational fields.

Now that the board majority has give Zendejas and BISD CEO Lorenzo Sanchez carte blanche to enter into construction and financial agreements with Garza and Capsitran, is it so far-fetched to think that Noble Texas Builders and Lone Star National Bank will not have a role in the $120 million in construction and financing of the facilities construction made possible by 11.25-cent increase in property taxes by the BISD board?


Anonymous said...

And the beat of corruption in BISD and Cameron County continues. These familial connections are very active and are eating away at the tax dollars of the citizens that pay taxes. These are Hispanics taking advantage of Hispanics and all others. They must have learned from Mary Rose Kardenas and the Kardenas Klan about how to maximize profit from any one and everyone. Corruption like this seems recognizable to all but the District Attorney and the officials who have oversight of these thieves. Unfortunately, BISD knows that the voters are the oversight, but that they are blind. So, the beat of corruption in BISD and Cameron County continues without "real" oversight.

Anonymous said...

Those who are so quick to relate on person to another certainly realize that it is a no-brainer to think that someone in this town is not related to someone, is not working for someone, or worked for someone, or went to school with someone, eat a taco with someone, or is not a hard-working individual who has made a name for himself in a position he has worked his whole life to built. It could be the "Mexican-crab in barrel' story once again. I guess we must climb on the first launch at Space X and go live on the moon where no one will be related. A person who wants to find something nasty about someone sure is able to get the chains connected right away. What a shame that we cannot accept the growth of someone from La Raza, without labeling him a rata.

Anonymous said...

And the beat of corruption in BISD and Cameron County continues

Anonymous said...

Let's see Space X how much money spent on that mess and no one has taken a ride yet. Elected officials should be required to be the first to ride when they spend our money to build it but wait not built yet or was that a bridge too far they were building for someone they didn't know. I can't keep up with all of these build not built things.

Anonymous said...

lots of money (profits) to be made, remember BISD has over a 550 million dollar budget, that's over half a Billion $$$$ with a B, so this P3 deal ( I call it a Pendejo deal) cuz in the end the taxpayers are always fooled (bar ba coa purchase comes to mind) over at he county the (fajitagate deal), in hidalgo County a $140, $150, $160 or $200 million dollar new courthouse without voters approval. Need I say more for the RGV area. There is gold in them hills Wilma and the band plays on .

Anonymous said...

Those who complain about someone who know someone got them a job - probably don't know anybody or don't know anybody worth saying they know.

Relationships and networking gets you places - businesses and even countries network and help each other out.

The Chamber of Commerce hosts networking sessions - you go and meet people and and in some cases you meet someone you can do business with.

Nepotism is not a good thing - but knowing someone who know someone is networking.

If you hang out at your local downtown bar like La Movida.. pues ya te llevo la chingada - you aint getting very far.

Anonymous said...

Readers, did you know that David Adolfo Betancourt an employee of (NTB) Noble Texas Builders and son of Cameron County Treasurer David Betancourt was arrested for "DUI" over the Xmas Holiday's. It's in the Police Blogger for everybody to see. With all his connections will he get any special treatment?

Anonymous said...

The Feb 8, 2018 @10:08 AM sounds like O‘Bell aka “Raul” on FB.
But of course, if he works for the Lucios!!!!”

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 8:29... Till they prove the naysayers wrong, the perception will continue . Good luck sticking up for all those unethical maggots .

Anonymous said...

the poor will always be fucked, Juan. Get that through your thick head!

Anonymous said...


If you think your a detective- keep your day job. Estas rependejo - i dont have facebook and not who you say I am. Animal!

Anonymous said...

This is the stupidest or most corrupt deal ever! If BISD is losing students why do they need to add facilities? Oh I know why, because that's how they can cut deals and make money.

Anonymous said...

FYI, when Rene Capistran was the president of south Texas SpawGlass he was the person who fleeced the city of brownsville when he oversaw the building of the rip off sports park. I wounder where the money came from to start the not so noble construction company Rene ? Millions were spent for a couple of sidewalks. You should look into the costs of the over budget, not delivered on time country building. Noble is shady.

Anonymous said...

3PPPs, folks just a note some of the 3p deals have been identified as failures in the pass, so please don't think these deals are all hunky-dory. After all you are talking millions of dollars in these deals being made, so is there some type of catch here for let say-coach joe rod, Estrada-hinojosa outfit, attorneys fees? Yes there is that's why these projects are being pushed. Lets not turn a blind eye, oops so maybe taxes have to go up again this year to cover these cost, expenses, shortcomings etc? Im trying to figure out who will have to pay all of this? well the BISD TAXPAYER, right? oh Dale Gas.

Anonymous said...

Rene Capistran and BISD Board have already cut a deal with Lone Star Bank. All three stand to make money, Alonzo Cantu from McAllen is the head of LSBank and he is no push over. He is all about MONEY and the hell with everybody else. Noble Texas Builders was established as a front to steal from entities and school districts in the valley, that's all it is "A FRONT". All about "GREED".

Anonymous said...

Vote for NOBLE TEXAS BUILDERS candidates in 2018

David Betancourt- County Treasurer

Lali Betancourt - County Clerk

Judge Laura Betancourt -County Court of law #2

David A. Betancourt - Democrat precinct chair

Anonymous said...


TAX PAYER said...




