Wednesday, May 23, 2018


By Juan Montoya

A local mom whose daughter is enrolled in the Hanna Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) has field a complaint with the Brownsville Police Department charging that ROTC officers and the Brownsville Independent School District administration have perpetrated strong-arm robbery (theft) against high school students.

The mom – who wishes to remain anonymous to blog readers to protect the identity of her juvenile daughter – charges that the policy of the ROTC program to make sales of car wash tickets mandatory on all students to raise funds for its annual military ball amounts to theft.

According to the complaint, the mother says that participation in the sale of car wash tickets is mandatory, and not voluntary as the program and school administrators claim.

She further submitted evidence to the police and administrators that students are told not to return unsold tickets, but rather to pay for them out of their personal funds.
In the JROTC syllabus handed to all students, one of the "required activities" includes mandatory participation in fundraising activities "such as car washes."

4.Fund Raising Activities such as car washes,…
5. Military Ball (May 5, 2018 at Ringgold Civic Pavilion)

This fundraiser is to pay for the military ball held in May and cadets get a participation grade, she said.

"During each semester at school they hold two car washes. Prior to each car wash the cadets are handed out 10 car wash tickets valued at $5 each; seniors get less. Before the tickets are handed out one of the instructors tells the class, “Don’t bother bringing me back the tickets you do not sell; bring me the money, but do not bring me back unsold tickets.”

And during pass-downs (where a cadet speaks for the instructor or Commanding Officer about daily tasks, information, etc) the students say they are told, “Do not bring back the tickets. If you cannot sell the tickets, give them away for free or throw them away and pay out of your own pocket.”
(The mom attached a video taken of an instructor telling the students they do not want the unsold tickets returned, just the money.)

After car wash, if students did not sell all the tickets, the instructors will call students outside the classroom during class time and tell the student how much they owe. They do this for a couple of weeks, she said.

If they still have not recouped the money by the second (last) carwash they will attach the tickets they did not sell for first car wash onto the new tickets. If a kid did not sell 2 tickets from the first car wash, instead of 10 tickets they will get 12 tickets. The harassment by the instructors, she said, starts all over again if the student does not sell all of them.

The mom says that although she encourages her daughter to participate, she says the pressure of the ticket sales interferes with her going to school, to doctor’s appointments because of her physical problems, and her assistance to care of her brother, a special needs five-year-old.

Add helping with dinner, doing homework, and her chores. Since the mom was busy with all  that, she didn't have the time to help her daughter sell the tickets and she tried on her own.

As a result, her child ended up paying out of pocket and did not tell her, she said. But when the student told her there was a second mandatory car wash sale requirement, she got fed up and called the school.

Then the fun started.

On April 16 she called Hanna High School to speak with the principal only to be routed to Asst. Principal Rocio Ramos. Unbeknownst to her, her cadet child paid $10 out of her own pocket to the JROTC. The receipt showed she still "owed" $35.

When Asst. Principal Ramos did not reply, she emailed every working email on Hanna’s directory for Principal and Assistant Principals and CC’ed everyone together the following message:

"To whom it may concern,

My name is (So and So), and I contacted Assistant Principal, Rocio Ramos, yesterday via voicemail at 1pm, about something concerning your JROTC program. I left a message stating the instructors were shaking down students to pay up for car wash tickets that students did not end up selling for a fundraiser. I waited 24 hours for a response prior to sending this email.

This fundraiser, I assume, is paying for the military ball coming up on the 5 th of May. As a family member of soldiers and a Marine, I understand the need for them to sell tickets in order to recoup the cost of the facility, food, music, décor, etc. From what I understand, this ball is mandatory for the JROTC program and also a military tradition.

"Also, nowhere in the course syllabus does it state it is mandatory to sell everything a student has during a fundraiser or pay out of their own pocket. Do the other parents know that they are doing this to the students? I know for a fact that squadrons and battalions do not do this in the military to their soldiers.

"My concern is that 1SG Robinson and Captain Velasco are unaware that 41 percent of Brownsville residents fall below the poverty line, and 48.8 percent are children that live in poverty. I don’t mind my kid getting shook down for $10-15, but when majority of the students are getting harassed and some for more money than $5-10, I have a problem with it."

