Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Various Sources

Guess what?

Former Brownsville Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo will be arraigned on two new indictments in Judge Ben Euresti's 107th District Court. Elizondo's arraignment on the new charges will be held Thursday at 1 p.m.

The two new indictments will replace the two charges of  theft and misapplication of fiduciary property originally filed on October 2017. The Cameron County District Attorney's Office agreed to dismiss the original indictment and replace it with the new charges and agreed to transfer Elizondo's surety bonds to the new charges.

The new indictments handed down by a grand jury charge him with third-degree felony theft because at the time of the crime the owner of the property appropriated was a nonprofit organization.

The crime rises to a higher level if the defendant was a public servant at the time of the offense and the property appropriated came into the actor's custody, possession, or control by virtue of his status as a public servant and he was in a contractual relationship with government at the time of the offense. Elizondo was a firefighter and acted as treasurer for the firefighters' PAC.

Authorities arrested Elizondo in  October on accusations that he stole $8,000 from the Brownsville Firefighters Association Political Action Committee through unauthorized ATM withdrawals, according to a police report. The formal name of the PAC is Brownsville Firefighters For Responsible Government.

The other new indictment of misapplication of fiduciary property or property of financial institutions bases the higher offense– a felony of the third degree – because the value of the property misapplied is $30,000 or more but less than $150,000.

Euresti had previously denied Elizondo’s challenge to the original indictment charging him with theft and misapplication of fiduciary property and his attorney Eddie Lucio filed a writ of habeas corpus arguing that the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office was charging him twice for the same alleged crime.

(Coincidentally (or was it?), just today Erasmo Castro, on social media, is posting that Elizondo saved someone's life at De la Rosa's Seafood Restaurant for some unspecified emergency. Martin Sarkis said he posted the incident on social media and Castro picked it up. 

He claims that the ambulance took 23 minutes to get to the restaurant and that if it hadn't been for Elizondo being there, the man would have died. And he asserts that it too EMS crews 23 minutes to arrive while contradictory reports say it took nine minutes. Sakis swears his version is the correct one, as do the other posters who have contradictory versions.)

Lucio, had argued that “good ground” did not exist for issuance of the original search warrant because sufficient facts to establish probable cause weren’t there and because 404th state District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez, who signed the warrant, was not neutral because of a conflict she has with the Brownsville Independent School District and its board of trustees.

Cornejo-Lopez had filed a federal lawsuit against BISD over how a grievance she filed against the district was handled by school administrators. Elizondo is a member of the BISD’s board of trustees.

During a previous hearing to quash the second count of the indictment, which was denied, Asst. D.A. Art Teniente told Euresti that both counts do include the same check transactions that the DA’s office alleged were illegal.

Even the Texas Ethics Commission has become embroiled in the case.

On Feb. 16, Lucio subpoenaed the TEC asking for information pertaining to the commission’s account for the Brownsville Firefighters for Responsible Government PAC, including correspondence, rulings, requests made or received by the commission, and or any complaints, allegations, statements received or provided by the commission.

According to the search warrant Elizondo challenged, Margarito Gracia Jr., vice president of the Brownsville Firefighters Association, contacted the TEC to advice it of money spent by the BPAC and was told that BPAC wasn’t recognized as a general purpose committee and that it had terminated Elizondo as treasurer in May 2010.

That document also states that no BPAC expense reports had been filed with TEC between 2010 and 2016, and that all expenditures and contributions were not in compliance with Texas Election Law.

According to records obtained by BPAC members from between May 22, 2010, and March 1, 2016, a total of $39,388.30 had been spent from the account, according to the search warrant.

In its motion to quash the subpoena, TEC asks the court to either completely quash it or, in the alternative, to grant an order protecting the confidentiality of the documents.

TEC also complains that the request is overly broad.

“The Commission is concerned that the disclosure of information or documents related to any sworn complaint that is made confidential by that statute may expose Commission staff to criminal and civil liability,” the motion states.

Euresti has yet to rule on the motion by the TEC.

At the hearing today, Euresti scheduled Elizondo's new trial date for June 25.


Anonymous said...

If Elizondo is found not guilty of the charges, he is going to turn around and sue the living shit out of the city of brownsville.

de la rosa said...

bull shit it was a set- up !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He needs to call Begum the GIANT.

Anonymous said...

Yup, buddies from Mataflies.... Same kind, same approach. Birds of a feather.....

Anonymous said...

Rudy is Carlos's brothers best friend, Rudy helped Carlos and Mario open Rice and beans total set up.

Anonymous said...

Carlos is a snake and so are his fucking friends. Go to jail you piece of shit. You done so much wrong to so many you have to go. FUCK YOU

Anonymous said...

Sounds fishy
Not saying its all political
But sure appears that way

Anonymous said...

Fuck you and up yours. You can stick your worthless lawsuits up your ass Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

But he saved that guys life.

Anonymous said...

I bet Jesse Weenes was the cook that day and some ween juice fell in the ceviche por eso se cayo el morro

Anonymous said...

Please stop going to our church Carlos. We know you aren't a good person or a God fearing man, which is fine, there are plenty of bad men around but they have the common decency not to go to God's house.

