Friday, April 13, 2018


By Juan Montoya

Just as Associate District Judge/Magistrate Luis Sorola is preparing for the 2020 elections and is going after the 404th District Court seat held by Elia Cornejo-Lopez, we've learned that someone else is eyeing a spot now occupied by another heavyweight, JP 2-1 Linda Salazar.

That someone, we have heard, is none other than the president of the Cameron County Democratic Women, Cindy Hinojosa.

If you ask Hinojosa, the wife of former Cameron County Judge and now chairman of the Texas democratic Party Gilberto Hinojosa, why she is running against Salazar, she will tell you that she is not running against anyone, but rather for the position.

Image result for linda salazar, JPStill, that leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Why, she was asked, didn't you run against Mary Esther Sorola this year instead of waiting two more years to run against "Cupid" Salazar?

Well, it turns out that Cindy Hinojosa is also the comadre of Mary Esther's mom, Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Sofia Benavides. It's not kosher to run against family given the bloodletting that results from local races.

Salazar, whose annual 600-plus marriage ceremonies at $250 or more per wedding plus her $53,000 salary places her ahead of most county court=at-law and district judges is known as a take-no-prisoners campaigner. As a former clerk who was fired for touching her sign in a corridor to show couples where her office was can attest, she is ruthless and will defend what she considers her territory como gato boca arriva.

On the other hand, the Hinojosas didn't get to the top of the county and state seat of the Democratic Party without stepping on a head or two.

We hear Salazar is livid that Hinojosa has targeted her to run against her in the 2020 elections. Feathers will fly.     


Anonymous said...

No feathers, but a lot of Salazar fat to fly. Anyone but Linda Salazar will get my vote. Same is true for Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez.....anyone but her.
Lots of "fat to fry".

Anonymous said...

This is the greatest news ever my vote and all family will vote for this new candidate. Linda enjoy your days in office because your days are counted. "RATA DE DOS PATAS"

Anonymous said...

It about time a female stepped up with this penguin money hungry bitch. CYNDY HINOJOSA FOR OUR NEXT J.P.2-1

Anonymous said...

Best news ever! We have our reasons, still best news ever!
Thank you Jesus! lol

Unknown said...

Do you really think anyone running for any Cameron County position is running for totally altruistic reasons. "Todos se tapan con la misma colcha" I am saddened for feeling this way but I do!

Anonymous said...

You used the work word it's Altruism

Anonymous said...

and it's cobija (blanket) not colcha (quilt) pinche gringa