Still receiving no answer, she emailed BISD superintendent Esperanza Zendejas and her administrative team:

“Brownsville Independent School District,
My name is (So and So). My child attends Hanna High School. We have had issues with the JROTC program for the past year and a half due to harassment of students for monies owed for services not rendered. I have expressed my concern by voice mail with Rocio Ramos and I sent a detailed email to all top staff with no hesitation to respond by administration. I am requesting you look into this matter and refund all the money to every student who paid out of pocket for fundraising tickets not sold. This is a criminal and a civil violation.

"Instructors of the JROTC program are harassing students to pay $5 per ticket not sold to the school. This happened twice last year, earlier this year, and again. Please read through email sent to staff at Hanna High attached to this email. This explains enough.

"You are responsible for the actions occurring on campus by staff members. I am requesting the money be returned to all the students within ten (10) days. If I cannot get a response from BISD quickly (24hrs) I will assume impasse and will file a report with the Brownsville Police Department.

"I prefer any future or further communication to be via email for legal purposes. Please do not telephone."

Zendejas, to her surprise, answered her email, but what she wrote only exasperated the mom.

“Ms. (So and So),
"We will look into this matter immediately. As you well know many of our high school students get involve with fundraising activities to support numerous activities for their clubs and organization. Participation in these fundraising activities is voluntary.

Thank you,
Dr. Esperanza Zendejas

The mom fired off a response to Zendejas:

"Dr, Zendejas,
Car wash fundraisers are not voluntary. They are also graded. Please see attachment. I spoke with Ms Ramos on the phone yesterday at 12:47 p.m. She stated she would look into the matter. I have still no word as to whether the money paid of out pocket by all students will be paid. By 5 p.m. today I will file a police report if I am not assured kids will be getting their money back. I would also like to know if JROTC needs help with the remaining needed funds for the ball.”

To make the long story short, she said that Hanna Principal Blanca Lambarri had the instructors pay her daughter back $35 she was about to pay out of her own pocket for the tickets and thought the matter had been put to rest. But she did not see it that way.

"I told her 'no ma’am, you still owe my child money, and from last year too. You also owe every kid who paid out of pocket for unsold tickets as well.”

Dissatisfied that the JRPTC administrators, the Hanna Principal, the BISD administrators and the BISD Police Department have been stalling her on her theft complaint, the mom is threatening to file small claims lawsuit in a local court to force the school to return the money to the students they forced to pay this year and the year before.

"I feel bad when my child converses with others at school and they say, 'Yea my parents don’t have money so I used any extra money I had' or 'I was going to get snacks after school near Cameron park with that money', etc.., etc..., etc...,

"These kids can hardly afford a good pair of shoes to wear the entire year," she said. "I am honestly proud of them all for staying in school and passing classes. Last thing they need are shakedowns by people in positions of power."

(P.S. After the posting of this story, the mom reports that the BISD PD investigator is finally asking for the hand written notes provided her by other kids in similar situation as her daughter. Is it possible something will actually be done to set this matter straight?)


Anonymous said...

I am interest to know how this turns out.

Anonymous said...

Tip of the iceberg. These idiots have a salary of over 90k and three months off. What gives????

Anonymous said...

90k and three months off?

You're the idiot for posting an imbecilic comment like that. Funny how the ones who don't know what they're talking about are the ones who talk the most shit.

Anonymous said...

Hanna is falling to pieces special serv needs dept now this what gives.What does Terri Alacron do during the day the school is down the street.

Anonymous said...

90K and three months OFF is correct, the truth hurts moron. Imbecilie? Learn to spell first before posting menso...IT'S Imbecile TYPICAL BISD TEACHER AND THEY CALL THEMSELVES EDUCATORS HA BOLA BE MENSOS...

Anonymous said...

Yall talkin bout Apples and oranges
One regerring to 90k per year for adminis traitors and one is talking about teachers.
And FYI administrators work 1 extra month in the summer.

Anonymous said...

TO ANONYMOUS @May 23, 2018 at 2:53 PM

Those months off are pro-rated, and ARE NOT PAID TIME OFF. Example: By contract: You work 9 months, and your pay in split into 12 months. Your work 10 months, your pay is split into 12 months. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

Anonymous said...

