Wednesday, February 28, 2018


By Juan Montoya

In his media blitz in the waning days of early voting before the March 6 primary election, incumbent Rene Oliveria, State Representative for District 37 covering eastern Brownsville and South Padre Island, has made it a point to list his supporters.

He focuses heavily on education, business and community leaders.

But what his ads don't tell you is that out of 108 campaign contributors to his campaign from June 2017 to January 25, 2018, only three are from individuals living in his Brownsville district. The rest are from industry and special interest PACs and lobbyists.

And of the $162,163 in total cash donations to keep their boy in the state house, only $2,050 came from contributors from Brownsville, with $1,000 of that from his law firm of Roerig, Oliveira & Fisher, LLP, Brownsville. That's 1.26 percent of his contributions. 98.74 percent came from interests outside District 37.

So will the money boys from the special interest groups dictate to the people of District 37 who should represent them? And to those social media apologists who would have recoiled in the past about a public representative who has been bankrolled by special interests from outside the district for the past 34 years, what is the justification to allow them to control the state rep seat of the people here?

It's interesting to see that Oliveira's spin machine is making hay about his seniority – fifth in the House –  and his ads tout his work for education. How does that jive with this?:

1. How committed is he to local education when he and Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. (another barnacle on the body politic) submitted the bill in 1991 to forge the disastrous "partnership" between Texas Southmost College and the University of Texas System under which the poorest community district in the United States subsidized the wealthiest gas-and-oil university system in the world?

2. He and Lucio also agreed to keep TSC from being funded by the Texas Permanent University Fund, the multi-billion dollar fund that funds all University of Texas and A &M institution in the state to the tune of millions of dollars, by inventing this "partnership." Instead, TSC had to issue bonds to be paid by the residents of the district to build the facilities which it then rented to the UT System.

3. But that's not all. Oliveira introduced the bill that would give the UT System the discretion to pay TSC some $12 million in rental arrears if it felt it had the money in its budget. It never did.

4. This in spite of the fact that under the "partnership" TSC was required to make annual "transfers" to UTB totaling about $55 million a year. In the 22 years (1991 to 2013) that the partnership existed, that amounted to $1 billion (with a B) or more.

5. Then, to add insult to injury, Oliveira introduced a bill to transfer all of TSC's assets – including real estate, buildings, bank deposits, and even the TSC Scholarship Foundation – to the UT System free of charge. The generous agreement allowed the district to continue operating only until it paid the bond debt it had utilized under President Julieta Garcia to construct her palatial "community university." Even the Republicans on the Higher Education Committee recoiled at the idea and a substitute bill keeping the community college district whole was submitted – by a Republican.

Image result for rene oliveira6. After accumulating an academic track record of a 17 percent graduation rate over 6 years, a 50 percent retention rate for UTB-TSC students, and a set of university-level tuition rates and fees which made education unaffordable and inaccessible to most local students, residents had had enough and ditched the "partnership."

And yet, his spokepieces and cyber megaphones keep repeating the same drivel:

"The voters have every right to question the motives of our politicians and that is the reason we have elections, so they can express their approval or disapproval, but I can say that every political decision I have made has always taken into account our future generations.

"Keeping the message simple and uncomplicated...Oliveira's first ad reads: "Fighting for you! Fighting for working families, teachers, students, first responders and you!"

7. This flies in the face of logic. It's time to ditch Oliveira – and Sen. Lucio and his progeny as well – while we're at it.


Anonymous said...

Elect Alex Dominguez as our new State Representative!!! Alex is a proven public servant who addresses problems in this area and its people. Alex Dominguez as our new State Representative.

Anonymous said...

Rene Oliviera is not a friend of the people. He has never been a servant of the people of this area. He is a friend of special interests and a friend to the corruption in the local Democratic Party. He has proven to side with big business over the interests of the people. Rene has been in Austin too long and has sold his vote to special interests too long. He is a self-serving asshole and needs to be replaced. DON'T VOTE FOR RENE!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, Do you think Rene will ever marry the ex-wife of Captain Boob Sanchez??
I would think her family would be more embarrassed by Rene than Bob. Rene really digs deep into the muck to find women these days.Rene is a slug and does nothing for people who don't pay him or women who don't screw him.

Anonymous said...

great job on graphic

Anonymous said...

Captain Bob Sanchez ex wife Lorie now insists on the two handed hand shake from the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera as she can see that while he has hold of her hand he is not stabbing her in the back with his left hand. That is his favorite trick.

Anonymous said...

When you concede thank your supporter for your defeat. All they did was post insults that will never win an election.

Anonymous said...

Why would RO want to prevent the PUF from funding TSC?

chuy said...

To be or not to be? that is the question, we will leave it once again to the voters in this district to see if they favor Rene Ojete once again or if he finally gets das boot from the voters, Folks don't forget to go out and vote for your favorite candidates, be them good or bad, us folks have to live with them for the coming years once the final votes are tallied. adios.

Anonymous said...

Because it will set a precedent and then every community college will want to be funded by the PUF. MY 2 cents.

That doesnt mean they can't fund them - I'm sure the PUF fund has enough money to fund thousands of community college to some extend. I think its worth like 8 billion dollars.

Anonymous said...

Doing my homework on who to vote - here are my results of how I will vote:

talk only 1 star

rice and breans and a coke 2 stars

chicken and rice 3 votes with one tortilla

chicken and rice and beans and bread 4 stars

Fajitas (from the county) beer and music 5 Big Stars

Guess who gets my vote?

Anonymous said...

The demise of UTB has turned into a nightmare for the Brownsville students of UTRGV. Many of them now have to travel to Edinburg for classes. On the Brownsville campus, there are less faculty and less classes. All the supreme authorities spend most of their time in Edinburg. The UT-Pan AM crowd controls UTRGV.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The sale of Mongoose has risen by 500% in Texas, in Austin they are worried that Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera will. Win. While in Brownsville they are worried that he will loose, then they will have to watch their women 24 x 7 from the Mamba.

Anonymous said...

One has Androgenic alopecia and the other well a whole lot of vices. Who to vote for? Flip a coin, throw a horse shoe over your left shoulder, feng shui and lastly good night and good luck!
