Thursday, February 15, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

According to a new survey, Brownsville, Texas has been named the unhealthiest city in the country.

WalletHub compared more than 170 of the most populated U.S. cities across 40 key indicators of good health. The data ranged from cost of doctor visit to fruit and vegetable consumption to fitness clubs per capita.

Many South Texas towns had low overall scores including San Antonio at 109, El Paso at 154, Corpus Christi at 166, Laredo at 173 and Brownsville at the bottom of the list with an overall score of 174. Austin had a high overall score of 17. (Click on graphic to enlarge.)

To see entire survey, click on link:


Anonymous said...

This is the reason why we need more trails, more walking, more family exercise. We are killing ourselves with our lifestyles of just sitting around and eating crap.

Anonymous said...

Art "La Marrana Negra" Rodriguez and Rose "Chunky" Gowen are an embarrassment to the city. Both encourage the unlimited spending in the bikes lanes, but hey,,, it's really paying off! With Charro days coming up, you can see the crews re-paining the bike lanes, which no one uses.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Bike Barn and who runs it? How many city employees work there? This seems to be a big secret. Spill the beans Juan!!!

Anonymous said...

Dinero mal gastado por la Chisquiada.

Anonymous said...

As a member of the Board of Directors of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Rose Gowen, M.D., of Brownsville, Texas is highly motivated.
Certainly need more proactive members of the political system to help build things like bike trails instead of parking garages and opera houses.

Anonymous said...

Get over it already
The trails are here to stay

Anonymous said...

The four measures were (1) health care costs, (2) availability of healthy foods, (3) fitness centers, and (4) green space. She has no influence over (1) or (3). But she does have influence over (2) and (4), where we're ranked at the bottom. If anything, this survey just tells me that we need more Rose Gowens because one farmer's market and a couple trails here and there are not enough (at least to WalletHub) to be considered a healthy city.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever seen Rose Gowen on the trails beside her Cyclobias? The people from Mexico picking up trash use it more than she does or I do. Who has time to go bicycle riding during the busy day and who wants to risk it at night?

Unknown said...

City needs to fix our streets instead of worrying about Bicycle trails. With the potholes on the street we don't need any speed bumps. And we have one of the driest cities in the valley,with over grown grass along the expressways.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to go to a farmers market to get healthy food. Whoever made that comment must spend a lot of time with Rose Gowen. People don't buy healthy food. Perhaps President Trump should work to require people on welfare to buy healthy food. There are plenty of fitness centers around, but you don't have to have a fitness center to be active and use the parks, trails, sidewalks, walk the malls, or just walk. BUT, local people don't want to move. And, this town has a large number of senior citizens who are already unhealthy. As far a bicycles, I see more bikes on the sidewalks and streets and not on bike trails or lanes. And most on the streets or sidewalks don't abide by rules of the road. Finally, we have lots of green space in this town, but the citizens are eating, playing or bitching inside. The unhealthy number for Brownsville is caused by ignorance, laziness and the culture of food. As the old saying goes: "You can lead a horse to water (good health), but you can't make him (the people who are unhealhy) drink (exercise, eat healthy and seek medical care)."
Education, including vigorous physical education in school, is the only way to solve this problem and change this number.

Anonymous said...

Austin may be the highest education level of any city on the list. Brownsville and the other cities at the bottom of the list probably have the lowest education levels on the list. That should tell us something.

Anonymous said...

The few really active people and the Rose Gowen Fan Club are always seeking more trails and paths....and this few probably take advantage of the available trails. (We don't see much use of the bike lanes and bumps along 6th and 7th Streets because these people don't live downtown.) Getting a large number of people off their asses, away from TV and electronics and away from the table, will we be able to improve this 174 rating and justify more trails.

Anonymous said...

Who care, it's none of your business. Who cares about rankings, it's not illegal being fat, lazy or to watch TV. The real reason here is greed. Those trails are design to make people go out and buy a bike, from her friends that have bike shops, pendeja forgot that the only ranking here that matters is JOBS, GOOD PAYING JOBS, PENDEJA...ALL you elected officials should go out and solicit companies that pay good wages, to open their companies here, not in Harlingen, McAllen or other valley cities. THAT'S YOUR JOB!!!

Anonymous said...