Fighting over salaries months off is NOT helping something that is hurting a population that is vulnerable and those are the students.
1 out of 5 ROTC student gets a military scholarship
ONLY TOP 5 and TOP 10 seniors get recognized in military ball and ONLY IF you've been in ROTC 4 yrs.
You GET OUT of their military program and the government gets involved (why are their numbers down?)

Anonymous said...

Maybe DR Z can donate from her slush fund aka "dollars for scholars". She charges teachers $1 per day to be able to wear blue jeans. In May she throws a big party with catering at the Ambassador event center. (Actually she throws 2 parties but 1 is to recognize bisd alumni). Im sure she could donate a few $$ to the military ball.

Anonymous said...

One more time, for those that don't get it into their head, teachers do not get 3 months off. Besides that, it is not a paid vacation. Sometime back in the 60's the teachers requested that their yearly salary be divided into 12 equal payments to make it so that they could receive a salary during the summer month. Get that through your heads. And, for the "no-spelling-mistakes" blogger, who taught you how to spell? Who taught you how to type? The reason most parents complain about the summer months is because they must now live up to the commitment of being a parent, getting up in the morning and feeding your child a bag of potato chip and nachos. You can see the difference at HEB when the students are off from class schedules since the parents now have to fix their lunches. I do see that somewhere, someone is not following BISD policy when it come to selling fund raising items. It is voluntary and so you as the parent, make it an issue to personally return the items or the tickets to the person directly in charge and see what they do. I am sure they will not put up a fight. No fund raising, no military balls, no fun trips, no field trips, since the legislature keeps finding ways to cut the monies coming into the district for instructional purposes in the district. Check it out and get involved at your campus, make yourself known as a "watch-dog" but most importantly, get involved in your children's activities. I wonder if Little Lucy is in ROTC? I ask to see if I can figure out who this parent may be? Sure sounds like her!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope ROTC staff will make good this wrong.
Thank you El Runn Runn and the anonymous parent for making all Brownsville aware.

Anonymous said...

Blogger 6:18, how much do you donate if you even pay school taxes? Dr. Zendejas has been the only superintendent that has taken the initiative to donate her own funds for many, many, activities but the community only hears of some of the many for since the blog owners are paid by those that are envious of her and her success and knowledge, nothing good is ever printed about her contributions.

The "blue jean joking fine" is accepted by the staff as a fun-activity and besides, a teacher in blue jeans gives the same impression that the mayor does with his blue jeans. The problem is that pride of profession is not there anymore and it is a shame. If we don't watch it, pretty soon all professions will allow pajamas as an acceptable attire.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Z is full of shit!!

Anonymous said...

Terri Alarcon needs to go too !!
She thinks she is so hot ...

ferny said...

Hanna needs a new principal.

Anonymous said...

Bla Bla Bla it hurts when the citizens complain about teachers taking off three months with pay, and try to convince the populous that its not true. NOBODY in this universe does that, give their employees THREE, NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT THREE (3) (tres) MONTHS OFF WITH PAY, and they still complain pinche huevones, mamones. I have to admit there are teachers that deserve this Fringe Benefit, but not all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the parent is getting involved disgruntled BISD employee.

Anonymous said...

Yep sorry! but she looks like a deer caught in headlights.

Anonymous said...

@May 23, 2018 at 4:46 PM

"Imbecilic" is an adjective. If you would bother to look it up, rather than being the imbecile that you are, you 'd see the definition is:

1. of, relating to, or characteristic of an imbecile.
2. contemptibly stupid, silly, or inappropriate.

I was not calling you an imbecile. I was calling your comment imbecilic. Hardly anybody on the staff gets close to 90K a year, and they don't get three months off, particularly if you're talking about administrators. I'm sure I'm wasting my time trying to explain it to you, but teachers and administrators stay longer than the students do, and report sooner than the students do. That, coupled with the fact that the school year is going to be starting sooner next year, doesn't add up to three months.

It's clear you don't have command of the English language, and apparently it appears you don't know how to count, either.

Like I said, los que hablan no saben.

Anonymous said...

