How would you like to rent prime beachside property where you could build a bungalow and pay as little as $43?
Guess what? At least 13 renters – some from as far back as 1975 – have paid the Brownsville Navigation District that much ($518 per year) and enjoy pristine Boca Chica Beach compliments of the rest of the port's taxpayers.
The port's leasing office says there are a total of 17 fishing camp leases available to local residents, at a yearly cost of $518.
Of course, the best, those along Boca Chica Beach frontage, have been taken for years and there is a waiting list. There are 18 names on the waiting list for these prize spaces, and the first applicants on the list has been waiting since 2003 for a vacancy. That's 15 years.
However, some of the tenants such as Gary Williams, Shelin Monters and Amanda Burres (last on the tenant list graphic at right) have had theirs since 1975 and doesn't appear like they are about to give them up. In fact, some of these "fishing camp" lessees have grandfathered themselves and can sublease if they want, or if the price is right, sell their lease for as much as $25,000.
"We had someone offer us a fishing camp lease for $25,000 but we thought it was way too much. There are others who have made offers for $10,000."
Of course, without water or sanitary sewer, the camps are limited to bringing in drinking water and constructing above the sand dunes. Water for domestic purposes can be brought in and stored in tanks while the camp is being used.
"Some of these leases have been passed on from generation to generation and no one else can get their foot in the door unless someone give it up," said a local resident who looked into the availability of a fishing camp. "Everyone wants to have the beachfront lots, but there are others further back along the ship channel that are less desirable."
The port does not permit the structures to be permanent, but looking at the structures, it is obvious that a person could live in relative comfort as long as there is drinking water and stored water for domestic purposes.
But it is the "clubby" aspect of the way these fishing camps leases have been handled at the port which bothers people who want a chance to rent a prime space. Some suggest that the port should institute a lottery system open to all that could be drawn on a yearly basis and limited to a set time (1-3 years?) before there is another drawing for the spot.
"They ought to start a new method, otherwise it will be the same old connected individuals who will continue to enjoy these prime properties subsidized by the port taxpayers," said one. "Where can you go and get a place to stay on prime beachfront property for $43 a month? You can;t even get a motel room that cheap. You have to have connections to get one."
fake pictures fake news
Puro pinche gringo vote madera so the same racist profiling can continue at the port at Mexican taxpayers expense. CULEROS
oh my gosh! what corruption we have going on here!
This will inevitably break the bank!! What will we tell the Steel Company?! How can we sustain this with $17 per month!! I demand a forensic audit immediately! It was Elizondo!! He took the money!!!
If they are all WHITES, then say it, you fucking coward!
Let El Marrano Erasmo Castro step foot in them and he will level them all.
Someone should examine all port property leases.
Some tenants have established themselves with some sweet deals for years.
They are all WHITE fucking pendejo (idiot).
The are ALL ANGLOS fucking pendejo (idiot)!!!
uuy uuy que miedo pendejo gringo.
Fuck you, you racist.
Yeah racist come in all colors.
Specially in white.
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