(Ed.'s Note: Not a day goes by that we don't witness scenes like the one above.
In fact, this family group is lucky there's a stand of oleanders near the bus stop to take some shelter from the baking sun.
Meanwhile, bikers who take a leisurely cruise around town can do so and enjoy the ride. If they get tired, attractive rest shelters have been installed by the city to take a break.
If it's after dark, the city has implemented a glow stone trail project with a budget of $90,000 from department funds so they can't lose their way.
On the other hand, many times BUS riders have to wait under the baking sun or in rain or cold. And we have posted here before that the bus shelters procured by the BUS contractors lie unassembled in their bus barns.
Aside from not providing riders with shelter from sun and rain, there are few benches for the people to use. Whenever the question of shelters arise, it is predictable that the managers of BUS will announce publicly that they have just spent gazillions to buy chingos of them. But where are they?

Toward that end, they passed something called the Complete Streets Resolution #2012-056 adopted on October 2, 2012. One of the provisions adopted by the commission was that 10 percent of any transportation-related Certificates of Obligation go to bike and hike trails.
When the city paid to be named an All-American City, did anyone ask about priorities?)
I voted for Rose Gowen and will vote her again! Civilized people do not live in tacos alone!
Rose Gowen may ride a bicycle, but she will never catch a bus.
you'll get shade and benches when it's not just MEXICANS involved.
Just tired of whining Mexicans. BUY A CAR!!!!
Why aren't shaded bus stops part of the "Pedestrian" improvements????
During the tenure of Tony Martinez and Rose Zavaleta Gowen this city has lost its direction. The city has forgotten its taxpayers and seems to be playing to "special interests". We even have now a racist city councilman who surely is beholding to Tony for not forcing him to swallow his racist pride and resign.
The City of Brownsville, unguided and without leadership, continues to swirl down the toilet while other Valley cities prosper. Thanks Tony!
Erasmo Castro se la come!
Another wanna be white you can tell by her supporter's racist republicans posting racial rants. Los zavaletas just like the oliveiras and some of her elists "meskin" friends have always thought of themselves as white. Too bad zavaletas have dark skin. Mierda todo el timepo flota. Michael Jackson did it, change his color from black to white but he had REAL money not like these elists with a few pesetas.
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