I guess some of you will never understand that teachers don't get three months off, and they certainly don't get three months off with pay. People have tried to explain it to you, but I guess you're all just too stupid to understand it.

Everybody always takes a shit on teachers. Try doing it sometime. See what you think then. Again, those who don't know what they're talking about are the ones who post like they know everything.

Anonymous said...

Cut the salaries and expenses to the board members, that will save Millions of dollars.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not too long ago they had a Major Salinas who led the program after Maj Ervin retired after many years. He stole from the JROTC program and it went pretty quietly. They used to sell Christmas trees to pay for these things. I wonder why they switched to car washes? This program has gone downhill since Ervin and First Seargent Ochoa retired. How sad. They had national titles for unarmed drill.

Anonymous said...

The program isn’t what it used to be. Ask about Major Salinas and where the money went. Before he came in they were nationally ranked number 1 in unarmed drill and the program was excellent under Ervin and Ochoa. Very sad, and it’s the kids who suffer.

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled. They are lies.

Anonymous said...

We donate enough to attend the gala at the ambassador. We pay over $8000 in property taxes blogger @ 1911 hrs. What is your point?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of ambassador ....

Anonymous said...

Como padre de dos hijos que estan en banda (en HS), pues es un compromiso con la escuela y con nuestros hijos apoyarlos para su beneficio (en cualquier club o actividad escolar).
y con apoyo me refiero.... vender boeltos, ir a juntas, ser voluntaria, ir a el estadio a vender cuando tenemos home-games, etc etc y etc
el dinero sera usado para el beneficio de nuestros hijos.
y mi punto es, casi siempre, los que mas se quejan, son los padre que ni participan y ni enterados estan de lo que pasa dentro del club/deporte/actividad en que su hijo/a esta involucrado.

Anonymous said...

May 24, 2018 at 10:00 AM
Typical BISD teacher you give your colleagues a bad taste and a bad name. How many "dicks"ionaries do you have to reference your comments? Can't think on your own? You want to lecture on the english language. Porbre estudiantes not porbre maestros. Your lack of knowledge procures you to be addressed as a professor. Lowly teacher...
YOU have no shame to deny you get paid 3 (three, tres) months for DOING NOTHING. BRAZEN SHAME


El burro siempre rebuzna, aunque le pongan cuernos

Anonymous said...

It doesn't change the fact that you corrected me despite the fact that the word I used wasn't wrong.

I guess the old adage is true. Never argue with a drunk or a fool.

Anonymous said...

0025-I have read the article and read all the comments. I have never posted a comment on anyone's blog before but this subject is very close to my heart. I am a product of BISD and the JROTC program back in the day when MAJ Ervin was in charge. I believe we are missing the point here and going in circles.

Anonymous said...

And again, I know I'm wasting my time, but teachers don't get paid three months for doing nothing. It's been explained to you ad nauseam how a teacher's pay is divided equally among 12 months so they can get a paycheck when they are off. It isn't a paid vacation. Again, I know this is a monumental waste of time, but it's a simple fact.

Typical uneducated response from someone who probably couldn't even get through high school, let alone college. Yet another buffoon who thinks teachers are overpaid, or that they don't do anything, or that they get summers "off." Same pathetic mentality of a simpleton who thinks they can do what teachers do. Try it sometime.

Yet another one of those jaibas who is miserable with their position in life, so they have to go around thinking they know everything, being negative, and pulling everybody else down to their level. Stay classy.

Anonymous said...

0025 What I see is ONE parent being disappointed the way JROTC is run and believes (1) she has the voice of all parents which she doesn't, (2) according to the article she believes she knows all the regulations of JROTC/Army because she has members in the Armed Forces, (3) not aware that the instructors are aware 41% and 48% live in poverty, (4)she also believed that she could raise $1000.00 in a short period of time with a GoFundme page, and (5) is just making excuses to either get attention or even money from the district.
1. She does not have the voice of the rest of the parents. She is only one of hundreds of parents who has complaint. I would understand if this was the first year, but she stated this was the second year her daughter is in JROTC. You mean to tell me that you as a parent are so busy that you do not know what your child is doing during a fundraiser for school or given up money for a club in 2 years. The car washes have been going on for years now and there has been no issues. Cadets understand their responsibilities. First year parents can communicate with instructor any day of the year to get a better understanding of what is going on.

