Monday, March 26, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Cameron County Courthouse employees and visitors were startled late this afternoon when Cameron County District Attorney investigators (who some thought were U.S.  Marshals) arrived at the to the third floor of the Judicial Building at 974 E. Harrison St., and arrested up 404th District Court Coordinator Frankie Olivo.

Reports indicate that Olivo was led out of the building in handcuffs. Later today, he was booked into the Cameron County Rucker-Carrizales Correction facility in Olmito and charged with one charge of stalking and one of harassment.

We are a family blog here so we won't print the nature of the crime listed on the indictments. Suffice to say that it involved him taking pictures of his manhood and sending them via his cell phone to a female legal staffer of a local attorney who did not solicit them. 


Anonymous said...

They should have taken Elia Cornejo with them and killed two birds with one stone.

Anonymous said...

Lol......Karma will get ever last one of them that has misused their power!!

Anonymous said...

"Stalking and harassment", when the local Mexicans stop getting so hung up on pussy. One is pretty much like the other, certainly now worth being hauled off in esposas.

Anonymous said...

Judge Elia Cornhole Lopez is stalking BISD....arrest her. Make sure you take a truck with a lift on the back to pick her up....and wear ear protection, because she will be loud and obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

Fucking Luis Saenz is out of control! Time to put him out of business. His goon investigators don't have nothing better to do then make a show. Even when defendants already have a court date they have to go nab them from work with their weapons drawn. At lease wait until they don't show up to court. As if it is not bad enough finding a job these days.

Anonymous said...

Why did DA Saenz not arrest Cornejo Lopez and her side kick who spent the night in Los Fresnos stalking the BISD supt? Oh, it was someone else who stole Elia's car that went to Los Fresnos! She was not in the car!
