His photo is not in the Brownsville Police Department inmate list, but we have received confirmation from multiple reliable sources that Carlos Rios, the losing candidate in the Texas Southmost College trustee race for Place 6 was arrested early this morning for Driving While Intoxicated.

They say he thrice became abusive and then went outside and got into his Tahoe, which bore one of his campaign signs stuck to the rear window. Rios then drove to the carry-out lane and fell asleep at the window until police were called to remove him because he was obstructing passage of other cars.
Police arrived and arrested him and had the Tahoe towed away.
Rios came in a close third during the TSC race for the seat held by incumbent Dr. Rey Garcia. He received 1,871 votes, or 30.13 percent. In the photo above he is seen with his mentor District 37 State Rep. Rene Oliveria, who was himself arrested for DWI April 27.
Garcia will face J.J. De Leon Jr. in a runoff election June 23.
He did not have Rene Oliveiras card with him, now see the difference between his treatment and that of the Rear-ender untouchable Black Mamba Rene Oliveira.
News Flash! - Now that Tony Grey is leaving the gravy train later this month, Rene is already courting another B-ville reporter - Steve Clark - and has already paid him $$$ to write a favorable piece in the Herald recently.
If only people would use the bike trails.
Juan, the one thats drunk or mariguano is you..
Where is FM 492 (Bob Torres)?
I know a FM 802 (Ruben M. Torres) but not a 492 Bob Torres!
Cheap shit, bro! If you have goods on Rene, dish them. Why be a pussy?
I kept saying this guy was an imbecile, a moron, and a joke!
Selling himself as a “decent young man” pffft
Pues look at his master, he is learning well from him.
Birds of a feather...
Well there's 1871 stupid voters out there somewhere, voting for another stupid candidate.
At least he fell asleep and not on my the road and Rear-end a little car or into another evehicle. I wonder what he is treated like by the D A.
This is the same baboso that took advantage of a photo opportunity with anything that had a pulse thinking that was the way to win a campaign foregoing any notion of a platform. If I were him I'd be looking into my 501C because he won't be hired by any company including a 401K. Or is it the other way around?? Hey Carlos would you please clarify?
What a Pendejo.
Bob Torres? LOL Ay raza!!!
If he wins it will all be in vien, just to see the untouchable Black Mamba Rene Oliveira hang his head in shame, as the D A will not be able to help him with a deferred adjudication. This will be a Federal matter, for tax evasion, fraud, pimping unethical behavior with clients and much more. To see this will be worth the wait when he is celebrating his win. If he looses it will be added fuel to the already burning fire.
FM802(B) Bob Torres is a the new express going from 14th St. to Cobbledicks. Its the new toll road the charge is a six pack of your favorite brew. It's the only legislation introduced by OUR illustrious State Representative in 35 years of public service. Gee thanks Reni...
So what's knew with this politicians...JJ De Leon had a sexual abuse case filed against him at Bisd
They have not started on the sexual abuse claims yet with Tricky Dicky Ren`e Oliveira, this has been a long time habit on his. The only thing stopping him from being reported was his power.
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