Tuesday, March 27, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: This past weekend some friends from outside Brownsville wanted to relive the old days and decided to go to Alex Perez's Toddle Inn on Central Blvd. They dutifully waited their turn in line and finally got a table in the breakfast joint of the former Cameron County Sheriff. Then they looked over and, behold, there was a reserved table against the wall. Much to their surprise, in walks former UTB-TSC President Julieta Garcia. Obviously, Queen Julieta still holds a special place in the hearts of some Brownsville residents.)


Anonymous said...

And, so?

Anonymous said...

Alex Perez is a mammon...Juliet is a bigger crook than Ruben Gallegos. She did it for 20 years before she was exposed. She took from the poor to give to the rich,the UT SYSTEM

Anonymous said...

Stop going to that restaurant all you hear is politics and shit about people we went there to eat a decent meal not to discuss politics

Anonymous said...

Ha they campaign hard against-team Sylvia now they have to eat it lol Animoji

Anonymous said...

Now we know we can reserve a table. If they can do it for Julieta, then they have set a precedent and we should all call to reserve.

Anonymous said...

They need city parking.

Anonymous said...

I have been going there for the longest time and I have never seen her there.

Anonymous said...

Stay away from Toddle In, remember when they caught Alex Jr. with Cocaine in Sarita, Tx., him and his father are crooks. Look into it Juan ?

Anonymous said...

First of all, any locally owned restaurants can and do reserve tables, vermillion does it all the time. second the Toddle Inn has a good breakfast menu and lunch menu as well. That's why they both have wait times to eat there(weekends especially). As for the other stuff these idiots are talking about, get your facts straight
@12:37. You don't even know Alex's son name much less knowing even if he has a criminal record. PURO FAKE NEWS , Juan would be wasting his time even writing about Alex or his son which happens to run
the restaurant. They don't matter whatsoever now.

Anonymous said...

You lie Sylvia his name is Mark

Anonymous said...

If you got money or position they treat you good if you don’t well don’t bother

Anonymous said...

Signed Mark A Perez

Anonymous said...

I have to say this that the Toddle Inn has always been and still is one of the best restaurant here in Brownsville. I enjoy the friendly reception and atmosphere there. The owners Sheriff Perez and his son have always been very respectable and friendly, and this is not saying anything about the food. One of the best in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

A restaurant with double standards...a political swamp. They serve beans from the can...

Anonymous said...

Mad because they don't sell bagels, and they never will!
