Monday, February 26, 2018



Anonymous said...

The question is .. Would you want Elizondo?

Anonymous said...

Dos Ratas... enough said.

Anonymous said...

If we consider one Facebook comment as a fact, we are really fucked. Using Facebook to decide candidates is worse than Russian hacking. It is ignorant.

Anonymous said...

You can't control who supports you. Get over it and move on. Joey Lopez is the best candidate.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the headup, wont be voting for Joey for sure! Oh, let's not forget Joey's family and compadres Disney World trip with taxpayers money!

Anonymous said...

Ya estuvo pura corrupción all Over again, chalé!

Anonymous said...

Corruption supporting corruption.
Seems like Joey Lopez is being endorsed by pure rats, Joe Rodriguez, Carlos Elizondo. What a major infestation of rodents.

Anonymous said...

Yep the slogan should read anybody but Lopez, casting a vote for lopez is like voting for Elizondo and Rodriguez we had enough of these two we dont need a new one with a fresh 4 yrs to plunder.

Anonymous said...

isn't this joey lopez guy a great friend of tony (the rat) yzaguirre? yes I thought so. birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

Yes he is friends with all the crooks like Sylvia garza Perra , they are all campaigning together , the boat is sinking

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mr. Montoya, I now see some true colors on your coat. What happened to the previous comment I made regarding Mr. Lopez and his fiasco when he was on the BISD board and got booted out. Who paid for it's removal? Like Charlie says, "Orale, Vato! Dame chansa!" Me too campaign for getting into your blog comments?

Anonymous said...

The $3.1 million endorsement for Joey Lopez from Carlos Elizondo and Joe Rodriguez for the building contract at BISD. Joey Lopez is not a commissioner yet and he is already doing shady deal and taking money away from the children and teachers from BISD.

Anonymous said...

Their boat is sinking due to all votes they are receiving .

Hopefully Rigo and his circus clowns will get the picture and realize he is NEVER going to be elected to any office in Cameron county .

TEAM SAENZ candidates have been exposed as frauds who are desperate to be elected to any office . Their candidates are in PANIC MODE and are resorting to dirty campaigning .

Say NO to TEAM SAENZ candidates
Lali Betancourt
Rigo Bocanegra

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck Carlos and Cindy Elizondo. Team Saenz candidates are not corrupt like y'all. Lets end corruption vote for

Lali Betancourt
Laura Betancourt
Rigo Bocanegra
Adolfo Cordova

Anonymous said...

Isn't this Rigo Clown a great friend with that dirty old man Mario (wiso ) Saenz ? Yes I thought so .

Birds of a feather flock together .

Anonymous said...

I looking forward to see the FBI put in handcuffs the Coach Joe cartel, Carlos Elizondo, Slyvia Garza Pérez, Carlos Masso, Joey López and all of Coach Joe’s associates.
