Thursday, February 22, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

This morning parents of Hanna Early College High School parents received a telephone message from principal Blanca Lambarri informing then that a "mysterious message" had been found written on the walls of a student bathroom.

Lambarri did not disclose the nature of the message, but assured the parents of the school's students that the Brownsville Independent School District Police Department had determined that it posed no danger to the staff or student body.

The BISD, in its website, announced that it "has received several false reports and threats against our campuses, some from students posting messages on social media. 

We remind everyone that making false reports and threats against our schools is a very serious offense, with severe consequences including possible criminal charges. BISD continues to take every necessary measure to ensure the safety, security & protection of all our students, schools and staff. To report suspicious activity, please contact the BISD Police Dept. hotline at (956) 982-3085."

The BISD also announced that classes will let out early today in observance of Charro Days and that there will be no classes held Friday.


Anonymous said...

Remember, the police in Florida also didn't deem killer Cruz as a threat...39 times. A letter like this only primes the pump for young people to act out...even if there is no "real" threat. If the school sends letters home every time someone writes on the shithouse wall.....the impact of the letter is reduced. We shouldn't cry "WOLF" until there is a "wolf".

Anonymous said...

Parents of parents? So that would be the grandparents, juanito? LOL

Anonymous said...

Dr pendejas said in a tape recorder message sent to parent
"it's illegal to make false threats" so is it legal to make real threats?

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants their 15 seconds in the news
Several valley dsitricts have done tgeae press releases
All trying to catch a minute on channel 4 or 5 .

Anonymous said...

Blogger of 12:50 PM - el pendejo es tu! Come try running a district as large
as ours and you will be pinned to the shitroom walls. Either help out or shut up. It was probably you kid that wrote it.

Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with teachers? I would arm myself if i were a teacher. Whether permitted or not. I like kids far more than i would care about loosing my job. Protect the children teach. Not your job.

Anonymous said...

Dr pendejas said in a tape recorder message sent to parent
"it's illegal to make false threats" so is it legal to make real threats?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. I refuse to procreate with any local.

Anonymous said...

In the early to mid 1990's (i was at Hanna 5 years 1991 to 1996) there were so many guns on campus, and none of us feared mass shootings. Mind you Columbine had already happened by the time i dropped out. Nowadays kids are scared because they dont arm themselves.

Anonymous said...

That is why the kids responded so favorably to the meeting Dr. Z had with them last week. These kids reacted better than any of us adults that claim to know it all. They reinforced their respect and believe in BISD and the "Top Lady." They were happy they were listened to and they offered a lot of constructive ideas - the one most appreciated was the one where they spoke up and said all security guards hang around together in one section of the school and just yak and talk to students instead of moving around on campus. I am glad Chief Garcia was there to listen to the kids and now it is up to him to put a stop to this on every campus. Security guards must also stop flirting with the students and even some teachers. Do your job with pride and hopefully you won't be like the one who stood and hid outside the building in Florida.

Anonymous said...

It all falls on her public information officer. He should write/ edit any public annoncement. However he was probably too busy with charro days, fiesta folklorica, to get out a decent message!

Anonymous said...

To: February 22, 2018 at 7:29 PM

Can't cut the cheese refund the fund (check). Get out of the kitchen and stop the twitching.
