Thursday, February 22, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: The Office of  Texas Southmost College Edgar Chrnko, Director of Marketing & Community Relations, has confirmed a report posted earlier today that Alvin Tucker, a co-auditor with the Brownsville Independent School District, had notified them via email, that he was withdrawing from the race to fill the TSC board seat left vacant by Dr. Ruben Gallegos. Earlier reports in social media had said there was a compromising recording that would be made available to bloggers and other social media in the near future. In his report, McHale-Scully cites Tucker saying that the "time and energy" he would have to spend in the campaign would be difficult for him. Chrnko's office said they received the emailed withdrawal just before noon today)

By Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
www.the mchalereport.blogspot 

Arvin Tucker, a co-auditor with the Brownsville Independent School District (BISD), has withdrawn his candidacy from the Texas Southmost College (TSC). He was running for the seat vacated by Dr. Ruben Gallegos and was facing a difficult challenge from longtime educator Eva Alejandro.

"Mr. Tucker was the underdog against Ms. Alejandro," offered Justo Leyes, The McHale Report's legal expert. "Mr. Tucker was going to run a grassroots campaign through his connections that he has collected during his 20 years in Brownsville. He wasn't going to spend one penny on advertising and he wasn't going to place any signs either. It was to be an uphill battle for the challenger.

"Ms. Alejandro, on the other hand, is well-known in education circles and has a wide network of friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances. As part of her campaign, she has every intention of investing in her desire to win the position, a common sense strategy."

Tucker reached his decision Thursday morning. He said his decision was based on the time and energy that he would be required to expend since without spending money he would find himself constantly on the hustings knocking door-to-door. He also confessed that he didn't fell comfortable in the hard-core, cut-throat reality of Brownsville politics.

Nothing has changed in the other contest. Dr. Rey Garcia, a retired dentist, will seek to retain his incumbency, but he is facing the fight of his life. Ostracized by the board for tactics that have arguably undermined the junior college's progress, he is encountering fierce opposition from the BISD's J.J. De Leon and banker Carlos Rios.

Unlike the Brownsville Navigation District that simply requires a plurality, the TSC's victor must gain a majority. This race could be sentenced to a run-off.


Anonymous said...

McHale is NOT doctor, you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Somehow the words fierce opposition and JJ De Leon don't seem to go together in the same sentence. "Dainty" and "light" would be more appropriate. Oh, and I almost forgot..."Adela". Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

LOL @5:57 we second that.

Anonymous said...

So now we know how Tucker got hired by BISD. Real low. My respect for Tucker is gone. No wonder the BISD Auditor Dept is what it is. Their investigations are biased and board friends are protected.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry an Carols Rios or Dr. Garcia are fierce? Please pendejos stop being idiots JJ DeLeon has more ball than you think.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

McHale GOES to the doctor! LOL

Pat Ahumada said...

This is gutter politics. Most likely a scenario of extortion and black mail by the woman who had sex with Tucker. This is his personal life, but unfortunately it has been used to get him out of the race and he was the best qualified. Me too movemant has and will cause much damage to personal reputations and allow the shitty candidates to rise to the top, unfortunately. Tucker should file charges against the woman for secretly raping him without consent, e fiction and bribery.

Anonymous said...

Protégé of Pete the deputy dog at the city. Investigate both of them. Clean house NOW! Let the FBI investigate both of them.

Anonymous said...

Sober up McHale, Adela is the one interfereing with the college progress by going a whole year without searching for a college president. She set TSC's progress back by at least two years to satisfy her own greed. That IS undermining the college, bro!

Anonymous said...

JJ DeLeon can suck it. It'll be a runoff between Carlos and Dr.GarciaD

Pat Ahumada said...

McHale's post on Tucker had nothing to do with Me Too, nor Tuckers qualifications to run for office. This has to do with McHale's lack of journalism standards, gutter politics and probably doing Area's biding. Both can be happy to ha e destroyed a decent person who sought to serve unselfishly, but knowing both they relished at being able to go for the kill in their effort to make sure our city once again elects the mierda it has to offer as the city's very best in leadership and ethical standards in government. Adela and McHale deserve the Karma they sow from the seeds of the manure they promote.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget ADELA'S BIG EGO!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up Patricio
Adela is a lady and you are a dunk big difference

Pat Ahumada said...

Yeah right, pendejo (a)

Anonymous said...

No te dejes Pat

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit about Jerry McHale besides Jerry McHale?

Anonymous said...

I hear Rios didn't show up for the drawing of positions on the ballot.
