By Juan Montoya
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
He took off straight y came back al revez
He took off straight y came back al revez
Se le acabo la feria otra vez
Se le acabo el billuco otra vez
Round the corner, there was Market Square
He turned the corner, there was Market Square
He bought a brewsky con su last and only buck
He bought a brewsky con su last and only buck
Met his compadre when he was out of luck
Met his compadre when he was out of luck
The widow ran him out of home again
The widow ran him from la house again
She chased him out the door with a sarten
She ran behind him swinging a sarten
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez

He took off straight y came back al revez
He took off straight y came back al revez
Se le acabo la feria otra vez
Se le acabo el billuco otra vez
Round the corner, there was Market Square
He turned the corner, there was Market Square
He bought a brewsky con su last and only buck
He bought a brewsky con su last and only buck
Met his compadre when he was out of luck
Met his compadre when he was out of luck
The widow ran him out of home again
The widow ran him from la house again
She chased him out the door with a sarten
She ran behind him swinging a sarten
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
He left the Palma toward el Uno Dos y Tres
He left the Palma toward el Uno Dos y Tres
Con una cruda que se lo llevava el tren
A hangover que se lo llevava el tren
With dos birongas ya se siente bien
Con dos tarritos ya se siente bien
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
Opened the door, he waved, and out he went
Opened the door, he waved, and out he went
Con dos tarritos ya se siente bien
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
Don Pedro anda pedo otra vez
Opened the door, he waved, and out he went
Opened the door, he waved, and out he went
(First performed at Don Pedro's Second Annual Birthday celebration at the Crescent Moon, Feb. 25, 2012. There were three annual celebrations of the Don's birthday and then he disappeared into the bowels of the old Herald press room.)
hey Don Pedro happy birthday, where you been hiding all these years, Viva Charro Days, Salud, dinero y amor.
Pinche joto
How about a financial report on Charro Days from the Non Profit ?
Years 2010 to 2018 ? You will be surprised ?
Who writes like that. George Ramirez is right. Some in ‘ville are illiterate in two languages.
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