Friday, February 2, 2018


By Juan Montoya
In the picture above, two county workers for two justices of the peace are seen flipping a sign that had been placed on the lobby of the second floor by JP 2-1 Linda Salazar to snag couples seeking a judge to perform their wedding ceremony.

Their actions were captured on surveillance tapes Sept. 20, 2017.

As a result, a civil clerk from Salazar's office, one Angelica Castillo, was written up and fired for "insubordination and disrespect to her employer."

On January 29, Castillo appealed her termination before the board of the Cameron County Civil Service Commission.
Salazar was represented by commissioner court legal counsel Juan Gonzalez who had three witnesses, including Castillo and her personnel records. The fired clerk told the commission her lawyer was out of town and that she had to defend herself in the hearing. Her appeal was denied and Castillo's termination was upheld.                                                                                                                                                                                The placement of the sign in front of the second-floor elevator by Salazar irked the other two JPs to no end because she was competing for the ceremonies which pay anywhere between $200 to $350, money that the state allows JPs to keep for themselves. Salazar averages some 600 wedding ceremonies a year, hundreds more than the other two JPs combined.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The women flipped the sign after 5 p.m. when the offices had closed and they were on their way out of the second floor of the county Levee Building where the JPs' offices are now located.                                                                                                                                                              When Salazar emerged from her office and saw the sign flipped upside down, she also flipped out and called her court administrator, Ana M. Sanchez, to ask the IT people on the third floor for the surveillance video to determine who was responsible.

"She was very concerned, she was hurt because she didn't know if it was a defendant who was upset with a judgment..." Sanchez said. After viewing the tape, Sanchez said Salazar "was hurt because it was one of her clerks that had done it."

After Gonzalez had questioned the witnesses at the hearing (and Castillo declined to question them), the civil commission upheld her dismissal. The flipping of the sign was a Level 3 disciplinary action that – coupled with two past warnings for absences and tardiness – counted toward termination, according to administrator Sanchez.

However, during the last part of the hearing, after Gonzalez had urged the commissioners to uphold the termination to allow Salazar to carry out the "statutory and constitutional" duties of her office, Castillo said the flipping of the sign did not compare to some of the things that Salazar had her staff do "stuff for her"  on county time that was of a personal nature or benefit to Salazar.

Some of that "stuff" included:

1. Having them sell fundraiser candies for her grandkids during county time, including instructing them to sell them to attorneys coming to the court to represent their clients                                                                                                                             2. Making Castillo personally tutor her granddaughter during county time                                                                                                             3. Having staff members look out for weddings for her and bring them to her so she could perform the ceremonies for the $200-$350 fee                                                                                                               4. Closed the JP 2-1 office and had the entire staff attend her ex-husband's funeral and burial and then had them serve the meal to her guests at the VFW off Price Road, all on county time.

(To listen to Castillo testify before the commission on these abuses, click on audio.)

At least one instance of Salazar soliciting weddings has been caught on the county's surveillance videos. She, of course, denied she was soliciting wedding ceremony business, but it is obvious that she was.
Click on link to view tape:

County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez denied that she allowed any JPS to solicit wedding ceremony business in her office and said that she had spoken to her clerks against recommending what JP to go to when they acquired their wedding licenses in her office.

Even County Administrator David Garcia had her remove the offensing sign from the lobby and instructed the other two JPs not to place any other signs or posters in the lobby. He did so after JP Mary Esther Sorola – tired of the quibbling over wedding ceremonies at the building – placed signs advertising performing the ceremonies free of charge. Her signs were removed.

But rumors persist that – perhaps unbeknownst to Garza-Perez – either her clerks or those employed by Salazar have reached an understanding to steer couples her way.

That Castillo lost her job and her unemployment because Salazar "was hurt" over the flipped over sign despite her apologies and their long relationship as county co-workers indicates that Salzar is more concerned with the wedding ceremony business than with the livelihood of a mere civil clerk like Castillo. 


Anonymous said...

Ive been at a few of her weddings - dice puras pendejadas trying to be chistosa.

Anonymous said...

My question is who keeps track of their Time cards,and is able to cheat the system. Maybe that office needs an Audit!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay people, county Aint doing crap About it!! Look ERIKA LA RATTERA DE LA TORRE is still working in the county clerks and she's the one putting linda's cards inside those marriage envelopes.

Anonymous said...

