It happened over the weekend at a gathering at the VFW Hall off Price Road (Veterans).
There was JP 2-1 Linda (Cupid) Salazar collaring another woman in the women's bathroom and making small talk as girls usually do when they go there to do their business.

There are already too many Betancourts in county offices, Salazar was overheard telling the woman.
There's the county treasurer, a county court at law judge, and their relatives.
Salazar warmed up to the task. Te old guy, their father Adolfo was a good man, but he was a drunk. Everybody knew that, she told the woman. That's why we need to elect SGP, she said.
Then, suddenly, the toilet in one of the bathroom stalls next to the mirrors flushed and a woman came out.
What about you?, she confronted Salazar. You have nephews at the sheriff's department, and your ex was also hired by the county. And you have placed and friends in other county departments. What are you talking about?
From there on, the dialogue went downhill. Salazar stopped her monologue against the Betancourt clan and made a hasty exit so as not to further aggravate the confrontation.
It is often said about Brownsville that it is a small city with a lot of people. And Linda,
you may not know who may be sitting on the throne next door.
Fake news!
It's her right to express her views.
Who took the picture ex fire chief?
I heard about that incident. Talk about putting your foot in your mouth! Calladita te ves mas bonita Linda....jajaja
La Guerra de tangas
puro mojones
A mi me gusta con la boquita bien abierta anque no sea bonita.
Looks like one is pigeon-toed and the other duck-footed.
There are too many of Salazar's family getting paid by the tax payers and there are too many Betancourt family members on the public payroll. A big difference is that the Betancourt clan are well educated, while the Salazar family is not. If education counts for anything, then we are better off with the Betancourt family than Linda Salazar, her son Ruben Cortez, the Reyna brothers and others. If this incident in the ladies room is true, we congratulate the person who challenged Salazar.
Salazar is a hood rat who is with the other hood rat sylvia perez the county jerk , we are definitely voting for all the Betancourt’s they have class and belong in those positions not like Linda and Sylvia que verguenza
A cual patas son las de Linda. Ella no usa esos tipos de guaranches.
Las de pato y camina como pinguina
All I can say is that those are not the doors to the VFW bathrooms. It has to be fake news cause who ever says they challenged Linda, why was she there she had to have been at Lindas party, supporting.
Usa chanclas
bedroom farce
First the Cesar - carlos drama now this damn!
I would truly have to agree with one anonymous conversation that the Lori Lali and David are well qualified in their jobs
Patas para menudo
Term limits are what this nation needs for all elected offices, city , county state and federal levels.
She's say she doesn't care but of course she does she's paying for the pachanga for her son and Javier Reyna to beat Judge Gracia. We need educated people not hood rats like Linda Salazar and her son Rubén Cortez with a GED when his opponent has a PHD. If the County won't do anything let the people do it and NOT VOTE for Linda Salazar next term. Let exterminate the hood rat...Se acabó Paquita la del barrio vas pa fuera...INÚTIL
CORRUPTION continues in full speed!!
GED Cortez? Really, he claims overqualified ..
It's just a random picture folks to give you an idea of what happened.
Hey, my brother, lived downtown with his wife and kids and looked out of his upstairs window and saw Linda way before being elected into office, standing like a man, with a man in an alley between Washington and Elizabeth drinking some beers. He was like, what's wrong with her? go at least to a bar!
I guess she has forgotten those days. Not saying she is or has been an alcoholic, but how do people like this get into office?
To 4:51pm
You mean an otearai and on an omaru. Maybe she couldn't find a squat toilet in the alley so the next best positon was like a man as you say, and I think it happened between Washington and Adams.
As a former resident of that island I would like to see a ii-to (Toilet Day) celebrated here a first in the US. I would think that Judge Linda can start the ball rolling on this great idea. Omarus will be available at strategic places (in alleys only) in the downtown area. This will stop the "standing like a man" and avoid any potentially embarrassing accidents a "grunt bar," will be installed on every omaru.
Charge for the use of ah-omarus and use those fees for more bike trails.
They should put mikes and speakers in those stalls. I can just hear the thunder, push-hard-chia-boom!@#$%
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