Anonymous said...

0025 2. She stated that squadard and battalions don't do this to their soldiers, again she is wrong. Even though this has nothing to do with the topic, because you are not comparing soldiers to high school cadets, in the military we pay out of own pocket for our military balls. yes we might get some help from the branch services but we still pay out of pocket.

3. Yes all instructors in the valley are aware that residents in the valley live below the poverty line. Why do you think they provide as much as help as possible, they provide all equipment, transportation, uniform, meals and anything needed to accomplish the task the JROTC program has. The military ball is one event that the army/district does not provide money for. It falls under formal event, which by the way it can also be an award ceremony in school with uniform. The Brownsville schools (JROTC) have done a military ball since I remember and it is not just a party or dance. The cadets are shown and taught military customs and courtesies. The cadets have to step up with the fundraisers in order to have a military ball. Instructors do not request money from the Army or District. They get the mission done, and provide something special for the cadets.

Anonymous said...

0025- 4. This parent believed that she could do better the instructors by opening a GoFundMe page to get money for the military ball. She only got $125.00 which by the way if I am not mistaking she or a family member donated $50. Out of those $125.00 she might get $87 because of the fees that goFundMe has. Also one of the comments left was F**K the system, which tells me that we are dealing with people that have no idea what is going on. It is not easy to raise the money for a military ball as she might have thought.

5. I do not know why she is doing all this; simple answer would have been to talk to the instructors and clear things out. The instructors are retired military personnel, who tells me that they have server for at least 20 years, they have been successful individuals in their careers, and are professionals. My theory is that this lady is going after the money. She wants a quick payday, think about it why would she not be satisfied when the school returned the $35.00? Why make a statement of "No Ma'am, you still owe my child money from last year..." Again why not bring this up last year? Why not settle this like grown up people and have a talk with the instructors/principal why threaten with civil court? is she going to sue for the money from last year? or does she want to sue the district for thousands of dollars, like con artists do when given the opportunity. Once again she has no voice for the rest of the parents so she can not represent the rest of the cadets.

Anonymous said...

Wow what anger YOU people have no shame You don't work for three months and you get paid, sad thing here is you deny it and you are proud that you get paid for a job you didn't do, and you continue to bite the hand that feeds YOU. Bunch of PENDEJOS you barely got through college and now you feel that the citizens owe you.

Anonymous said...

FACE THE FACTS THREE MONTHS AND YOU GET PAID FOR DOING "NOTHING", "NOTHING", "NOTHING", "NOTHING", "NOTHING", "NOTHING". Why such anger, it's a fact. Everybody knows it and everybody HATES it. Except los huevones y mamones...

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're a bunch of wetbacks (mojados) and think they're in mejico lindo and the citizens are not allowed to criticize teachers. Look it up its called "FREEDOM OF SPEECH", freedom of speech is the first amendment. In case you idiots don't know...

By the way ALL of the negative comments YOU TEACHERS ARE MAKING about the taxpayers are wrong. YOUR THREE MONTHS PAID VACATION is a fact.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're a bunch of wetbacks (mojados) and think they're in mejico lindo and the citizens are not allowed to criticize teachers. Look it up its called "FREEDOM OF SPEECH", freedom of speech is the first amendment. In case you idiots don't know...
By the way ALL of the negative comments about the citizens that are making negative comments about YOUR THREE MONTHS PAID VACATION ARE DEAD WRONG.

Anonymous said...

Ad libbed the topic of three months off without pay ad nauseam Ad infinitum

Anonymous said...

Let me break iy down. Teachers work 184 days a year. A calandR year has 365 days
365 minus 184 equals 181 daus left subtract 100 days from that (equivolent or average of saturdays and mondays in a year) and you are left with 81 days. Those 81 days do not equal 3 months. (And those 81 days include christmas, thanksgiving and spring break) so roughly teachers get about 50 days off in the summer. That friends, is not 3 months off. Que dios los bendiga.

Anonymous said...

Again, I understand you are stubborn, and I get that you're simply a troll who is trying to get a rise out of people, but you are still wrong.

