Tuesday, February 27, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: The apparent push by Brownsville Independent School District trustee Joe Rodriguez – who's vowed to run for reelection in November – to have the board consider giving local accountant and former district trustee Joey Lopez a shot at a $3.1 million insurance contract, has set opponents charging insider self-dealing, favoritism and back-door deals. Lopez is running against firefighter Rigo Bocanegra for the position that will be left vacant on January 2019 by Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez. We originally published this post on January 2018.) 

By Juan Montoya
As early as February 2015, Brownsville Independent School District trustee Joe Rodriguez let it be known that he favored steering the district's $3.1 Property, Flood, Windstorm, Hail, Boiler & Machinery Insurance business to his buddy – and former trustee – Joey Lopez.

Lopez, the business manager for Lopez Supermarkets, is now running for Pct. 2 Cameron County Commissioner against Rigo Bocanegra.

Rodriguez, a vendor for BSN Sports, has reaped the profits of his relationship with BISD to the tune of millions, so he would know Lopez could make a nice coin from being chosen.

Sales to BISD by BSN which then pays Joe commission in the last eight years have totaled $2,440,222. At a 20 percent commission that would have put a cool $488,044 in Coach Joe's pocket.

Sales by BSN Sports to the BISD jumped from $225,792 in the FY 2013-2014 to $316,758.01 when Rodriguez was elected to the board.

The only FY that was higher before then was in 2010-2011 when BSN raked in $497,116.90 in sales to BISD through Rodriguez, whose 20 percent commission would have totaled 99,423.20. At that time AD Tom Chavez – another Rodriguez pal – recommended BSN to outfit two new schools with sports equipment.

Even though Lopez had not been among the four firms that had answered the BISD's Request For Proposals (RFPs) for then insurance, Rodriguez in a Insurance Committee meeting held Feb. 16, 2015 suggested that the board consider him to get some of the "business."

At that time, the board was trying to figure who had authorized the renewal of the windstorm insurance and had cut a check for the $3.1 million to McGriff, who was also the risk manager consultant for the district. The-CFO Lucio Mendoza said that – in consideration of bond requirements that all the district's facilities be insured at the risk of losing bond proceeds – he had recommended to then-superintendent Carl Montoya that they renew with McGriff without going to the board.

When the trustees discovered that the check had been cut and the contract extended without their approval, they set out to find who was responsible.

It was during this meeting that Rodriguez pitched to the board that Lopez be allowed to "bid" for the business, something that would have been wholly inappropriate and outside the BISD's procurement  process.

Rodriguez said that as early as August 7, earlier that year Lopez had offered his services.

"I stand behind every word I said because it's being said again here about the board not being comfortable with what was presented to come back with new ideas, that's being said again. I have documentation of Joey Lopez – some firm that he represents August 7,...that he called to get some specifics on how to go about asking for the insurance coverage and the details...

"I discussed that there were other people out there other players out there in the market except that they had to be given the opportunity to give them the information to give them time to do that.."

In the discussion that followed, BISD's director of purchasing and the department's agent disputed Rodriguez's contention that they had not allowed others to bid on the district's insurance.

But it was clear to everyone who was present or who is willing to go back and view the video of the insurance committee meeting that Rodriguez was pushing for the $3.1 million contract to go to his pal Joey despite him not vetted by the BISD procurement process. Some BISD administrators have said Rodriguez had pushed for Lopez getting a shot (even outside the process) at the lucrative contract.

In the end, the BISD ended up paying $2.1 million of the $3.1 million premium to McGriff for coverage from January to May 31.


chon said...

joey lopez is a great old friend of joe rod el coach y de tony yzaguirre the crooked tax collector, so like they say birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

What are our options....what has Bocanegra ever done for us?????????

Anonymous said...

Joe has tainted his legacy- embarrassed the fam

Takes care of those who take care of him

He brought in a substitute and it cost him the game —- he should of drafted a leader with promise - wasted draft pick for Brownsville—- of course coach and friends are making out like bandits

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez is as corrupted as his supporters in the likes of Joe Rodriguez, Carlos Elizondo, Sylvia Garza Perez, Tony Izaquirre, Eddie TreviƱo and Carlos Masso. Puro pinches corruptos supporting corruptos. Was it not Joey Lopez that was forced to leave his B.I.S.D. seat for mispending thousands of dollars in what is now known as Walt Disney Gate. Where some people were forced to pay back some of that mispend money that belong to special needs students, teachers and for school materials. Joey Lopez never returned his thousands of dollars of Tax payers money. In his campaign materials he stresses his accountant experience but yet most of his businesses have closed down due to poor administration and bad accounting.

Anonymous said...

Coach Joe should hang up his gloves and smell the roses at his old age. He has done what he wanted to do in his positions, and it is time for him to sit back in his rocking chair and count the money in his checking account. Thanks, but no thanks, Coach Joe! You've done enough!

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez is supported by Gilberto Hinojosa, Eddie Trevino, Coach Joe Rodriguez and Carlos Elizondo. Corruption supports corruption. Say no to Joey Lopez.

Anonymous said...

Nobody gives a shit about your bullshit comment !

Rigo is going to lose BIG TIME!

Anonymous said...

Rigo is great old friends with some of the BIGGEST losers in Brownsville history .

Letty Perez Garzoria
Marco Longoria
Kimberly Dale
Adam Salas
Jesse Vallejo

So as they birds of a feather flock together .

Anonymous said...

The only thing that motivates joe — is money and women . And he has no loyalty to any woman..... in the end all he gives a shit about is money. And he will bend any rule to get it

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. He has not done Enough. Maybe he has done enough damage but his accomplishments are far and few .