It definitely needs an Audit. Our taxes are paying to sell candies and solicit Marriages, then to top off go a funeral and cater people that she dont give a shit about!, just so she can good to her so call family,and then on County time. What do Cameron County Commissioners have to say about that?

Anonymous said...

Corruption corruption corruption

Anonymous said...

Ay paquita eres una rata de dos patas!!

Anonymous said...

Does not surprise me one bit! She has asked my husband who is employed with the tax office to send couple's her way!! This greedy lady needs to GO!!

Anonymous said...

Judge? Come on.

I don't understand her spanglish.

Etha, que si? Etha?

elCarmen said...

pinche Harambe culera!

Anonymous said...

Thats so true ERIKA DE LA TORRE should not even be in that Department,after she cheating the system for her benefit.She should be out looking for another job, or maybe be screw all those married men from the County, so she can pay her way in life. SYLVIA GARZA PEREZ is making her office look bad knowing, Erika is still cheating the system in her office.

Anonymous said...

Country Clerks office corruption has exsisted since JOE G RIVERA has been in office. It's a shame that the New County clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez in 4 years, corruption still exsist, and our County has not been able to change the system. Most definitely a change is needed in the County Clerks. Voting for a new change, no more corruption.

Anonymous said...

I had a chance to sit in her courtroom during a trial. This tub of lard was lost and did not know what she was doing. Totally embarrassing and a true miscarriage of justice.

Anonymous said...

Attending A wedding officiated by Linda is a true raza experience. 60% in Spanish , 40% in English. One reason the valley “culture” is so ugly.

Anonymous said...

Lady that was fired file a lawsuit

Anonymous said...

Where is your proof of corruption??

Team Saenz and their puppet candidate are behind the corruption rumors. If Sylvia Garza-Perez was doing something wrong, Luis Saenz would have had the FBI arrest her already. DA Saenz has been trying to get anything on Sylvia since her first day in office. Our County Clerk runs a tight ship and her hardwork has paid off with numerous awards under her leadership .

Sylvia's opponent is running a campaign based on lies,deception, and personal vendettas.

1. Does Cameron County need another Betancourt on its payroll?

2. The county clerks office is in charge of collecting money from the county court at Law 2 ran by Judge Laura Betancourt. If there happens to any discrepancies in the money the county clerks office has to notify the county Treasurer's office which happens to run by David Betancourt . So we'll have thousands of tax payers dollars being taken care of by the Betancourts. If that doesn't smell BAD, you're living in LALI LAND.

3.Team Saenz has been trying to take down Sylvia for years . Team Saenz got Lali to run against Sylvia to settle their personal vendetta against our County Clerk .
Team Saenz is a vindictive group who's mission is take complete control of Cameron County and take down their enemies.

When it comes to leadership , community service, and proven results ,there is ONLY 1 candidate that has all of that. County Clerk SYLVIA GARZA PEREZ is the ONLY CHOICE for the job.

Sylvia Garza Perez
Cameron County Clerk

Anonymous said...

Well thank God someone put her out there for people to know how she really is and for her to get an opponent for her next election she has to go, already.

Anonymous said...

Linda definitely has to go, but who will do that change all you dumb people voting for her, there's more to come for her demon ass!

Anonymous said...

Anyone but that power hungry. Egocentric, Sylvia Garza Perez has to goooo. Anyone who votes for her is delusional. They are in Lali the right thing for our county!!!! Vote Lali Betancourt. Sylvia is probably writing the above while sitting in her office during county time.

Anonymous said...

"Sylvia is probably writing the above while sitting in her office during County time."

Comment was posted Sunday February 4th at 4:04 PM.

More lies and rumors from Lali Betancourt and her minions.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo Castro or even BWC for JP. LOL Orale Jerry McHale, Brownsville needs you Ese.

CC Taxpayer! said...

There were two women in that picture, why was one only terminated! Of course, her appeal was upheld! Its politics and Joe Gonzalez is bought! As for Sylvia, if you don't allow or allowed it, why haven't you done something about it? The return is Salazar supporters voting for you, right? As far as I'm concerned, CC needs to be cleaned out like Congress needs to be and start over with brand new names.

Chuy said...

Cameron and hidalgo county = Corruptions are us, what an image we got to show the rest of the sate, was reading about that dist judge who took a $6000 bribe, what an idiot, just for $6000 what a waste. but they never learn. lol

Anonymous said...

You see linda your truck drivers bribe you too.We need to check into that also, But she will never learn. Maybe Now that your x-clerk has you by your "Wevos" you might learn this time.