First of all, First Amendment is capitalized, but that's neither here nor there. If you read through the comments, nobody is making negative comments about taxpayers, and nobody is making negative comments about anybody who isn't a teacher.

For some reason, you have something personal against those who are teachers, and have chosen this comment thread as your means of attack. You attacked me because you were under the impression that I spelled something wrong when I hadn't. Then, when I pointed out that you were wrong, you continued on your tirade.

Again, it just seems that you're angry that teachers don't have to work during the majority of the summer, and you keep on saying it's a paid vacation. Just because you keep saying something over and over again doesn't make it true, although I'm sure in your mind as long as you keep saying it, it's true in your imagination. Again, that's not how it works. Teachers don't get a paid vacation. Their paychecks are divided up in 12 equal monthly payments so they can receive paychecks during the summer.

I'm sure you'll just keep thundering back with your "all caps" attack about having a paid vacation. I've tried explaining it to you, and your stubbornness has not allowed any of the information I've tried to provide to go through. I'll end my comment with this, and comment no further.

The last day teachers have to report to work this school year is on June 12. The first day teachers have to report to school for the next school year is August 13. If you add all the days between those two dates, you come up with 62 days. I don't know if you know how many days are in a month, but that comes out to two months and one day. There are also 18 weekend days in there, along with the 4th of July, so if you subtract 19 from the 62 days, it's even less than two months.

Again, there is so much hatred and bitterness in your comments that one can come to the conclusion that you really, really hate teachers. I have tried explaining things to you, but the simple fact is some people are just so stubborn they don't want to be taught anything. I guess you're perfectly happy going through life bitter and angry at everybody and everything.

I actually feel sorry for you. You have my sympathy. Many people have tried explaining things to you, but I guess it just doesn't work.

You can't fix stupid, I guess.

You have a wonderful day, now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Cut the salaries and expenses to the board members, that will save Millions of dollars.

May 24, 2018 at 10:10 AM

Board Members do not get Salaries.

Anonymous said...

Bla bla bla you people get 3-3-3-3-3 months off with pay huevones no tienen verwensa, and all of you are NOT highly educated as some pendejos insinuated on earlier postings. Making fun and insulting the hand that feeds you THE TAXPAYER...

Anonymous said...

To 2:08 PM
Please do not post until you learn the keyboard go back to comp 101 and maybe you can pickup something new and I hope you're NOT A TEACHER...

Anonymous said...

You think LNG will give all employees 3 three tres months of with pay? It should be a universal law ALL EMPLOYEES MUST GET THREE (TRES) MONTHS OFF WITH PAY. Maybe trump will go for this...Naa I don't think so they're not stupid.

Anonymous said...

How did this issue turn to the teachers? People dont let the comments distract you from the real issues here.The focus should be that dept head ,principles, Alarcon and the Superintendent.,Yes some teachers are fantastic and some are idiots move on.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. I was on my cell. Yes I am a former educator. Nimodo. Whatbis your degree in?
El 1408.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA "Otra vez la burra de maíz" to the person (s) who insist that teachers get unearned pay for 3 months off. We tried to explain it to you, but we can't understand it for you. You know you can try to ask your employer for the same thing if it bothers you how teachers paychecks work. Tell them you want 3 months off in the summer, you'll work 9 months but you'd like to get those earnings split in 12 months.

Anonymous said...

They should cut the 3 months salaries and buy equipment or school supplies that the students NEED. This is a sham. No work no pay.

Anonymous said...

Each parent should pay for his/her own kids expenses. No fundraisers, just parents doing their duty.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they get mordidas

Anonymous said...

To Post May 23, 2018 at 7:11 PM, you are incorrect! I bet Dr Z. Is not the only superintendent to donate her own funds to help. Thing is she is the only one who waves her donations in the air to make sure everyone sees what she calls generous donations, before she donates. All those who praise her have tons of skeletons in their closets. Esa mujer es pura transa! She is such a fake uneducated person. Just listen to her speak!

Anonymous said...

