Wednesday, May 23, 2018


By Juan Montoya

Few people noticed an agenda item in the City of Brownsville commission's agenda last week approving the issuance of $26 million in utility revenue bonds for the Public Utility Board (PUB).

On its face, it may be deemed one of those "bookkeeping" items that the commission is periodically called to approve to keep the utility in cash. But if you look at the issue a little closer, it's apparent  that the maneuver is just one more instance of the city commission giving the PUB honchos the green light to do as they damn well please...again.

Now, to the average household in Brownsville, with it's $15,217 annual income, $26 million is a chunk of money. But it's noting compared to the more than $100 million that the utility has accrued as a result of the hike in utilities to its rate payers.

Starting January of 2013 – a month after PUB CEO John Bruciaks' push for higher rates – electric rates increased by 36 percent from 2013 to 2016, water rates 20 percent from 2013 to 2016, and waste water services 6 percent and will stay there indefinitely.

The plant was supposed to be finished in the summer of 2017 and generate 800 MWs of power, 200MW of which were to go to the city, and the other 600 to be sold in the open market by the private utility company. There was one hitch, however. By the time that the plans were drawn up, there was a glut of electricity on the grid, and there were no customers to buy the extra power.

But not to worry, Tenaska lawyers – and the PUB board and its lawyers – had agreed in the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) that the company did not have to start construction until it had found customers for the other 600 MWs. The money charged the rate payers of Brownsville – the poorest community in the United States – could continue to pile up unless the PUB honchos could find a place to funnel it, for the public good, of course.

Well, the rates are still artificially high and the money keeps piling up, and there's no electric plant on the horizon. The PUB and its lawyers in San Antonio are still fighting tooth-and-nail to keep the contents of the MOU secret and will continue to go to the Texas Attorney General to keep them from the public.

Meanwhile, the three top PUB executives have showered themselves with the public weal. We have documented that over a three year period after the rate hikes went into effect, the top three PUB executives gave themselves hefty raises. These are the same men who assured the public the plant would be built and that raising the rates to pay for the bonds to build it was the best strategy for the city and utility to follow. The PUB board approved their just rewards.

In fact, between 2013 to 2017, Bruciak's salary increased by 109,169 from $184,059 to $294,028. The latest bump for the sage and prescient manager and CEO was a $59,009 raise from 2016's $235,019 to his current 2017 salary of $294,028. (See graphic, click to enlarge.)

Think about it, these three men received raises of more than $100,000 each over three years equaling six and one half times the average annual income of Brownsville households, the very households that are being gouged by the higher electric rates for a non-existing electric plant.

With more than $100 million in extra cash laying around the PUB coffers and its top honchos like maggots cavorting atop the dung heap, why would the city approve another $26 million for them to play around with?

Revolutions have started for lesser sins than this. Where's our city commission? Where is our saintly mayor Tony Martinez?


The Captains Table said...

Thanks Montoya for bringing this to light. Come on Ben Neece

Anonymous said...

Soon we shall have the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira getting on as many corupt boards as possible, even the Mayor that's if the Mongoose don't get home first.

Anonymous said...

And the guys and gals that actually do the work ni fu, ni fa. Se Salen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ensign Bob for bringing to light so much about the man you want to be County Judge. It’s funny that you are prattling on about bringing things to light about PUB considering all of your posts on Treviño.

Come on Ensign Bob!!!!

Anonymous said...

The cat's out now see how sneaky (I've been here 50 years) pete and the rest of the city gang request the same pay raises.

Anonymous said...

Keep an eye out on future pay increases for city directors, forget about the labor force. Pete shit don't like anybody without a degree. THAT IS A FACT...

Anonymous said...

A few gems from Ensign Bob about Eddie Treviño, who Bob is now supporting:

“During the Abel Limas trial, Mr. Limas declared under oath during his trial that he took a bribe from Eddie Trevino in exchange for ad litem cases.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have covered bits of Mr. Trevino’s political career. The voters will be making a big mistake if he is voted in again.”

“He speer(sic)headed a salary increase for all the jailers at the County jail. Close to 300 of them. There were no raises for all other County employees. Why did Mr. Trevino do this? I’ll tell you why he did it. It’s because he campaigns with tax payer’s money. The Sheriff Department jailers have the most employees than any other section of Cameron County government. Eddie Trevino did this for votes.”

“Mr. Trevino is always about money for himself. Him first, and the citizens after. When he was Mayor and on the PUB Board, he wanted to SELL PUB because the PUB was in the red. I and other Board Members stopped the sale, implemented cost saving measures, and the PUB became financially strong again. PUB was not sold to one of Mr. Trevino’s friends and also a campaign donor of his. Then, Mr. Trevino jumps into the PUB as counsel and begins billing the PUB close to one million dollars per year while he was Cameron County Judge.”

“Eddie Treviño has always pushed the envelope in ways to abuse the trust of the voters. Doing the right thing is almost impossible for Eddie Trevino as it relates to public service ladies and gentlemen.”

Anonymous said...

OK! Now lets agree to go back to using candles, wood stoves, ice boxes and opening up our windows. Let's drive down dirt roads that hold no pot holes and maybe we can stop complaining about everything, even when we don't vote.

Anonymous said...

Ice boxes, windows? Drive? Drive what? Pot holes on dirt roads? Look at the voting results. An incumbent just got kicked out. Where were you? In the 18th century?

Anonymous said...

Hey PUB i want my money back from that Tenaka bullshit.PUB admin gave themselves outrages salary increases with the money from PUB rate hikes this is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Good try but Fuck you thats your comeback for stealing from the rate payers scumbag.City Commission where and what are you doing to get the tax payers and rate payers back there money from that Tenaska fiasco.??

Anonymous said...

At least we got rid of one Scumbag Oliveira, now that is one down and many more to go, let us see what happens with the mongoose and the Scumbag Oliveira.

Don Pedro said...

Juan, do you have any compadres that can help me get a job at PUB, I would like that CEO job, pays pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree!

Anonymous said...

You have to be white bro to work at a high paying job at PUB

Anonymous said...

Pagan Unified Baboons PUB