All we have here are restaurants and retail stores. The lowest paying jobs there are in the WORLD. Who do we thank for these types of jobs? Los PENDEJOS elected officials.
The new candidates that are running against the incumbents have not even mention their agendas. All they are doing is insulting their opponents.
All I see is more of the same. The lesser of two evils are the ones we already know.
On the other side there are otros pendejos that blame the voter for not being educated on who to vote. How can we do that if the pickings are not there zero to none.

Anonymous said...

This is a great example of wasteful spending of tax dollars, bike lanes that are really ghost lanes because nobody uses them. Cyclobias that draw a very low number of people but yet the city incurrs a high number of overtime pay. The city has their priorities all screwed up, instead of repairing roads, installing more bus shelters, better drainage they only care about making the city more bike friendly and forgetting what's more important. When will this nonsense wasteful spending come to an end?

Anonymous said...

Where is the bike barn and who runs it? City employees? Why does the city need a bike barn?

Anonymous said...

El pelon feo is behind all these unethical, dirty campaign practices andpranks and are intended to disrupt and sabotage the campaigns of opposing candidates. Posting here your garbage will never win you any votes. I for one will NEVER votr for a dirty politician. Este pelon feo will never win.

His only agenda is to insult. Is that how he operates. It's like going from the frying pan to the fire.

I'll take my chances with the sane(of sound mind, not mad or mentally ill) and down to earth candidate.
Not the wanna be nor the has been.

Anonymous said...

Ok, look, I appreciate that Gowen is trying to bring fresh, nice things to downtown, family walking trails, a place where you can sell the fruits and vegetables you grow yourself in your backyard to other people in Brownsville, and healthy cooking classes to the barrio. Like those trails on 6th street, and the farmer's market on 6th street. Why are those things on 6th street??

Listen to Juan, and 900 pound Cheez. The poor don't want that. They don't care about their health.
They don't want walking trails or to buy and sell their backyard fruit ok?? They want the pesticide vegetables! They want free cell phones so thier kids can eat cheetos with canned cheese slathered on top and play the game on the phone and shut up. No one cares about organic. Ok, they DO care after they get cancer but they don't care right now. You are wasting your time bringing quality to these people, pretending they are humans who care about themselves and their families health, right Juan and Cheez? No organic, no health, no walking paths, no free exercise lessons, no making money selling stuff they grow behind their house. These people deserve processed slop, and slop only!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and appreciate la chisquis every time you hit a pot hole, your taxes go up, your pub electric increases 30%, and what is organic. There is no federal guidelines on organic you can call your ass organic and the fed will not say anything. Besides there is la pulga one of the largest in this area. If the cheez want to weight a ton that's his business not yours. Please STOP pretending you and all your elite friends that you really care. BULLSHIT!!! The real reason for all this wasteful spending is so that la chisquis friends can make more money. Bottom line...

Anonymous said...

If somebody wants to help they do it out of their pockets not taxpayers pockets. PENdejo

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm going to run for city commissioner so I can spend millions and millions of taxpayers monies to open up bike barn shops, hike the bike trails, garden department and hire ALL my friends as city employees to run my pet project and pay them 50k to 90k a year on taxpayers funds. Only qualification is they have to be my friends.

Anonymous said...

Chisquis needs to work on construction of several Lacrosse fields and construction of lakes to start rowing competition within the city like Las prietas v el southmost, maybe even a couple of gyms to start a fencing competition. Of course money is no problem. Just raise taxes.

Anonymous said...

Get a bunch of dummies together offer them directorships in a useless board, make them feel proud and needed and you have them eating out of your hand. The oldest trick in the world, and the sad thing is that these dummies believe it and eat all of it. The result free advertising for your pet projects to enrich the elite friends using these dummies. Read the quote below and see how proud they feel!

"As a member of the Board of Directors of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Rose Gowen, M.D., of Brownsville, Texas is highly motivated".


Anonymous said...

yea highly motivated to spend your tax dollars on useless pet projects. Bike trails, a bike barn, cooking classes, organic pulgas and who knows what else. All run by her elite friends to make money for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if these cronies will feel "HIGHLY MOTIVATED", when their city property taxes go up, they start hitting pot holes where ever they drive, get criticize because they're fat, watch tv, don't eat organic crap, and pretend they are human, and your city commissioner M.D. tells you that you deserve processed slop, and slop only!

I see a lot of gringos that are really fat and I mean really FAT. By the definition of chisquiada and her supporters you are not human. Eat that and continue supporting this commissioner and be sure to vote for her again.