To Post May 23, 2018 at 7:11 PM, you are incorrect! I bet Dr Z. Is not the only superintendent to donate her own funds to help. Thing is she is the only one who waves her donations in the air to make sure everyone sees what she calls generous donations, before she donates. All those who praise her have tons of skeletons in their closets. Esa mujer es pura transa! She is such a fake uneducated person. Just listen to her speak!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you can't fix stupid. We can continue to explain until our figurative faces are blue but this person is just being a heckler. He is simply getting off on contradicting all the comments stating facts about our salaries. Congrats on your 15 minutes of notariety.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Obama

Anonymous said...

I disagree with you,teachers know better when they are doing wrong but reataliation falls in to play here Teachers are to scared to speak up!! My son went to this school and the same thing happened if you make the effort to sell those tickets you will. But still schools should not force kids to sell anything at all, if the want to go and participate in dance pay out of your pocket. I dont see why schools use that as "If you dont go you will fail class thats considered a Grade" thats not a grade stupid teachers,thats were the mistake is.

Anonymous said...

All this principals should be changed every year to their perspective grade level of their education status. starting from elementry to highschool some jump from being highschool principals to going into Elementry. They need education before they make a jump like that what the hell do they know from being around High school students to Elementry students. Mrs. Zendejas are you the stupid one doing those wrong choices if so you will be out pretty soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Felicidades thats your choice dont forget that nobody put you there, if you are defending yourself as an administrator why get offended. I know several school office an administration that does nothing for her school this coming year 2018-2019 she better watch out with me (concerened parent)I will be up her butt sniffing her shit if i have too. Its pr-k- 5th Grade levels.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ma'am, but some of you all dont work, and still get paid,right Counselor Chirinos from Del Castillo Elementry.

Anonymous said...

"Parents should get involved" I asked so many questions in my kids school they treat me like a Queen when I walk into that school, but they do that cuz i am a fisty fighter, but for whats right for my kids they are small and how can they defend themselves.

Anonymous said...

Get new Principals in this schools fresh off collages students applying for their positions.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you some work and deserve it but some just got to go! I am a parent my kids attend elementry level and huevonas ay muchas in that school!!

Anonymous said...

Things change lady get out your bubble, maybe it was great for your daughter congrats!! But dont put your two cents if your daughter is no longer there.

Anonymous said...

Ma'am take off caps when type, you just said in the previous message your daughter no longer is in that school, what a nut stuck in the same bubble.

Anonymous said...

They get vacation pay on top of the 3 months, sick leave pay, funeral leave, ALL holidays OFF, plus charro days, conference meeting every other week and they still COMPLAIN!!! Forgot they also have an assistant with a funny title.
This is just the tip of the ICEBERG...

Anonymous said...

If you are a teacher and posting here to defend YOUR Three months off with pay PLEASE, PLEASE, go back to school and learn to write. I hate to see my children pick up your ugly habits. Your Writing Is An Embarrassment, elementary level is too advance for all of you memsos. SERIOUS...

Anonymous said...

Let me break iy down. Teachers work 184 days a year.

Can't spell, can't write, and work only 184 days a year. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to remove my children from BISD school monday and move them to a private school. Opps I forgot BISD is on holiday VACATION!!!!

Anonymous said...

To la pendeja at May 25, 2018 at 3:47 PM

I bet you haven't written (and really bad grammatically) that much since high school, because you would have FLUNK college with the writing rant you just wrote...

Anonymous said...

Those months off are pro-rated, and ARE NOT PAID TIME OFF.


Anonymous said...

It's Juan Montoya who trolls on his own comments to get more hits and adrevenue. I'm one of his friends. He told me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ensenate a Escribir pendeja! For all you memsos!!mensos babosa! i love this blog even them teacher think they know it all.

Anonymous said...

Eres una memsos, I mean mensa!

Anonymous said...

You know you can try to ask your employer for the same thing

We as TAXPAYERS not pay taxes (to BISD)for those three months and we can call it even!

Anonymous said...

Trois, drei, tres, tre, drie, три, and three months OFF with PAY your tax dollars at [sic] work?

Anonymous said...

Passed one of the high schools yesterday and I saw a bunch of educators (teachers) running out the back door with air plane tickets in theirs hands. Can't wait for June...

Anonymous said...

High school biology teacher, 34, accused of having sex with student
Fox News Sun, Jun 3 2:00 AM CDT

It's safer to got to a bar then to school now a days!!!
