Monday, March 26, 2018


By Juan Montoya
When the workers erected the scaffolding at about 5 a.m. that would mark the start of the Bi-National 10K & 5K Run early in the morning Saturday, they tested it for its sturdiness and solidity. 

"Everything was fine," said one of the workers. "It was sturdy and wasn't going anywhere. We've done this a lot of times."

That was until city crews under the direction of City of Brownsville Government Affairs Liaison Ramiro Gonzalez arrived with city workers and he directed them to place a large "start" banner on the structure. 

And as the morning wore on, the wind began to blow stronger. The National Weather Service reported that before daybreak the wind speed was 21 miles per hour and increasing as daybreak approached. At race time, it is estimated that it had increased to more than 3 miles and hour. On that day, gusts reached speeds of nearly 42 miles per hour.  

If there had been no banner installed on the scaffolding, workers believe, it would not have collapsed.
Instead, the wind gusts caught the "start" sign installed at Gonzalez's directions and several people were injured when it collapsed.

"It might as well have been a sail," said one of the runners. It was just too windy to have placed it then. There really was no need for it."

Local media reported that several runners said the metal structure fell as the race was about to begin.

Several runners were transported to local hospitals, officials said, and the rest of the race proceeded without incident.

Runners at the Bi-National 10K & 5K Run, which started on the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley campus, said the metal structure fell as the race was about to begin.

Interim City Manager Michael Lopez said in a statement that the city had started an investigation into the reasons for the structure's collapse
 “With respect for the privacy of the individuals involved, in addition to the ongoing investigation, no further information will be released at this time,” Lopez said in a statement.

The event was also notable in that Mayor Tony Martinez and Gonzalez organized the event as a kind of international diplomacy. Other city commissioners had indicated that they had not been invited to participate. 

"It was all done by the mayor and his select group," said a city staffer. "The other commissioners didn't know and weren't invited."

That afternoon Martinez said that three people had been released from the hospital, and two others were in stable condition but under observation.

“We want to make sure nothing like this happens (again),” he told the Brownsville Herald, adding the decision to continue the race was made once first responders began treating the injured.
Gonzalez has led a charmed existence. He was fired by former City Manager Charlie Cabler for resisting following city personnel policies such as punching in and out and reporting his activities, but had to relent when Martinez commissioner Rose Gowen intervened.

He had threatened to leave when he was not picked to be an assistant city manager and said he had a job offer as in Denton as an assistant city manager. However, when city commissioners checked with that city, it turned out not to be true and was left without a job. 

But then Gowen and Martinez intervened and Cabler was forced to rehire him and create a new position called government liaison, sources say. Even his mother called Cabler to plead his case. No one – except for Martinez and Gowen, really know what he does, they said. At at $65,000 a year, it has proven to be a costly proposition.

He has represented Gowen's so-called Active Plan to the county and travels widely at city expense to conferences dealing with bicycling and urban design, something that might come to an end in the near future as the bills for his travel rise and the commission's Budget and Oversight Committee puts the city salary schedule under scrutiny.

Meanwhile, local attorneys say that the city has been exposed to liability as a result of the injuries to the runners. "The people injured by the falling scaffolding have an actionable case," said a local attorney. "It would be easy money if someone does file an injury lawsuit."


Anonymous said...

That one cop looks so fat, he should be in a hospital waiting to die.


Anonymous said...

Man, you sure know how to blow shit out of proportion. It was an accident and you failed to mention that the injuries were minor. Despite this, we had a great time and are happy no one was seriously hurt. Brownsville PD and Fire/EMS did a great job. And the Matamoros portion of the event was fun. Custom agents at the bridge were very helpful and seemed to enjoy a change of atmosphere. So, why don’t you crawl out of your hole and actually attend some of these events instead of trolling them from behind your keyboard?

Anonymous said...

To blooger of 9:52, isn't that the whole gist of this blog - lies, innuendos, chaos, picabuches! He just tries to stir trouble instead of getting in there and helping out. But of course, he has specific people that love to feed the stuff to him for their own purpose.

Anonymous said...

Juan and his blog are doing just great and the majority of the posters here are happy that SOMEBODY is report what really is happening. SO JUAN KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK YOU ARE DOING. THESE CORRUPT PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS TRY TO SUPPRESS AND HIDE THEIR CORRUPTION. DALE GAS JUAN...

Anonymous said...

The most important part of your blog post is once again bringing up the question of what in the world Ramiro Gonzales does at the city? This sorry excuse for a man gets to work late, takes long lunches, and leaves early. How is that not a misuse of City funds?! What is his added-value to the city?! Not much from what I've seen. Michael Lopez needs to just let this idiot go!

Anonymous said...

That arrogant ball of lard with a tiny mind, has never done any thing good for the City or the Citizens , his only porpoise is to to be the Mayor water boy, any one with a little common sense would have noticed the strong wind and the consequences of installing a banner (more likely a sail) would bring disastrous results, but it was Saturday, probably one of his 2 neurons was in sabbatical mode.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Bunch of idiots..