Anonymous said...

I meant the charges are fishy

Anonymous said...

Erasmo will publish any thing as long as he gets likes to his stupid page, that ball of lard, would burn his own mother, to get some public attention.

Anonymous said...

Elizondo is a corrupt piece of shit. Let's hope the DA does have a case and that politics doesn't get in the way. The DA is so political that he may not be willing to prosecute to get votes. Elisondo is a corrupt piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Rigo LOST again !!!

That pendejo is and ALWAYS will be UNELECTABLE .

Anonymous said...

Carlos you and your wife are UGLY people!!! Ugly inside and out. You can’t have surgery to fix how ugly you both have become.

Anonymous said...

El marrano de monte aka Erasmo Castro is helping Chief Elizondo so in turn Elizondo and Sarkis helps Castro get elected to the school board.

Anonymous said...

Carlos will be a cute nurse in prison.

Anonymous said...

Begun the giant for a lawyer he didn't do senator Uresti of San Antonio any good. Why would Begum sit on the stand for Uresti in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Elizondo deserves to go to prison! Juan, he not only stole $30,000 or not more than $150,000.
He had been doing this for approximately 6-8 yrs.
Do the math, its more like $180,000 - $240,000!

And it's bullshit, about Judge Lopez being a conflict of interest! Zendejas stated publicly on TV, that Elizondo' s arrest had nothing to do with BOSS! JUDGE LOPEZ has filed a grievance against the district as a parent and not as a judge nor against Elizondo!

Anonymous said...

How funny! Carlos is pointing at the phone and asking, "Is that the stupid phone that got me in so much trouble? Who is holding it? Cesar de Leon?
Were and when did the money figures change so much?

Anonymous said...

To the 9:30 blogger - did you mean BISD and not BOSS? Elizondo's arrest certainly does not have anything to do with BISD, but do you really think that Elia does not have it in her to go against someone who is a part of the decision-making process at the place that does not make exceptions for her and her daughter. Picale los ojos a otro, buey! She knew what she was doing and it is a shame that there are so many people you are out for a vendetta and retaliation. They do something wrong and want an excuse or everyone to back them up. What a shame when a 10 year old student asks me why everyone in this town is always fighting or lying against each other. What am I suppose to tell her?

Anonymous said...

But I agree, the saving a life stunt is fishy as hell. Bad actors, fake as the so call rescuer.

Anonymous said...

The Elizondos and their inbreeds are ten times worst than Elia. Elia looks like an angel next to Cindy and Carlos.

Anonymous said...

HaHaHa !! You know what's even better ? C. Elizndo will NEVER be the chief LOL....HE'S BURNED WITH ALL THE LOCAL POLITICS FOR HIS SECRET RECORDINGS....

Anonymous said...

The finger already got him in trouble and he's still using it. When will they ever learn.

Anonymous said...

Rigo will NEVER be chief.

Rigo will NEVER be elected to anything .

Rigo will NEVER support a winning canidate .

NEVER Rigo .

Carlos has WON an election .

Carlos was Fire Chief .

Carlos will BEAT this political attack .

Carlos has done everything Rigo can only dream about .

Anonymous said...

Rigo will NEVER go to jail. LMFAO

Anonymous said...

All this back and forth, it doesn't matter. Carlos shouldn't of recorded Cesar. He will have to do prison time for outing the local political mafia, serve as an example for future local ratas even thinking of exposing the ugly political underbelly of this town.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was a joke dummy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For everybody who thinks Elizondo helped that guy out of the kindness of his heart. Remember Elizondo is a well known RATA, he probably stole that man wallet.

Anonymous said...

Cesar De Leon,
Stop your commenting. Not only it is disturbing but fucking annoying, so you understand. As a language that is proper might offend you. Whatever Elizondo had to do was eventually the masterwork of your so-called friends. Understand It was a setup, and they used Elizondo to get to you. You need anger management, your hate seems to accumulate for those that in your tinny head do something to you. Get the fuck over it, If you have not noticed there is more than you in this world for people to think that you deserve some sort of respect. If you ever deserved it, those days are far behind. You are a cooked egg, No matter what you do words can never be taken back. You said them, own up to them and live your life, but leave those that intentionally harmed you behind. History can and will repeat itself, Learn and try to be a good person.

Anonymous said...

the best thing out of this was exposing Cesar De Leon, That wolf looking son of his mother! He talks like a ? He walks like a ?, He looks like a? but, He is a kitty, kitty cat! bahaaaaaaaa!
Expose his unshaved dirty ass!

Anonymous said...

He did not do so much wrong Cesar, You did it to your self with that fuck you attitude, Those people that you choose to hang with are the people that brought you down. Going to a child's birthday party just to kiss ass when you don't have children your self; you ass kissing idiot! The joke of the fucken year! So much school to end up as a fool. Impressive. El pendejo de armando fue el que te chingo, Get it, understand it and walk away! All praying son of ......tch!

Anonymous said...

Church is full of sinners
Snobs that need forgiveness
Perfect place for all our politicians
The church is a fraud!
