Thursday, February 22, 2018



Anonymous said...

Going with Rene!

Anonymous said...

Elect Alex Dominguez!!!!!! Alex is the only one of the candidates that will serve the people of this district and not special interests. He is a true public servant and has proven it through his actions. VOTE FOR ALEX!!

Anonymous said...

Rene is a scumbag whose vote is for sale to special interests (as seen by his campaign contributors). We understand that he was so concerned about his opponent Alex Dominguez that he hired/bribed/begged the third candidate to join the race to split the vote. RENE is a bum!!!

Anonymous said...

What does Ruben Cortez know about education....he has a GED and never completed the public school system. Anyone but Ruben Cortez. We all know that his "mommy", Linda Salazar (another political "slug") will support him, as will his cousins the Reyna brothers in the sheriff's department. These "slugs" live off of the public and are supported by a corrupt Democratic Party. If you don't want continued corruption and self-serving officials...don't vote for Ruben Cortez and his family.

Anonymous said...

Need a loan, Alex? LOL

Anonymous said...

Remember, when you go to vote that only 3 contributors to the campaign of Rene Oliviera are from his district....all the rest are from special interests who seek to buy his vote. Rene's vote is for sale and he does nothing for his district....except support Julieta Garcia when she wanted to turn over millions of tax dollars to UT System. Oliviera sided with UT System against Brownsville tax payers. Now our kids have to go to Edinburg or somewhere else to finish degrees.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Eric Garza for the Education Board. We need an educated and wise voice on that board.....not someone who has never finished the public education system.

Anonymous said...

Wow how sad, no agendas no nothing what do we as citizens expect from these candidates. Insults and insults. What a pity.

Anonymous said...

I voted the first day of early voting for Arturo Alonzo (state Rep), Ruben Cortez(State Board of Education) and Roman Mcallen (RR Commissioner).

Alonzo's platform is people driven amd he has shown great platforms in progressive policy making in addition to his mission to improve poverty in the area. Dominguez voted to give trillions to LNG and Rene is the same, but also is an impotent leader.

Ruben Cortez aligned himself with the MAS (Mexican American Studies) platform and has voted with books presented by Tony Diaz, notably known as "El Librotraficante" who brought books about cultural and historical emphasis on Mexican Americans to Arizona when studying of such books were banned. He's doing great for just having a GED. That's his journey and he's done well in representation for the kids in public education.

Lastly, I voted for Roman Mcallen because his platform supported fair policy that benefited people and not corporations.

Get the rats out!

Anonymous said...

Eric is Adela's puppet

Anonymous said...

What makes you think he needs a loan? If your comparing him with Rene Oliveira, shouldn't it raise eyebrows?
Yes, I know that at least in the RGV corruption exists but perhaps Alex doesn't need money to buy votes or politequeras...Actions speak louder. What has Mr. Oliveira done for our sector? NADA!!! Before I casted my vote, I did my research and Mr. Dominguez delivered to the residents of San Pedro. Clean water might not be important to you but for Alex to follow through on his promise and dedication to this people meant a lot. Imagine what he can do for us? Go out and vote but first do your research. Follow the money trail.

Anonymous said...

Michelle! She has our support an educated woman with dignity and respect

Anonymous said...

I early voted today.
M. Davila and A. Dominguez.
NO MORE Oliveira, NO MORE Cortez.
I will vote for ANY Republican that runs against Lucio in the Fall.
Time to clean up house in the RGV.

Anonymous said...

Yes please vote republican and get deported MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Domingez voted for LNG the poison chemical company responsible for explosions every where they built plants. This is just the beginning already showing his interest JUST LIKE THE DOING NOTHING RENE.

Anonymous said...

He authored the contract that enabled UTB from having to pay
TSC any owed backrent. Way to go OLIVEIRA! RIBBIT!

Anonymous said...

Wait, Erik Garza county clerk Erick Garza? Republican? It has to be a different Erik!

Anonymous said...

34 years and 50 years, just too long to be employed and/or elected to any office. Terms limits and employment longevity Limits is needed for all government agencies. Look at the results do nothing and hide everything. UNACCEPTABLE!
